(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Wesley was a drifter. He ran away from the orphanage when he was 17, and decided one day, "Hey, I want to go to college, yeah." It didn't matter he was not enrolled, he just sat down behind the prettiest girl in class and no one bothered to tell him to leave. Except Dorothy, of course. He poked her shoulder, pulled her hair, even shot spitballs at her but she always ignored him. When he found out her birthday was the next day, he got the idea to bring her flowers. Hey, girls love flowers, right? Well after picking a handful poppies, he fell asleep in the poppyfield and had the strangest dream. A tornado spoke to him. It called him The Great Antagonist of The Usurper. It offered him all its power, kingdom, and servants. "Sounds great, what's the catch?" he giggled in a poppy colored haze. "Water must never touch you." He laughed and accepted. The next morning he woke up strangely dressed with a powerful headache and a flying monkey asking, "Master. What is your heart's desire?" He couldn't help it. The very first thought that popped into his head was the birthday girl. Suddenly, he heard a scream above him. He looked up. It was Dorothy! She was falling from the sky! He dove and caught her just in time. Then Toto jumped out of her basket and bit him. "Hey! I saved you, stupid Mutt!" He glared at Toto and suddenly a muzzle materialized on little terrier. Both Wesley and Dorothy looked at each other and blinked.My idea for this post was actually inspired a game and the witch theme items at the current round of the Fantasy Gacha Carnival. I had an idea to gender flip the Wicked Witch of the West, and then a few days later discovered Enchantment was doing the Wizard of Oz! So naturally I took it as a sign to go for it! So here is Wesley, the new mischief maker of Oz.
On him, Wesley the Wicked Wizard of the West:
Necklace: Gabriel Ringnecklace (TMP), gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(75L)
Belt: Gabriel Cross body belt (TMP) Black, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(75L)
Armband: Aisling.a. Circe Upperarm-L RARE, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Necklace: Aisling 1/ .a. Circe [Chakra Root/Red], gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Armor: Moon Sha Executor Claws - armor, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Armor: Moon Sha Executor - Left Claw - Black-Yellow, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Overskirt: Silvan Moon Designs Eternal Jewel Gown Overskirt, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(75L)
Staff: Distorted Dreams WITD Grabbed Silver RARE, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Belt Book: Lewd Grimoire Gacha - book, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Pet: SWaGGa Flying Monkey Shoulder [mesh](Enchantment)(249L)
Hair: Ayashi Grell hair - blacks [mesh](250L)
Armband: Practical Villany Armbands [mesh](50L)
Skirt: glYph Acolyte Skirt Black Male [mesh](300L)
Bracer: The Forge Viking Bracer Black/Gold Rare, gacha [mesh](50L)
Eyepatch: Silvery K Magical Gacha eye patch Red 4, gacha [mesh](80L)
Eyes: S0NG Oxy Sunshine Eye, gacha [mesh](Kustom9)(50L)
Head applier: Tableau Vivant August - #TMP face applier - Tone 3(300L)
Skin applier Body: Tableau Vivant #TMP body applier - tone 3 TMP (400L)
Head: TheMeshProject (BETA) Head(m) - Anime (Deluxe) [mesh](5000L)
Body: TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Body [mesh](5000L)
Pose: Del May Swanky Male (50L)
Setting outside The Wicked Wizard's Home:
Plants: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Wizard Garden gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
House: Trompe Loeil Rivershire Waterwheel [mesh](575L)
Tower: Alouette Princess's Tower [mesh](599L)
Flowers: Little Branch LB_Bouton d'or Lavender{Field} [mesh](Enchantment)(386L)
Tree: Little Branch LB_SeaAlmond{Seasons} [mesh](Enchantment)(386L)
Tree: Little Branch LB_MysticOak{4Seasons} [mesh](Enchantment)(386L)
Tree: Little Branch LB_OrangeTree.v2{4Seasons} [mesh](Enchantment)(386L)
Path: Elysium Pebblestone & wooden bench set, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Land: Jumbo Core Plat Rock Multilevel [mesh](95L)
Tower: Alouette Princess's Tower [mesh](599L)
Flowers: Little Branch LB_Bouton d'or Lavender{Field} [mesh](Enchantment)(386L)
Tree: Little Branch LB_SeaAlmond{Seasons} [mesh](Enchantment)(386L)
Tree: Little Branch LB_MysticOak{4Seasons} [mesh](Enchantment)(386L)
Tree: Little Branch LB_OrangeTree.v2{4Seasons} [mesh](Enchantment)(386L)
Path: Elysium Pebblestone & wooden bench set, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Land: Jumbo Core Plat Rock Multilevel [mesh](95L)
(click to enlarge)
Setting inside The Wicked Wizard's Home:
Table: Bite and Claw Wiccan Altar Table, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Bottles: Bite and Claw Potion Bottles (2LI), gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Shelf: Bite and Claw Wiccan Crystal Shelf, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Alter: Bite and Claw Wiccan Altar Candle - Goddess, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Gemstone geode: Zyn Standing Geodes Gacha, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Hat: Soul Mystic Gatcha, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Shelf: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Wizards Small Bookshelf, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Chair: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Wizards Chair - RARE, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Wands: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Wand Rack, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Crystal Ball: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Wizards Mirror Ball, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Book: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Wizards Magic Book, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Wand box: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Favorite Wand, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Cauldron: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Table Cauldron, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Candle: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Table Candle, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Pots: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Pots, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Hourglass: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Hourglass, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Shelf: Papermoon *pm* Green Witch Shelf [mesh](188L) Reopening sale
Herbs: Papermoon *pm* Green Witch Bundle [mesh](113L) Reopening sale
Table: Bite and Claw Wiccan Altar Table, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Bottles: Bite and Claw Potion Bottles (2LI), gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Shelf: Bite and Claw Wiccan Crystal Shelf, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Alter: Bite and Claw Wiccan Altar Candle - Goddess, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Gemstone geode: Zyn Standing Geodes Gacha, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Hat: Soul Mystic Gatcha, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Shelf: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Wizards Small Bookshelf, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Chair: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Wizards Chair - RARE, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Wands: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Wand Rack, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Crystal Ball: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Wizards Mirror Ball, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Book: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Wizards Magic Book, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Wand box: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Favorite Wand, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Cauldron: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Table Cauldron, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Candle: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Table Candle, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Pots: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Pots, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Hourglass: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Hourglass, gacha [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(50L)
Shelf: Papermoon *pm* Green Witch Shelf [mesh](188L) Reopening sale
Herbs: Papermoon *pm* Green Witch Bundle [mesh](113L) Reopening sale