Showing posts with label Soul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soul. Show all posts

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Fantasy Faire: The Sea Dragon's Adventure

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Kaiju, a young Sea Dragon, had been enjoying gem-combing on the ocean floor with his pet Sharkpoo when he heard the laughter of 3 women. He had never seen a mermaid before, and now there were three! He forgot all about collecting gems. The girls were so cute and excitedly talking about a great gathering of mythical creatures. He stalked them, always keeping himself well hidden. But once they were in open ocean, he couldn't hide anymore. They screamed. He screamed. And after many awkward apologies and reassurances he didn’t intend to eat them, he was invited to swim along on the journey to the Fantasy Faire! He was so excited. He looked up at the rippling surface of the water, and wondered what amazing sights he would see.

ITS FANTASY FAIRE TIME! Time to raise some funds for a good cause and celebrate all things fantasy.  Fantasy Faire website is rich with daily blog posts, a calendar of events, list of items for sale, stores and locations, information on the hud based Quest game, and more. Check it out: FantasyFaireSL website

I have a confession to make, of all the years I have created characters for the faire, this guy is my favorite. He just looks amazing.  I took so many pictures, it was hard to pick only one. lol (Bonus image is below). His creation was inspired by the many fun and beautiful merfolk items at the Faire. For this post I would like to highlight, a New-to-me-store, Tonkatihead. The store is on the Isles of Aquarius sim, and is full of cute and adorable creations that really give that fun festival feel like  whale shark balloons, waving sharks, ... it was just so much fun. And its not animesh, so the land impact is pretty low.  The dragon in Seadragon is proviced by the Ambix Geode Dragon Horns, Animesh tail, and dragon bento wings. They come with a hud to change out the textures. For the tail and Wings, just right click them to bring up a menu to change the animations or for static poses. For the body tattoos, I layered the fun Forest Fantasy Store's Jellyfish with Soul's Agamidae. The colorful mohawk is by Ni.Ju and comes with a texture hud for a wide range of colors. The bang can be repositioned, and its Mod. The hair bases are also mod and come in a variety of styles. The gemstone earrings are by Vortech. I so wanted to get a great image of the Aii Riptide mertail, but it was tricky to show so many things at once. You see it in the bonus image below. The tail comes with a lot of textures, has animations built in and if you right click it, you can pick animations, and a great bonus the alternative  hip style. Its wonderful and has fits for all the major mesh bodies, male and female. This is the Best Male Mertail to date! 

Also, for "Mer May," SecondLife has released several mermaid themed last names. You can read more about it on the official forum.

on Him, Kaiju the Sea Dragon:
Pet: TONKATIHEAD TH-: Waving Shark - C [mesh](Fantasy Faire - Isles of Aquarius)(299L)
Horns: AMBIX Geode Horns [mesh](Fantasy Faire - Dingir)(299L)
Wings: AMBIX Geode Wings [mesh](Fantasy Faire - Dingir)(399L)
Upper Tail: AMBIX Animesh Geode Tail [mesh](Fantasy Faire - Dingir)(499L)
Hair: NI.JU Ember Hair [mesh](Fantasy Faire - Spirits Crossing)(300L)
Hairscalp: NI.JU Ember Hairbases [mesh](Fantasy Faire - Spirits Crossing)(200L)
Tattoo 1: Soul .:S:. Tattoo: Agamidae EvoX, Classic (Fantasy Faire - WooHoo Bay)(599L)
Tattoo 2: Forest Fantasy Store [FFS] Jellyfish BODY EVOX - BLUE (Fantasy Faire - Fungalmire)(690L)
Lower Tail: Aii & Ego Riptide Mermaid Tail, Athletic [mesh](Fantasy Faire - Szystrum Synod)(2000L)
Earring: Vortech W-DARK CRYSTAL EARRING [mesh](Fantasy Faire - Dingir)(200L)
Claws: Static Hexxus Symbiote, Black Claw Legacy [mesh](450L)
Ears: Eclectica gargoyle ear, beastly version [mesh](285L)
Bubbles: Half-Deer Bubbles - Extra Big Group [mesh]
Eyes: GloomGalaxy Collection - Jupiter M [mesh]
Head: LeLUTKA Kane Evolution [mesh](3990L)
Body: TheShops [BODY] Athletic Meshbody (Legacy)(m) (1.0) [mesh](5000L)
Pose: [Black Tulip] The dance of the mermaid

Fairelands Junction ~ Sponsored by Secrets of Gaia

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Fantasy Faire : The Hidden City of Tenpyo

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Hidden beyond a snowy pass deep in the Nippon mountains, was the twelve hundred year old city of Tenpyo, the capital of the Oni Lands. Beautiful. Regal. A place untouched by modern times. It had been safely defended all these years. Until one day, the Benimurasaki Onmyōdō detected the evil miasma of the Unweaver had infiltrated their paradise.

The Fantasy Faire is back!
This post was inspired by the hat and veil by Hopscotch and the fun skin and tattoo by Soul and AERTH. Not to mention, this stunning sim created by Gabriel. Its a Must see! the Faire is open until May 8th. DO NOT MISS IT!   (Below the style card, is an FAQ for FF I made for those new to SL and the the Faire.)

