Showing posts with label BlakOpal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BlakOpal. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Tower of Phantomhive

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: A crow landed in the snow covered doorway of the ruined tower and cawed loudly. A blindfolded man turned his ear to the doorway and nodded as if he understood the message of the feathered visitor. He was a regal looking man, despite the maid uniform he wore. He was none other than Sebastian, the demon butler of Phantomhive Manor. He was busy preparing a rather interesting evening of entertainment for young master. Soon, the misogynistic thief who stole Her Majesty's crown jewels would arrive. The deranged criminal belonged to a secret society that believed women should never be in positions of power. Ridiculous. The butler snapped on a tight lady's latex glove. A sinister grin curled up on the edge of his lips. Oh how he did enjoy extracting information.

Happy 4th of July! To celebrate, don't miss making your own fireworks at the Independence Sale at Dictatorshop. All the adult furniture of the entire store is discounted 40% off. Shown above at the Contempo sofa, chair, stool, and cross. All the pieces come with a color change hud. You can choose what poses you want: m/f, f/m. f/f, m/m, or get the 4-in-1 option. All pieces will automatically rez props and attach them with permission.

Phantomhive Manor:
Sofa: DictatorShop Contempo Adult Sofa Version [mesh](pg mf fm 1495L) sale!
Chair: DictatorShop Contempo Chair Adult Hetero Version [mesh](pg mf fm 1495L) sale!
Stool: DictatorShop Contempo OMNI Bondage Stool 4-in-1 [mesh](fm mf ff mm adult 2,995L) sale!
Horse: DictatorShop Contempo OMNI Bondage Horse 4-in-1 [mesh](fm mf ff mm adult 2,995L) sale!
Cross: DictatorShop Contempo OMNI Bondage Cross 4-in-1 [mesh](fm mf ff mm adult 2,995L) sale!
Dining cart: Death Row 36.DRD MB dining cart, Mystic Bastion gacha [mesh]
Chair, LanternDeath Row DRD GV - Gothic Vampire Set  - Black [mesh](pg 1,200L)
Side table: Death Row DRD iron filigree bed set [mesh](pg 899L)
Throne: BananaN Dark throne RARE, gacha [mesh](50L)
Crow: Yummy Mr. Crowly, gacha [mesh](50L)
Flowers: Yummy Condolences Bouquet, gacha [mesh](50L)
Tree: Little Branch LB_SugarMaple.v2{4Seasons} [mesh](386L)
Tree: Little Branch LB_OrangeTree.v2{4Seasons} [mesh](386L)
Tree: Little Branch LB_BuckThorn{4Seasons) [mesh](386L)
Floor lamp: Kalopsia Chandelier [mesh]
Rug: Libertine Sangue Floreale, Rug (Animated)[mesh]
Rug: Libertine Ars Moriendi, Rug (Animated)[mesh]
Rug: Noctis Versailles aubergine octagonal sculpted
Tower: Poetica Ivy Tower large - dark [mesh] (2000L)

On him, Sebastian (one hell of a maid?):
Dress: katat0nik BW Apron Dress (male and female) [mesh](600L)
Boots: Empire Freesia - Maitreya - Black Latex [mesh] (599L)
Blindfold: Silvery K Blindfold Black [mesh](150L)
Tie: Bliensen + MaiTai Drago - Bow Tie for Men [mesh](299L)
Hand, hand pose: Slink Male Hands Dynamic - BENTO [mesh] (875L)
Head: [M.O.R] Kuro head v.01 [mesh](free)
Hair: Ayashi Sebastian-Black set [mesh] (250L)
Gloves applier: Sn@tch Basic Latex Fingerless Gloves (past lucky board)
Sleeves, pants applier: BareRose Omega AA for ::: B@R ::: Tailcoat Type2 (65L)
Collar: BlakOpal Hawkesworth-white shirt collar-tie (free)
Skin applier: Soul Emmanuel - Cypher [V1] Special Edition TMP (975L)
Chest: [V-Tech] Boi Chest Mod v2.2 - Maitreya (499L)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara [mesh](2750L)
Pose: DelMay DM - Mime/Leaning (past gift)

Thanks for your help Akira!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Fox Hunt Rivalry 2

(click to enlarge)
This Fox Hunt is a game of hide and seek. The winner is the person who tags the fox first. We were running hard on the fox's trail, when a shoe became loose on my horse Artemis. We had made an emergency stop at the blacksmith. Suddenly a snake slithered up and spooked her. She reared up and screamed, hooves flying. Luckily, I was not on her at the time, that could have hurt if I was thrown! After Artemis calmed down, we rejoined the fox hunt. The fox was a wily one. I found it hiding on the roof of the horse stables. We gave chase and finally "tagged" it. I hung the trophy in Artemis' stall. There was a very pretty lady in a purple dress waiting for me there. She invited me to have tea with her. It was a grand day!

This picture series was inspired by the Fox Hunt at the new sim Helping Hoof-Virtual Equine Therapy (or HHVET). The fox hunt was a lot of fun. I really got into creating the look! There are some great fashion possibilites for men in the Equestrian style. The Tableau Vivant Boot Pants were a perfect match. I am so happy to finally have an elegant styled pant that works with a tall boot. From Hoorenbeek, the Riding Boots are a must, and the Velvet Blazer reminds me of an Oxford schoolboy. BlakOpal provides the shirt, ascot, and vest. BlakOpal also has 2 more excellent free Victorian style outfits for men: Hawkesworth Outfit - Brown and Hawkesworth Outfit - Black. The Hunting Whip finishes off the look. It's awesome and authentic.

On Him:
Hair: Scars Ohayo Gray (100L)
Shirt: BlakOpal Tramontane Outfit - Sage (free)
Hat: Cero Style NOPH male Hat (past hunt, Night at the Opera Hunt #1) (free)
Blazer: Hoorenbeek Mesh Velvet Blazer Black [mesh] (520L)
Pants: Tableau Vivant Boots pants - Andalusite [mesh] (255L)
Shoes: Hoorenbeek Riding Boots - Black (520L)
Cane: Ernst Osterham Hunting Whip v1.1 (145L)
Gloves: KU ::KU::_InuSS_CM* Gloves gothic (free)
Poses: F*ckingNinjas *FN* Helen and the Minotaur*FN* Into Battle (50L)

On Horse:
Avatar: Waterhorse ~*WH*~Horse Avatar (Pinto) (2500L)
Texture: The Texture Barn Cleveland showy red bay Texture Pack for Horse Avatars (350L)
Tack: CarriageTrade Interactive Tack English Light horse (1299)
Mane and Tail: Scraggy Cat *SC* LH Braided Manes & Tails (Black) (250L)
Pose: F*ckingNinjas *FN* Charangoyle pose (50L)

On Fox:
Avatar: Timber Wilds Industry Fox (2100L)

HHVET Get a notecard of all current events at the landing point. Sim events include: horse races, hidden object hunts, barrel races, dressage training and competition, private riding lessons, steeplechase, trail rides, and of course the fox hunt. Check it out!

Free riding outfit for women.
Free horse, animal, and stable items.
All the past HHVET Leaf Hunt prizes.
Thanks for your help Fulli and Ivy!