Showing posts with label who what. Show all posts
Showing posts with label who what. Show all posts

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Fantasy Faire : The Hidden City of Tenpyo

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Hidden beyond a snowy pass deep in the Nippon mountains, was the twelve hundred year old city of Tenpyo, the capital of the Oni Lands. Beautiful. Regal. A place untouched by modern times. It had been safely defended all these years. Until one day, the Benimurasaki Onmyōdō detected the evil miasma of the Unweaver had infiltrated their paradise.

The Fantasy Faire is back!
This post was inspired by the hat and veil by Hopscotch and the fun skin and tattoo by Soul and AERTH. Not to mention, this stunning sim created by Gabriel. Its a Must see! the Faire is open until May 8th. DO NOT MISS IT!   (Below the style card, is an FAQ for FF I made for those new to SL and the the Faire.)

On Him, the Benimurasaki Onmyōdō:
Veil: HopScotch Veiled Hat, posable [mesh](Fantasy Faire: Tenpyo)(225L)
Pet: ridi-ludi-fool obake medama-3 patapata [animesh](Fantasy Faire: Bassett Town)(80L)
Tattoo: AERTH Moon Tears Body Tattoo MAGENTA [BOM](Fantasy Faire: Atheneum)(200L)
Skin: SOUL .:S:. [G3] Dantela [F20] EVO, LEGACY M [BOM](Fantasy Faire: Atheneum)(1499L)
Necklace: who what magatama pendant- male [mesh](Fantasy Faire: Tenpyo)(210L)
Typing Effect: who what GOBOUSEI- [benimurasaki] male [mesh](Fantasy Faire: Tenpyo)(180L)
Pants: Gabriel ::GB:: Wa sarouel (Legacy) (C) Kurosame [mesh](Fantasy Faire: Tenpyo)(99L sale)
Hat: Maru Kado Suge Gasa White [mesh](100L)
Hair: Ginko Hair #22 Hair - Rigged Male, colorful [mesh](279L)
Arm wraps: CerberusXing Wraps (350L)
Belt: sakka Studio Ss.Kosode Nagoya-Obi [mesh](200L)
Collar: Bare Rose ::: B@R ::: Karakuriko C2 Kesa [mesh](190L)
Claws: L'Emporio&PL Oblio Vampire Claws male [mesh](350L)
Head: LeLUTKA lel EvoX KANE 3.1 [mesh](3990L)
Body: TheShops [BODY] Athletic Meshbody (Legacy)(m) (1.0) [mesh](5000L)

Here is a quick FAQ on Fantasy Faire off the top of my head.

**Q: What is the Fantasy Faire?**
A: Its an annual event hosted by the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Its like SL's World Cup or Super Bowl. It's HUGE! The theme is Fantasy (fiction, fashion, role play, decor, sim design, tabletop games, video games, anime/manga/comics, radio station, parties, art galleries, quest games, etc)

**Q: They raising funds?**
A: yes! All designers participating have an item for sale that is either a 100% donation or 50%. There is also a silent auction. Donations. And a Hud you purchase to play a quest game with stories, videos, and prizes. (note: A higher level hud includes an outfit for men and women). Last year in 2021 the Fantasy Faire in SL raised a new record, $95,178 in US Dollar (that's L$23,794,648 in Linden Dollars). So far this year after 8 days, the Fantasy Faire has raised $42,503 USD (that's 10,625,800L). Yes, I was not kidding when I said its huge! Relay for Life says of all their fund raising operations, SecondLife's Fantasy faire is by far the biggest fund raiser per money invested in an event. )

**Q: Ok! I want to see it, do I need to dress up in a costume?**
A: Come however you want, Fantasy allows for barely clothed styles, furries, city smashing giants, fairies, animal avatars, tiny kittens, robots, whatever you want as long as it's PG. But a word of  WARNING, the sims are very full of people and objects. To avoid lag, and enjoy the best experience, wear a low lag avatar, and work for graphic settings to keep frame rates up. At the main landing is a free Low Lag gift avatar/outfit you can wear. This year its a paperdoll style. To read more about being low lag, go here:

**Q: What is there to do?**
A: Explore the 20 sims! Its very big deal to land a sim to decorate for the Fantasy Faire. Its SL's finest creating amazing fantasy settings. This my favorite part of the fair. I also enjoy people watching and making new friends. I have made many long lasting friends at the fair, good people too. You can also visit during live DJ shows and Live dance Performances. The Lit Sim has gatherings to talk about certain books and authors. Tabletop game tournament. Several sims have their own Hunts and Games. And the big game will start soon, you purchase a hud to play it. The first part usually requires hunting for objects hidden across the sims. The 2nd part takes place on the game sim, with puzzles. You can also shop like crazy. Lots of amazing stuff.

You can read more the Fantasy Faire here:
The website has links to event calendar, the shopping catalog, details with the sims designers, role plays, game information, images taken, and daily blog posts.Go have fun! But don't wait too long to go, it ends May 8th. First week is full of events. 2nd week does not have events, but sims and games are still open.

**Q: What is the "Unweaver" I see mentioned in the game?**
A: Its the Faire's personification/embodiment of Cancer. He is the villain we quest to defeat.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Sword of the Kōmori Daiyoukai

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: The Nightfang was a powerful sword. He could feel the energy pulsing in it. But like so many things in life, his father's favorite weapon didn't come with an instruction manual. Years would pass as he experimented with the it, trying to tease out its secrets. Then one day while strolling through a battlefield littered with the fallen, a butterfly landed on the sharp edge of the blade unharmed. Then more butterflies came to rest on it as if it was perfectly natural for butterflies to suddenly be smitten with a deadly metal. Thats when he realized those were no ordinary butterflies, they were the Jigokuchō, or the hell butterflies that come to collect the souls of the dead. Surely this was a major clue to Nightfang's ultimate attack.