On Him, the Benimurasaki Onmyōdō:
Veil: HopScotch Veiled Hat, posable [mesh](Fantasy Faire: Tenpyo)(225L)
Pet: ridi-ludi-fool obake medama-3 patapata [animesh](Fantasy Faire: Bassett Town)(80L)
Tattoo: AERTH Moon Tears Body Tattoo MAGENTA [BOM](Fantasy Faire: Atheneum)(200L)
Skin: SOUL .:S:. [G3] Dantela [F20] EVO, LEGACY M [BOM](Fantasy Faire: Atheneum)(1499L)
Necklace: who what magatama pendant- male [mesh](Fantasy Faire: Tenpyo)(210L)
Typing Effect: who what GOBOUSEI- [benimurasaki] male [mesh](Fantasy Faire: Tenpyo)(180L)
Pants: Gabriel ::GB:: Wa sarouel (Legacy) (C) Kurosame [mesh](Fantasy Faire: Tenpyo)(99L sale)
Hat: Maru Kado Suge Gasa White [mesh](100L)
Hair: Ginko Hair #22 Hair - Rigged Male, colorful [mesh](279L)
Arm wraps: CerberusXing Wraps (350L)
Belt: sakka Studio Ss.Kosode Nagoya-Obi [mesh](200L)
Collar: Bare Rose ::: B@R ::: Karakuriko C2 Kesa [mesh](190L)
Claws: L'Emporio&PL Oblio Vampire Claws male [mesh](350L)
Head: LeLUTKA lel EvoX KANE 3.1 [mesh](3990L)
Body: TheShops [BODY] Athletic Meshbody (Legacy)(m) (1.0) [mesh](5000L)

Here is a quick FAQ on Fantasy Faire off the top of my head.

**Q: What is the Fantasy Faire?**
A: Its an annual event hosted by the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Its like SL's World Cup or Super Bowl. It's HUGE! The theme is Fantasy (fiction, fashion, role play, decor, sim design, tabletop games, video games, anime/manga/comics, radio station, parties, art galleries, quest games, etc)

**Q: They raising funds?**
A: yes! All designers participating have an item for sale that is either a 100% donation or 50%. There is also a silent auction. Donations. And a Hud you purchase to play a quest game with stories, videos, and prizes. (note: A higher level hud includes an outfit for men and women). Last year in 2021 the Fantasy Faire in SL raised a new record, $95,178 in US Dollar (that's L$23,794,648 in Linden Dollars). So far this year after 8 days, the Fantasy Faire has raised $42,503 USD (that's 10,625,800L). Yes, I was not kidding when I said its huge! Relay for Life says of all their fund raising operations, SecondLife's Fantasy faire is by far the biggest fund raiser per money invested in an event. )

**Q: Ok! I want to see it, do I need to dress up in a costume?**
A: Come however you want, Fantasy allows for barely clothed styles, furries, city smashing giants, fairies, animal avatars, tiny kittens, robots, whatever you want as long as it's PG. But a word of  WARNING, the sims are very full of people and objects. To avoid lag, and enjoy the best experience, wear a low lag avatar, and work for graphic settings to keep frame rates up. At the main landing is a free Low Lag gift avatar/outfit you can wear. This year its a paperdoll style. To read more about being low lag, go here:

**Q: What is there to do?**
A: Explore the 20 sims! Its very big deal to land a sim to decorate for the Fantasy Faire. Its SL's finest creating amazing fantasy settings. This my favorite part of the fair. I also enjoy people watching and making new friends. I have made many long lasting friends at the fair, good people too. You can also visit during live DJ shows and Live dance Performances. The Lit Sim has gatherings to talk about certain books and authors. Tabletop game tournament. Several sims have their own Hunts and Games. And the big game will start soon, you purchase a hud to play it. The first part usually requires hunting for objects hidden across the sims. The 2nd part takes place on the game sim, with puzzles. You can also shop like crazy. Lots of amazing stuff.

You can read more the Fantasy Faire here:
The website has links to event calendar, the shopping catalog, details with the sims designers, role plays, game information, images taken, and daily blog posts.Go have fun! But don't wait too long to go, it ends May 8th. First week is full of events. 2nd week does not have events, but sims and games are still open.

**Q: What is the "Unweaver" I see mentioned in the game?**
A: Its the Faire's personification/embodiment of Cancer. He is the villain we quest to defeat.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Sword of the Kōmori Daiyoukai

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: The Nightfang was a powerful sword. He could feel the energy pulsing in it. But like so many things in life, his father's favorite weapon didn't come with an instruction manual. Years would pass as he experimented with the it, trying to tease out its secrets. Then one day while strolling through a battlefield littered with the fallen, a butterfly landed on the sharp edge of the blade unharmed. Then more butterflies came to rest on it as if it was perfectly natural for butterflies to suddenly be smitten with a deadly metal. Thats when he realized those were no ordinary butterflies, they were the Jigokuchō, or the hell butterflies that come to collect the souls of the dead. Surely this was a major clue to Nightfang's ultimate attack.

Japonica is ending soon. Be sure to not miss the great sales, including 50% off for the event. This post continues Kōmori story with fantastic new release by Gabriel, Katahaori. I used a combination of the Enji and Shiro for this outfit, paired with the Enji Geta. Hey, it wouldn't be me if I didn't make a twist to this look; Hot Pink Latex Tabi? Obi on the Shoulder? Have you lost your mind, Dev? Maybe. lol I love how this turned out.  The AIR butterfly gacha is fun, when you walk an exact duplicate of your butterfly will rez around you in a particle effect. Pretty cool. In the set, the screens by katat0nik are mod, so they can all be tinted whatever color you like. The hanging lanterns are by Who What and include animating goldfish inside. .... Speaking of awesome, and japan... the Kagami event has opened. I look forward to seeing you all dressed up for another adventure game this year. See you there!

