Showing posts with label Cureless. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cureless. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Midnight Order: Dragon Boy Centerfold

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STORYLINE: Greetings dear readers and creatures of the night, this nocturnal journalist is happy to announce, after a year long hiatus, Midnight Magazine is back! We're excited to give a sneak peek at February's centerfold, the mysterious Dracotaur Sylus from the popular Deepspace video game. Yes, yes, he was difficult to coax into modeling for us, but with proper care, attention, and a lot of money were able to eventually win him over.

It's good to be back! I have been having fun with PBR, as you can see in the image above. lol. 

Midnight Order is MASSIVE, it's grown so huge since I was last in SL.  I'm just blow away by the quality and quantity of the items there. It's not to be missed! And grab the many goodies too, including a full outfit for the men!

This image was inspired by the JEYS's Imperial Dragon and Armor. I used a combination of red and black textures for the Dragon parts, and my favorite armor was the red with a cool flame texture. The Dragon Wings by JEYS are free gift at the event in 2 colors. For this picture I used the Moon Rabbit Phoenix Wings with flame colors.These wings come in Blended or Mask versions. I used the Masked version. The wings are animated textures that look like fire. They are bento with many animations, including hugs, and static poses. For the tail I used the bento Spinal Tail by Cubic Cherry. Its has many texture huds with PBR and includes an AO. On the face, I used the BOM tattoo AERTH's Daughter of Sun Facedecals Onyx for a cool look. And the most perfect eyes are Hellbourne's Phosphor Eyes's Vitae with the mix of grey, white and red.

On him, Dragon Boy:
Outfit: JEYS Imperial Armor I, Legacy [mesh](Midnight Order)(299L)
Dragon: JEYS Imperial Dragon A Black, Legacy [mesh](Midnight Order)(299L)
Wings dragon: JEYS Imperial Gift Wing A [mesh](Midnight Order) (gift)
Wings fire: Moon Rabbit ~MR~ Phoenix Wings [Bento](Midnight Order)(fatpack 1,499L)
Eyes: Hellbourne :H: Phosphor Eyes - Vitae [BOM](Midnight Order)(275L)
Tail: Cubic Cherry Spinal tail Neons [Bento][PBR](Midnight Order)(275L)
Tattoo: AERTH Daughter of Sun Facedecals Onyx [BOM](Midnight Order)(350L)
Tattoo: Nefekalum Tattoos, Python, Red [BOM](199L)
Tattoo: Vae Victis Pillar of Inun EvoX - Vo, Black [BOM](450L)
Tattoo: CURELESS [+] Dragon Halfbreeds / HalfbreedScales Coal [BOM]
Claws: RAWR! Merciless Claws Legacy, Male [mesh](349L)
Hair: WINGS ES1118-HAIR [mesh](320L)
Head: LeLUTKA Kane Evolution [mesh](3990L)
Body: TheShops [BODY] Athletic Meshbody (Legacy)(m) (1.7.1) [mesh](5000L)
Pose tail: Murder of Ravens [M.O.R] bento demon tail [Bento](150L)
Pose: Insomnia Angel konpeitou lay2
Cave: CABALPIER Cave Hall [PBR](985L)

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Engine Room : The Celestial Mafia, part 3

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STORYLINE: Snow was piled high in the abandoned streets of New London. The hairs stood up on the back of J's neck. "It's quiet. Too quiet. No obvious signs of violence...." He turned to his mechanical helper, "Guryong, ...can you detect any environmental hazards?" Steam poured from the nostrils of the mechanical dragon as it surveyed their surroundings, and a metallic voice replied, "Master Jang, I detect none. However there is a woman close by." Suddenly, they heard a woman scream, "EEEEK!"

Part 3 of the going comic series for the current round of the Engine Room. This weekend was the Halfway point and new items have been added to the event. Go check it out, and don't forget to get the many gifts too!  

The image above was inspired by the Asian themed elements at the event, and actually gave me the idea to do a manga like series. The large mechanical Dragon by Eliavah is animesh you can wear. It has color to change its textures and glow, and sets of static poses and animations. There is also a version you can ride! (Who's a good boy?) The outfit Oscar by Ash Store is another Must Have. Its gorgeous! I especially like the latex options. lol The Steamer Katana is by the Forge. Its a mod static prop so you can add your scripts and animations to it if you want. The Eight hair is by Zao. With luck, the next part in this series will have Aarya Phantomhive as our woman-in-distress. She's been helping me on this series. Thanks Aarya!