Japonica is ending soon. Be sure to not miss the great sales, including 50% off for the event. This post continues Kōmori story with fantastic new release by Gabriel, Katahaori. I used a combination of the Enji and Shiro for this outfit, paired with the Enji Geta. Hey, it wouldn't be me if I didn't make a twist to this look; Hot Pink Latex Tabi? Obi on the Shoulder? Have you lost your mind, Dev? Maybe. lol I love how this turned out.  The AIR butterfly gacha is fun, when you walk an exact duplicate of your butterfly will rez around you in a particle effect. Pretty cool. In the set, the screens by katat0nik are mod, so they can all be tinted whatever color you like. The hanging lanterns are by Who What and include animating goldfish inside. .... Speaking of awesome, and japan... the Kagami event has opened. I look forward to seeing you all dressed up for another adventure game this year. See you there!

On him, Son of the Komori Daiyoukai:
Outfit: Gabriel ::GB::Katahaori, enji [mesh](Japonica)(380L)
Wraps: Gabriel ::GB::Katahaori, shiro, Sarashi gray [mesh](Japonica)(380L)
Geta: Gabriel ::GB::Takageta (male) enji [mesh](Japonica)(150L)
Butterfly: Air TefuTefu_6)Purple_CM, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(50L)
Butterfly: Air TefuTefu_9)White_CM, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(50L)
Obi: Naminoke *N*Decoration Obi BlackLily [mesh](Japonica)(200L)
Bento Wings: Linden Labs Elleria - Wings (starter avatar)(free)
Hair: No.Match No One, black pack [mesh](200L)
Katana: Mandala Sakura Dynasty [mesh](387L)
Collar: [CX]&[ContraptioN] Untamed Collar - Black [mesh](250L)
Face Piercings: CerberusXing Chained Bridge - Silver [mesh](300L)
Ears: Illusions Fairy Ears [mesh] (300L)
Skin applier: Soul Emmanuel - Cypher [V1] Special Edition TMP (975L)
Hairbase applier: Dura Omega scalp appliers (free)
Top applier: BareRose Omega AA for ::: B@R ::: Tokio 2069T2 (80L)
Gloves applier: Sn@tch Basic Latex Fingerless Gloves (past lucky board)
Head: 6DOO Human mesh head EKASI-01 Ver.1.02 [mesh](2,600L)
Hand, hand pose: Slink Male Hands Dynamic - BENTO [mesh] (875L)
Feet: Slink Male Feet Flat [mesh] (650L)
Body: Slink Physique MALE Mesh Body V2.9[mesh](1,250L)
Pose: Del May DM - I'm here male (50L)

Screens: katat0nik byoubu / shoji screen 2Li [mesh](Japonica)(250L)
Lanterns: who what akari kingyo- {pink} [mesh](Japonica)(80L)
Pavement: xin. ishidatami 3, gacha [mesh]

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hammy Style 2

(click to enlarge)
The hamsters suddenly stopped playing in the snow and looked up. The Northern Lights had appeared! It was a magical moment of awe for the little creatures.

For more information go to: Hammy Time Hunt.

On Strawberry Surprise, left:
Avatar: Beetlebones ::BB:: Dwarf Hamster (Siberian Snow) Gacha [mesh] (100L)
Hat: masami niekerk strawberry hat (free)
Tutu, Ballet Slippers: Muzi Ballerina Hammy Red (free)(Hammy Time Hunt 2)

On Panda Plaid, middle:
Avatar: Beetlebones ::BB:: Dwarf Hamster (Panda) Gacha [mesh] (100L)
Tie: 1005 Ham tie-1005 with texture change [mesh] (free)
Glasses: Regicat Pince-nez for Hamster (10L)
Crown: Neko Melody +SC+ Crown for Hamster Gacha (40L)
Ballet Slippers: Muzi Ballerina Hammy Red (free)(Hammy Time Hunt 2)

On Princess Peppermint, right:
Avatar: Beetlebones ::BB:: Dwarf Hamster (Fairy Pistachio) Gacha [mesh] (100L)
Tutu, Ballet Shoes, Tiara: Muzi Ballerina Hammy White (70L)
Nommy and Special Effect: Hippo Cold Breath Kit with Candy Cane (free)

(click to enlarge)
On Winter Hammy, top left:
Outfit: Hippo Hamster Winter Set (70L)
Muffs: Hippo Hamster Ear Muffs - Waffles with cinnamon bun nommy (50L)
Mittens: *=828=* Knit Mittens  tinted (Hammy Time Hunt, 5.2)(free)
Shoes: Hippo Hamster Snow Boots (50L)

On Hammy Skater, top right:
Outfit: c.A. Tulle dress for Hamster (free)
Headress: Half-Deer Unicorn Horn Hamster with texture change (free)(Hammy Time Hunt 1)
Skates: Nigel Linden Ice skates (edit to fit hammy, attach to lower leg) (free)
Hair: GUARAN-DOU *G-D* Ponytail Brown (5L)

On Baseball Hammy, bottom left:
Hat: Swine & Roses Peace & Love Helmet (free)(Hammy Time Hunt 3)
Baseball bat: Muzi Baseball Hammy - Bats & Balls (50L)

On Sick Hammy, bottom right:
Icebag, nose drip, tissue, thermometer, blanket, slippers: Muzi Purple Sicky Hammy (70L)
Furniture: KU Nest with acorns and poses (5L)


Furniture: who what GIFT-tukimi daihuku- (free)
Transportation: Pet Adoption Center Hamster Wheel (free)
Transportation: Kermit Rutkowski Hamster Ball (free)
Thanks for your help Fulli and Voodoo!