On him, Son of the Komori Daiyoukai:
Outfit: Gabriel ::GB::Katahaori, enji [mesh](Japonica)(380L)
Wraps: Gabriel ::GB::Katahaori, shiro, Sarashi gray [mesh](Japonica)(380L)
Geta: Gabriel ::GB::Takageta (male) enji [mesh](Japonica)(150L)
Butterfly: Air TefuTefu_6)Purple_CM, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(50L)
Butterfly: Air TefuTefu_9)White_CM, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(50L)
Obi: Naminoke *N*Decoration Obi BlackLily [mesh](Japonica)(200L)
Bento Wings: Linden Labs Elleria - Wings (starter avatar)(free)
Hair: No.Match No One, black pack [mesh](200L)
Katana: Mandala Sakura Dynasty [mesh](387L)
Collar: [CX]&[ContraptioN] Untamed Collar - Black [mesh](250L)
Face Piercings: CerberusXing Chained Bridge - Silver [mesh](300L)
Ears: Illusions Fairy Ears [mesh] (300L)
Skin applier: Soul Emmanuel - Cypher [V1] Special Edition TMP (975L)
Hairbase applier: Dura Omega scalp appliers (free)
Top applier: BareRose Omega AA for ::: B@R ::: Tokio 2069T2 (80L)
Gloves applier: Sn@tch Basic Latex Fingerless Gloves (past lucky board)
Head: 6DOO Human mesh head EKASI-01 Ver.1.02 [mesh](2,600L)
Hand, hand pose: Slink Male Hands Dynamic - BENTO [mesh] (875L)
Feet: Slink Male Feet Flat [mesh] (650L)
Body: Slink Physique MALE Mesh Body V2.9[mesh](1,250L)
Pose: Del May DM - I'm here male (50L)

Screens: katat0nik byoubu / shoji screen 2Li [mesh](Japonica)(250L)
Lanterns: who what akari kingyo- {pink} [mesh](Japonica)(80L)
Pavement: xin. ishidatami 3, gacha [mesh]

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Tower of Phantomhive

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: A crow landed in the snow covered doorway of the ruined tower and cawed loudly. A blindfolded man turned his ear to the doorway and nodded as if he understood the message of the feathered visitor. He was a regal looking man, despite the maid uniform he wore. He was none other than Sebastian, the demon butler of Phantomhive Manor. He was busy preparing a rather interesting evening of entertainment for young master. Soon, the misogynistic thief who stole Her Majesty's crown jewels would arrive. The deranged criminal belonged to a secret society that believed women should never be in positions of power. Ridiculous. The butler snapped on a tight lady's latex glove. A sinister grin curled up on the edge of his lips. Oh how he did enjoy extracting information.

Happy 4th of July! To celebrate, don't miss making your own fireworks at the Independence Sale at Dictatorshop. All the adult furniture of the entire store is discounted 40% off. Shown above at the Contempo sofa, chair, stool, and cross. All the pieces come with a color change hud. You can choose what poses you want: m/f, f/m. f/f, m/m, or get the 4-in-1 option. All pieces will automatically rez props and attach them with permission.

Phantomhive Manor:
Sofa: DictatorShop Contempo Adult Sofa Version [mesh](pg mf fm 1495L) sale!
Chair: DictatorShop Contempo Chair Adult Hetero Version [mesh](pg mf fm 1495L) sale!
Stool: DictatorShop Contempo OMNI Bondage Stool 4-in-1 [mesh](fm mf ff mm adult 2,995L) sale!
Horse: DictatorShop Contempo OMNI Bondage Horse 4-in-1 [mesh](fm mf ff mm adult 2,995L) sale!
Cross: DictatorShop Contempo OMNI Bondage Cross 4-in-1 [mesh](fm mf ff mm adult 2,995L) sale!
Dining cart: Death Row 36.DRD MB dining cart, Mystic Bastion gacha [mesh]
Chair, LanternDeath Row DRD GV - Gothic Vampire Set  - Black [mesh](pg 1,200L)
Side table: Death Row DRD iron filigree bed set [mesh](pg 899L)
Throne: BananaN Dark throne RARE, gacha [mesh](50L)
Crow: Yummy Mr. Crowly, gacha [mesh](50L)
Flowers: Yummy Condolences Bouquet, gacha [mesh](50L)
Tree: Little Branch LB_SugarMaple.v2{4Seasons} [mesh](386L)
Tree: Little Branch LB_OrangeTree.v2{4Seasons} [mesh](386L)
Tree: Little Branch LB_BuckThorn{4Seasons) [mesh](386L)
Floor lamp: Kalopsia Chandelier [mesh]
Rug: Libertine Sangue Floreale, Rug (Animated)[mesh]
Rug: Libertine Ars Moriendi, Rug (Animated)[mesh]
Rug: Noctis Versailles aubergine octagonal sculpted
Tower: Poetica Ivy Tower large - dark [mesh] (2000L)

On him, Sebastian (one hell of a maid?):
Dress: katat0nik BW Apron Dress (male and female) [mesh](600L)
Boots: Empire Freesia - Maitreya - Black Latex [mesh] (599L)
Blindfold: Silvery K Blindfold Black [mesh](150L)
Tie: Bliensen + MaiTai Drago - Bow Tie for Men [mesh](299L)
Hand, hand pose: Slink Male Hands Dynamic - BENTO [mesh] (875L)
Head: [M.O.R] Kuro head v.01 [mesh](free)
Hair: Ayashi Sebastian-Black set [mesh] (250L)
Gloves applier: Sn@tch Basic Latex Fingerless Gloves (past lucky board)
Sleeves, pants applier: BareRose Omega AA for ::: B@R ::: Tailcoat Type2 (65L)
Collar: BlakOpal Hawkesworth-white shirt collar-tie (free)
Skin applier: Soul Emmanuel - Cypher [V1] Special Edition TMP (975L)
Chest: [V-Tech] Boi Chest Mod v2.2 - Maitreya (499L)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara [mesh](2750L)
Pose: DelMay DM - Mime/Leaning (past gift)

Thanks for your help Akira!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Fantasy Faire 2017: Atlantean Prince

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: The Spirit Pool was a land-oasis where humans came to interact with those who lived under the waves. It was in this magical place, a visiting herbalist met the Atlantean Prince. The scientist had been searching for plants that could help combat the worst diseases. He thought perhaps, plants in the ocean might be the key. The Prince thought it was an excellent idea, he would love to help! "But," he thought to himself, "why not let the researcher hunt the sea for plants himself ?"  So with a wink, and a wave of his father's trident, the Prince transformed his new friend into a funny looking fish with a gigantic eye. “To better search by!" the Prince laughed. "Don't worry, it's only temporary. Come on, lets go explore!”

Fantasy Faire 2017 has an extension and will last to the end of the day, May 4th. If you visited and explored yet, there's still time! The Faire has once again raised a huge sum for Relay for Life, cancer research. Well done gang!!

Here's a masterlist of all the stores and direct TP addresses to their locations: Merchant Locations.
And here's the Shopping Guide for the vendors: Shopping-catalogue-2017/

On Him, Atlantean Prince:
Headdress: AIR Mistletoe RFL gold [mesh] (Fantasy Faire: The Rose)(200L)
Mertail, fins: deviousMind Undine mermaidTail LILAC [mesh](Fantasy Faire: The Rose)(350L)
Toga: Anachron Mythic Himation Hephaestus [mesh](Fantasy Faire: San Mora)(149L)
Collar: Bliensen + MaiTai Grasp Collar MEN gold [mesh](Fantasy Faire: Spirit Pool)(199L)
Armband: Bliensen + MaiTai Grasp Armband MEN gold[mesh](Fantasy Faire: Spirit Pool)(199L)
Cuffs: Bliensen + MaiTai Kira Bracelet [mesh](Fantasy Faire: Spirit Pool)(150L)
Hair: Exile Voltage [mesh](280L)
Eyes: FATEwear FATEeyes 3.0 [mesh](395L)
Head, body, skin applier: Soul G2 Ceredil Ginko SE Hyacinth (Fantasy Faire: Mudrana)(1299L)
Hand, hand pose: Slink Male Hands Dynamic - BENTO [mesh] (875L)
Hairbase applier: Dura Omega scalp appliers (free)
Head: [M.O.R] Kuro head v.01 [mesh](free)
Body: NX-Nardcotix David Mesh Body [mesh](1750L)
Trident: The Siren's Lair King Triton's Trident (ULTRA RARE), gacha [mesh](no longer available)
Collar: Wimey Tribal Collar Old Gold [mesh](no longer available)
Nail applier: Nanika Golden Nails Appliers (no longer available)
Pose: Chisa Creation *CC* Mermaid-01-2m (10L)

Fish: Wilds of Organica Fisheye Avatar RFL Purple[mesh](Fantasy Faire: Spirit Pool)(free)

Fantasy Faire: The Spirit Pool

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

2066: Geisha of Debtors Prison

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Rain fell gently into the rejuvenation pool. It was a special lubricant for the joints of androids, and cyborgs. His constant companions, Gertie 1 and 2 sighed joyfully. More accurately they were the jail-keepers of his personal hell. He would never get used to it, this artificial prison of a body he inhabited. It was one year ago, when he was given a choice: Die from his injuries in debtors' prison, or willingly submit to full cyberization to work off his debts. What was his crime for such a horrendous sentence? He refused to pay the Cyber Mafia over a lost bet. The Deathmatch between BattleBot EVA and the vampire was obviously rigged. So he threw his scumbag loan shark into the display case for some silly ancient relic. And for that crime, he was turned from a bearded hard drinking gambler into the sleek androgynous Gynoid Geisha no.10023. His only purpose was to please the twisted kinks of his master, Kujo, ringleader of the Cyber Mafia. Was it fair? Hell no. But the cops weren't coming to save him. He signed paperwork making the cyberization legal. Besides, he was just a brain lodged inside a very expensive polycarbonate body now, literally the property of Kujo. What was left to save? He died. And the worst part was, (or was it the best part?), he felt less and less like the person he used to be. Was it true that a person's identity was created by how they looked and how people reacted to that appearance? He saw the world with new eyes, and not just because they were digital. People saw him with new eyes too. He would never admit he didn't completely hate it. ...Still, he secretly wished Gertie would look away so he could kill the mean son-of-bitch who did this to him.

On Him, Gynoid Geisha no.10023:
Collar: Kotolier "Ume blossom" Harness 07:Black-Silver, gacha [mesh](Re:Japonica)(72L)
Kimono: Dead Dollz Koibito Kimono [mesh](Re:Japonica)(450L)
Thong: A&Y Cyber Bunker Nexus Cyber Thong - multicolor [mesh](550L)
Wrap: Aii Tattered Hagoromo BLACK [mesh](250L)
Boots: Spare Parts Cyber Boots - White [mesh](110L)
Mask: AZOURY Nymphas Mask - Turquoise, gacha [mesh](100L)
Collar: Female Poison Outfit Latex Reine in Black (198L)
Headdress: Latex Web LW FanChains Hairpins [mesh](100L)
Pets: La Jolie Designs Gridwear - series 2, Tempest Dragon (339L)
Face applier: Soul Emmanuel - Cypher [V1] Special Edition TMP (975L)
Lip applier: Aii Geisha's Kiss Lip Pack, TMP (99L)
Tattoo applier: Jeanette's Joint ~JJ~ Gynoid/Android Tattoos Omega Applier (99L)
Chest applier: Pink Fuel V-Tech Boi appliers Glam Affair tones (350L)
Chest: [V-Tech] Boi Chest Mod v2.2 - Maitreya (499L)
Body, skin: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara [mesh](2750L)
Head: TheMeshProject (BETA) Head(m) - Anime (Deluxe) [mesh](5000L)
Pose: Del May DM - Levitation male (50L)

Doll: Mato Ball Jointed Doll-01 (black/3Li), gacha [mesh](Re:Japonica)(50L)
Doll: Mato Ball Jointed Doll-04 (2Li), gacha [mesh](Re:Japonica)(50L)
Doll: Mato Ball Jointed Doll-05 (2Li), gacha [mesh](Re:Japonica)(50L)
Doll: Mato Ball Jointed Doll-06 (2Li), gacha [mesh](Re:Japonica)(50L)
Doll: Mato Ball Jointed Doll-09 (2Li), gacha [mesh](Re:Japonica)(50L)
Doll: Mato Ball Jointed Doll-12 (2Li), gacha [mesh](Re:Japonica)(50L)


Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Wicked Wizard of the West

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Wesley was a drifter. He ran away from the orphanage when he was 17, and decided one day, "Hey, I want to go to college, yeah." It didn't matter he was not enrolled, he just sat down behind the prettiest girl in class and no one bothered to tell him to leave. Except Dorothy, of course. He poked her shoulder, pulled her hair, even shot spitballs at her but she always ignored him. When he found out her birthday was the next day, he got the idea to bring her flowers. Hey, girls love flowers, right? Well after picking a handful poppies, he fell asleep in the poppyfield and had the strangest dream. A tornado spoke to him. It called him The Great Antagonist of The Usurper. It offered him all its power, kingdom, and servants. "Sounds great, what's the catch?" he giggled in a poppy colored haze. "Water must never touch you." He laughed and accepted. The next morning he woke up strangely dressed with a powerful headache and a flying monkey asking, "Master. What is your heart's desire?" He couldn't help it. The very first thought that popped into his head was the birthday girl. Suddenly, he heard a scream above him. He looked up. It was Dorothy! She was falling from the sky! He dove and caught her just in time. Then Toto jumped out of her basket and bit him. "Hey! I saved you, stupid Mutt!" He glared at Toto and suddenly a muzzle materialized on little terrier. Both Wesley and Dorothy looked at each other and blinked.

My idea for this post was actually inspired a game and the witch theme items at the current round of the Fantasy Gacha Carnival. I had an idea to gender flip the Wicked Witch of the West, and then a few days later discovered Enchantment was doing the Wizard of Oz! So naturally I took it as a sign to go for it! So here is Wesley, the new mischief maker of Oz.

On him, Wesley the Wicked Wizard of the West:
Necklace: Gabriel Ringnecklace (TMP), gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(75L)
Belt: Gabriel Cross body belt (TMP) Black, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(75L)
Armband: Aisling.a. Circe Upperarm-L RARE, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Necklace: Aisling 1/ .a. Circe [Chakra Root/Red], gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Armor: Moon Sha Executor Claws - armor, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Armor: Moon Sha Executor - Left Claw - Black-Yellow, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Overskirt: Silvan Moon Designs Eternal Jewel Gown Overskirt, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(75L)
Staff: Distorted Dreams WITD Grabbed Silver RARE, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Belt Book: Lewd Grimoire Gacha - book, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Pet: SWaGGa Flying Monkey Shoulder [mesh](Enchantment)(249L)
Hair: Ayashi Grell hair - blacks [mesh](250L)
Armband: Practical Villany Armbands [mesh](50L)
Skirt: glYph Acolyte Skirt Black Male [mesh](300L)
Bracer: The Forge Viking Bracer Black/Gold Rare, gacha [mesh](50L)
Eyepatch: Silvery K Magical Gacha eye patch Red 4, gacha [mesh](80L)
Eyes: S0NG Oxy Sunshine Eye, gacha [mesh](Kustom9)(50L)
Head applier: Tableau Vivant August - #TMP face applier - Tone 3(300L)
Skin applier Body: Tableau Vivant  #TMP body applier - tone 3 TMP (400L)
Head: TheMeshProject (BETA) Head(m) - Anime (Deluxe) [mesh](5000L)
Body: TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Body [mesh](5000L)
Pose: Del May Swanky Male (50L)

Setting outside The Wicked Wizard's Home:
Plants: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Wizard Garden gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
House: Trompe Loeil Rivershire Waterwheel [mesh](575L)
Tower: Alouette Princess's Tower [mesh](599L)
Flowers: Little Branch LB_Bouton d'or Lavender{Field} [mesh](Enchantment)(386L)
Tree: Little Branch LB_SeaAlmond{Seasons} [mesh](Enchantment)(386L)
Tree: Little Branch LB_MysticOak{4Seasons} [mesh](Enchantment)(386L)
Tree: Little Branch LB_OrangeTree.v2{4Seasons} [mesh](Enchantment)(386L)
Path: Elysium Pebblestone & wooden bench set, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Land: Jumbo Core Plat Rock Multilevel [mesh](95L)

(click to enlarge)

Setting inside The Wicked Wizard's Home:
Table: Bite and Claw Wiccan Altar Table, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Bottles: Bite and Claw Potion Bottles (2LI), gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Shelf: Bite and Claw Wiccan Crystal Shelf, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Alter: Bite and Claw Wiccan Altar Candle - Goddess, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Gemstone geode: Zyn Standing Geodes Gacha, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Hat: Soul Mystic Gatcha, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Shelf: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Wizards Small Bookshelf, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Chair: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Wizards Chair - RARE, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Wands: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Wand Rack, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Crystal Ball: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Wizards Mirror Ball, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Book: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Wizards Magic Book, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Wand box: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Favorite Wand, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Cauldron: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Table Cauldron, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Candle: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Table Candle, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Pots: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Pots, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Hourglass: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Hourglass, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Shelf: Papermoon *pm* Green Witch Shelf [mesh](188L) Reopening sale
Herbs: Papermoon *pm* Green Witch Bundle [mesh](113L) Reopening sale

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Fantasy Faire: Angel of Blackmoor

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: God's Warrior Angels were known for fighting against all forms of evil. It was Melchizedek who fought the Unweaver, the plague of cancer upon humanity. In garden of Blackmoor, each day he solemnly lit a candle for every soul who fell to the Unweaver. His life and memory were long, and it gave him strength to keep fighting.

One of the best events in SL is back, The Fantasy Faire! The Faire has 14 jaw droppingly gorgeous sims for you explore. There are daily roleplays, live performances, a quest adventure game, literary festival, Artwork, Djs, and of course shopping. This amazing, one of a kind, event is all about raising money for American Cancer Society Relay for Life to fight caner. You can read more about Fantasy Faire at its mainsite here:

Good news! Introducing this year is a Pinterest Shopping-Catalogue-2016 for the Fantasy Faire. The guide was put together by a team of volunteers (including yours truly) to make your shopping easier. Each picture includes the store, item name, and Surl to where you can find the item. (Note: The Shopping Guide shows only the Relay for Life donation vendors, so its only a sample of the many things at the faire.)

The picture above was taken at the beautiful Blackmoor sim. (Love it so much, I want to live there!) You can read more about Blackmoor's creation by Lokii Violet here. I knew it would be the perfect setting for the Wizard outfit by W-Zero. (Fans of the Trinity Blood anime should definitely check it out!) It includes outfit, staff, and hat. There is a male and female version.  From Soul is the Ranitomeya {tera SE} skin. Its a purple skin with fun golden spots and patterns on it. It includes appliers for TMP, Slink, Adam, Catwa, and Omega. There is a male and female version also. From Winry's Whimsey is the Dragon/Gecko eyes. These eyes come with a hud that make it possible to fit the default avi, mesh heads, and even furry avatars! Nice!  Additional items are the Starry Night hair gacha by Tableau Vivant, Mushilu Angel wings, and Elf ears by Mandala.  I'll see you at the faire! Have fun for a good cause!

On Him, The Angel of Blackmoor, Melchizedek:
Outfit: W-ZERO -00-Wizard M_Purple, Rod, Cross [mesh] (Fantasy Faire, Echtra)(500L)
Eyes: Winry's Whimsey Dragon/Gecko Eye [mesh] (Fantasy Faire, Tinkers Hollow)(199L)
Skin, Appliers: Soul Ranitomeya {tera SE} Male, TMP Slink (Fantasy Faire, Blackmoor)(1299L)
WingsMushilu Angel Wings Back Silver [mesh](150L)
Hair: Tableau Vivant Starry Night Windy B+W, gacha [mesh](75)
Ears: Mandala STEKING_EARS_Season5 [mesh](12 Days of Savings)(697L)
Brow applier: Aii Black & White Fantasy Brows TMP (100L)
Hands: Slink Male Hands [mesh](450L)
Toe claws: Slink Claw Toenails Male Flat [mesh] (675L)
Feet: Slink Male Feet Flat [mesh] (650L)
Head: TheMeshProject (BETA) Head(m) - Anime (Deluxe) [mesh](5000L)
Pose: Del May DM - Levitation male (50L)


Friday, March 18, 2016

The Hand That Gives Takes Away

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: It had been a cruel fate how the A.N.G.E.L. was cursed with eternal life. If not for the cannonball that blasted off his arms during 100 Years War, his might have become a legend. As the pool of blood grew, a dark shadow fell over him blocking out the moonlight. "Great warrior," it whispered. He had assumed it was the Grim Reaper. "Leave the petty disputes of mortals behind. Come. Be a Knight of Eternity." Surviving death appealed to him, so he accepted. But without his arms how he could fight? He was helpless. It was a cruel irony. Refusing to give up, he learned the secrets of dark magic and borrowed limbs from corpses. However it was never truly satisfying until he discovered the wonders of the 21st century, -- cybernetics.

On Him, Cursed A.N.G.E.L. Rogue:
Hands: ContraptioN The Cursed Hand [mesh](Secret Affair)(250L)
Armor: LAB737 Ram Lower Arm [mesh](Secret Affair)(299L)
Speical Effects: E.V.E Big Bubble White, Dancing Fireflies White [mesh](Secret Affair)(475L)
Belt: TURB The Wolf Crow Belt, gacha [mesh](75L)
Chest Armor: TURB The Wolf Crow Iron Chest Armor, gacha [mesh](75L)
Tunic: TURB The Wolf Crow Leather Armor, gacha [mesh](75L)
Pants: TURB The Wolf Crow Pants, gacha [mesh](75L)
Collar: Les Encantades *LE* The Sigils Collars Lannister, gacha [mesh](25L)
Fur: MempaMale Byron Stole Fur Darkbrown, gacha (75L)
Hair: Tableau Vivant Editorial - Southern wind, gacha [mesh](50L)
Skin: Soul Emmanuel - Cypher [V1] Special Edition TMP (Multiverse)(975L)
Eyebrow: Clef de Peau Eyebrows V.20 Black TMP (180L)
Eyes: IKON Spectral Eyes - Starfall [mesh](150L)
Ears: Trap Vampire Ears [mesh](200L)
Mole applier: Aii Beauty Marks TMP head applier (25L)
Eyemakeup applier: Aii Inari Makeup Pack TMP (175L)
Head: TheMeshProject (BETA) Head(m) - Anime (Deluxe) [mesh](5000L)
Body: TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Body [mesh](5000L)
Pose: Nicotine ScreamingFistJump

Monday, March 14, 2016

A Strange Occurrence On the Galactic Frontier, 2

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: The alarm had been triggered by an unknown alien artifact. Oucie suited up and went outside to investigate. To his surprise, he discovered the object was a lifepod and it was not empty either. Sleeping inside, with arms crossed over it's chest, was a majestic looking pale alien. A deep blue blush stung Oucie's cheeks. He had no doubt discovered a rare treasure. He immediately took it back to the moonbase. His pet jellyfish, Twinkles, flashed angry colors at him the second he brought the pod indoors. Oucie had never seen his pet so upset before. He shrugged it off as jealousy. Afterall, for three years, Twinkles had been the only friend he had. And in all those  years, nothing this exciting had happened before. He turned his attention once more to the sleeping alien. He had so many questions. There was something about it.... Then finally he couldn't stand anymore, he begin to touch the dials on the side of the pod. Twinkles circled around him frantically flashing red over and over again. He ignored Twinkles. There had to be someway to revive the alien. 

Today I have more goodies from the Multiverse to show you. First, you guys will love these brilliant Mech Arms by Swagga. They are perfectly tailored for the TheMeshProject Male, and for the ladies there is a fit for the Maitreya mesh body. It has a flexible rubber at the elbow and wrist to give your avatar more natural movement. The Mech is mod so you can change the tint of the glowing parts. From BluPrints is the Status Pod from the Humanity's Arc gacha. It hovers over the ground, and has a pose for laying inside. (Also a handy Space Vampire coffin! lol) The Raygun Go Go Blaster is the Rare from Kitty's Claws. The Soul Emmanuel - Cypher skin I am wearing is packed with appliers for TMP, Omega, Catwa, and Adam. The skin texture comes with brows, no brows, face tattoo and no face tattoo. The tattoo can also be applied separately if you want to wear another skin. From The Nebulae is the Domain Belt. Its a non-rigged attachment you can adjust for a good fit. From We <3 Roleplay, is the Neck Belt by Gabriel. It comes with a fit for Default and TMP. Also at WLRP are new mesh fangs by Axix! They come with a hud to change the texture for things like human blood or unicorn blood. lol And even gap tooth, or normal. From The Men's Department is the new Backblown Hair by Tableau Vivant. This awesome tattoo is from the Fallen Gods Golem gacha, it includes appliers such as TMP and Omega. The face piercings you can find in 2nd store section of Haus of Darcy. The Yasum pants come with a hud to change textures. They are unisex with male and female fits, but you will need to edit your shape the best fit. The Vampire ears are by Trap. Brow applier by Clef de Peau, and Makeup by Aii. The brilliant Metatron wings and halo are by Nerox. Each part is animated and gives very cool effect for your cyber outfits. (see animation below)

On Him, Cursed A.N.G.E.L. Rogue:
Arms: Swagga Mech Arm - TMP [mesh](Multiverse)(249L)
Skin: Soul Emmanuel - Cypher [V1] Special Edition TMP (Multiverse)(975L)
Belt: The Nebulae Domain Belt - Basic Pouch [mesh](Multiverse)(99L)
Hair: Tableau Vivant Backblown hair - naturals 2 [mesh](The Men's Department)(188L)
Tattoo body applier: Fallen Gods The Name of Silence Golem TMP, gacha (50L)
Neck collar: Gabriel ::GB::Neck belt TMP [mesh] (We <3 Roleplay)(210L)
Fangs: Axix ::Ax:: Creepy Teeth Vamp [mesh](We <3 Roleplay)(75L)
Pants: Yasum Army Cargo's male [mesh](150L)
Piercings: Haus of Darcy .HoD. - Creation.JP #1 Facial Piercing [mesh](100L)
Wings, halo: Nerox Metatron - cyber sound wing.  halo.  v5 [mesh](200L)
Eyebrow: Clef de Peau Eyebrows V.20 Black TMP (180L)
Eyelashes: Gaeline Mesh Lashes Divina [mesh](180L)
Eyes: IKON Spectral Eyes - Starfall [mesh](150L)
Ears: Trap Vampire Ears [mesh](200L)
Mole applier: Aii Beauty Marks TMP head applier (25L)
Eyemakeup applier: Aii Inari Makeup Pack TMP (175L)
Head: TheMeshProject (BETA) Head(m) - Anime (Deluxe) [mesh](5000L)
Body: TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Body [mesh](5000L)
Pose: Diesel Works Drogo2 (90L)

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: What happened next was a haze. Oucie lay helpless on the floor in a pool of his own blue toned blood. The creature had attacked him. It had strange powers. He understood now the alien was a Parasitic lifeform, and he just stupidly released it from its prison. As darkness threatened to overtake him once more, he whispered a prayer for forgiveness.  (For the next part of this continuing story from The Multiverse, head to Aarya's Dark Phantom blog.)

Multiverse has been extended to March 20th, don't miss it! You can see shopping guide of all the awesome goodies at the event on the blog: Multiverse Shopping Guide  You can look at all cool images from the blogger wizards at Multiverse! Multiverse Flickr And here is the Surl to the event: The Multiverse.

Lifepod: BluPrintz BP - Stasis Pod, gacha[mesh](Multiverse)(50L)
Weapon: Kitty's Claws: Go! Go! Blaster - Atmosphere RARE, gacha [mesh](Multiverse)(50L)
Skybox: Isil Lunar Habitat Group Gift 50 li, [mesh](group gift, free)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Revenge of the SeaWitch, 2

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: This is a special place. It belonged King Triton's youngest daughter. She was dear to me. To honor her memory I have kept this place exactly as it was. .... Her story began when an object from the world above fell at the entrance of her home. She was curious and wondered at it's purpose. Another object fell, and then another. Each object leading her further and further away. She realized they were falling from a ship above. She was forbidden to go to the surface, but it swam up to it anyway. She knew something was wrong. Her first sight at the surface was lightning streaking across an angry purple sky. She was terrified. The ship in the distance lurched wildly in the waves. A young man was swept overboard. His arms and legs were thrashing wildly. He was drowning. His panicked eyes locked on her, screaming at her to save him. A jolt raced up and down her spine. Her heart began race. He did not belong in her world, he could not breath in the water. He was dying. She had to help. She used all her strength to pull him up where he could breath air. She fought the waves until she came upon a sandy beach. A beautiful woman at the shoreline screamed and darted into the water towards them. The mermaid was scared of being beached on the land. She didn't belong there any more then young man belonged in the sea. She averted her eyes and handed the unconscious man to her and swam away as quickly as she could. 

Enchantment's rebirth was a great success! I look forward to seeing what fairy tale will be in the next round. The Little Mermaid theme items are moving into their home mainstores locations. The mermaids have been such fun to spend time with, and I would like to continue this story. I hope you enjoy the journey. Shown above is the aisling Calypso headress that comes with a hud to change the textures and colors. Also, by aisling are the Caly's baby eels. They have a hud to hide left or right and change colors. The fun Gills on the neck and headfins are by Soul. The headfins you can adjust to fit, and the gills are rigged. Both come with a hud to change the texture and have a second layer for tattoo effects. The skin by Fallen Gods Oceanica Still Eclipse comes with many appliers, including the ones I used for the The Mesh Project head and body. The Trident by CerberusXing comes in handheld and back staff versions. The mermaid eyes are by Antielle and come in several colors. The tentacle belt and arm wraps are by BluPrintz. It comes with a hud to control base color, highlights, and suction cup colors. The nipple rings are by Haus of Darcy. Right now if you are member of the H.O.D. VIP group, 50L to join, you get the a 150L gift certificate to celebrity the designer's birthday, as well as all the other group gifts. What a nice surprise! The corset for guys is by Schadenfreude. it comes with 3 black texture patterns. The gloves are by Swagga. They are non-rigged and mod so you tint and scale them for a good fit. The Beck hair by Tableau Vivant worked perfectly with the headress, and I used the TV hair base applier for the TMP head. From Aii is the cool eyeliner and mole applier for the TMP head. Most mermaid poses are for girls, so I made a more manly mer style pose for this image.

On Him, King Eric:
Headdress: aisling Calypso Tiara [mesh](375L)
Pets: aisling Caly's Babies - Male [mesh](250L)
Gills: Soul Syreni Gills [mesh](499L)
Head fins: Soul Syreni Headfins [mesh](499L)
Skin, appliers: Fallen Gods Oceanica [xy] Still, Eclipse(660L)
Trident: CerberusXing Tidal Trident (Silver+BackSheath)[mesh](350L)
Tail: Plastik Urseus Mermaid Tail - Male -Wet-Pitch[mesh](649L)
Seahorse: deviousMind Seepferdchen Ocean Pearl, RARE, gacha [mesh](75L)
Eyes: antielle Mermaid Eyes Gray [mesh](66L)
Belt: BluPrintz Tentacle Necklace [mesh](149L)
Armwrap:  BluPrintz Tentacle Leggings [mesh](149L)
Corset: Schadenfreude Noir Something Wicked Corsets male [mesh] (275L)
Nipple piercing: Haus of Darcy Lust MESH Nipples - Razor [mesh](150L)
Gloves: SWaGGa Demon Glove [mesh](past Genre)
Necklace: The Horror! Torn Tongue Necklace
Hair: Tableau Vivant Beck Hair - Male - Winter [mesh] (300L)
Hairbase applier: Tableau Vivant Short cut Hair base TMP (160L)
Mole applier: Aii Beauty Marks TMP head applier (25L)
Eyemakeup applier: Aii Unisex Eyeliner Mega Pack TMP (99L)
Head: TheMeshProject (BETA) Head(m) - Anime (Deluxe) [mesh](5000L)
Body: TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Body [mesh](5000L)
Pose: VON Merman3

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: She couldn't take her mind off the young man. His eyes haunted her. Would he be ok? She wanted to see him again. She had so many questions about him, and about the world on the surface. She couldn't help but wonder what life would be like with him as a husband. When she arrived back home the SeaWitch was waiting for her. "You look unhappy, my poor child. Surely it's not a problem I couldn't help you solve," she grinned like a shark who caught a fish.

Shown above are many awesome decor items that came together to create what feels like to me, a teenage mermaid's bedroom. I used in both images the Odyssey's temple and pearl lights by Fallen Gods from this year's Fantasy Faire. The MeadowWorks octopus, seaweed, and fish schools are also from a gacha at Fantasy Faire, but now you can play it at the mainstore. I love this gacha! Another great gacha is by DeviousMind, the seahorse wearable rider. I used it for room decor. The couch, armchair, and bed are by Zerkalo. It comes in pg or adult. The Ursula plushie on the couch is by Moon Amore, its animated. The seashells are by Plastik and have a color change hud. The paintings on the backwall and canvases on the ground are by Jian. They are inspiration for the whole color theme. Beautiful colors. From A Tattered Page's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea are the jellyfish by Spyralle, and the Dugong by The Muses. It's actually an avatar but I turned it into a sculpture. Overall this room is just stunning. Beautiful work from all the designers.

Couch: zerkalo Little Mermaid - Couch, 5li [mesh](399L, adult 799L)
Armchair: zerkalo Little Mermaid - Armchair, 4li [mesh](399L, adult 799L)
Bed: zerkalo Little Mermaid - Bed, Pillows 9li [mesh](1299L, adult 2299L)
Seahorse: deviousMind Seepferdchen Sea Urchin, gacha [mesh](75L)
Plushie: Moon Amore Ursula - Sweet Look [mesh](160L)
Paintings: Jian Canvas Paintings - Mermaids [mesh](175L)
Shells: Plastik Ursula Shell Decor [mesh](239L)
Kelp top image: Love {L} Dry Kelp; Large (100L)
Fish schools: MeadowWorks Fish School orange fairy, Six Line Wrasse, gacha [mesh](75L)
Seaweed rocks: MeadowWorks Seaweed On the Rocks 3, gacha [mesh](75L)
Seaweed rocks: MeadowWorks Seaweed On The Rocks Tall, gacha [mesh](75L)
Statue: MeadowWorks Octopus Bubble Fountain, gacha [mesh](75L)
Jellyfish: Spyralle Medusa Purple [mesh] (200L)
Manatee: the muses Dugong [mesh](295L)
Temple: Fallen Gods Odyssey Pearl Temple
Lights: Fallen Gods Odyssey Pearls Lights