On Him, J:
Outfit: ASH Store Oscar Outfit - LEGACY [mesh](Engine Room)(369L)
Pet: Eliavah Draconic Empress [Dragon Companion] [mesh](Engine Room)(450L)
Hair: ZAO +Eight Hair [mesh](Engine Room)(366L)
Weapon: The Forge Steamer Katana [mesh](Engine Room)(375L)
Earring: Badwolf  Batwings Earrings, Evo [mesh]
Gloves: NOCHE Bill Essential Gloves Legacy [mesh](349L) 
Cape: Cureless Senshi of the End  Senshi Cloth, gacha [mesh](100L) 
Head: LeLUTKA Kane Evolution [mesh](3990L)
Body: TheShops [BODY] Athletic Meshbody (Legacy)(m) (1.0) [mesh](5000L)
Pose: Clemmm Take a walk

Thanks for your help, Aarya!

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Engine Room: the Automaton Blood Doll

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STORYLINE: Miss Anna was stuck in a nightmare. The dream began as she was piloting her small airship above New Deco. She was about to dock at the SkyCrypt, when there was a horrible explosion. Flames, and fire. Then pain, screams, and the roaring wind in her ears. She was falling, falling, falling forever but never hitting the ground. She didn't know how long she was stuck in the dream. Suddenly, gravity hit her like a wall of bricks. Her eyes snapped open to strange sounds like whirls and clicks. “Thank the Gods of Invention and Blood!” That voice.... yes, she knew that voice, it was her master, the vampire Monsieur Bleu. “There was a horrible accident, my love." He lifted her stiff heavy hand. "This was all I could do to save you," he whispered as he kissed it. Strange, she felt nothing. She wanted to scream, but had no voice. She began to thrash wildly. "I will find who did this," his outrage barely contained. Knowing what she wanted to see, he held her hand firmly, as if to say "be calm," and slowly guided her off the platform towards the scene of the blast. Light leaked from the crumbling wall and gleamed on her beautiful metallic doll face. “It is a new day. Whatever challenges come, we will face it together.”

Engine Room! Necrotize! And Halloween! Three of the coolest events in SecondLife! This post was inspired by awesome gothic items at Engine Room and Necrotize that work wonderfully for a classic vampire style. How sweet is that? From the Engine Room: Mr Bleu is wearing an excellent hairstyle all dapper gents need, Ginko Hair #97. And just as elegant is the VC Lab outfit, top and pants, Favorite II. The jeweled brooch is awesome. The skeleton Necro-mask is by Dreamcatcher and on sale at Necrotize. Between Bleu and Anna is the Hot Air Balloon Chandelier by Architect. Anna is wearing the Gracious Dress by toksik. And for when you need to be really over the top, try the Beatrice Collar by DREAMCATCHER! Anna's face is the Bespoke Marionette Doll Head. It takes EvoX textures. For extra machine touches, are the Realm Eyes by TWC, and layers of the Fallen Gods Metropolis tattoo, and Materica skin. Have you tried Aii's new BOM hairstyles? The Sonata Hair comes with a normal hud, but you can also switch it to the fancy next generation of hairstyles by going to BOM mode. And one more fun item from Engine Room is the metal Fan by Arts&Gears. It's interactive with animations to flick your wrist to open and close the fan.

On Him, Monsieur Bleu:
Hair: Ginko Hair #97 Hair - Rigged, Male [mesh](Engine Room)(465L)
Outfit: V.C.LAB Favorite II - Legacy M, red [mesh](Engine Room)(289L)
Mask: DREAMCATCHER Necro-mask [mesh](Necrotize)(199L)
Earring: RAWR! Ankh Queen ELF MALE EvoX Earrings [mesh] 
Claws: RAWR! Merciless Claws Legacy MALE [mesh] 
Eyes: S0NG Charmmy - Lust Eye [mesh] (50L)
Cape: egosumaii Catacomb Prince Cape, gacha [mesh] 
Head, Lips, piercings: LeLUTKA Kane Evolution .2.5 [mesh](3990L)
Body: TheShops [BODY] Athletic Meshbody (Legacy)(m) (1.0) [mesh](5000L)
Pose: FOXCITY Forever After (200L)

On Her, Anna the Automaton Blood Doll:
Guest Appearance: Aarya PhantomhiveFor complete stylecard, go to Dark Phantom blog.
Dress: toksik Gracious Dress (Lara) [mesh](Engine Room)(500L)
Collar: DREAMCATCHER Beatrice Collar [mesh](Engine Room)(199L)
Head: BeSpoke Doll Marionette - Head, female [mesh](Engine Room)(600L)
Hair: Aii Sonata Hair [F] [L style3] + {HAIR HELL} [mesh](Engine Room)(500L)
Eyes: [TWC] Realm Eyes (Gld-Blue)(Engine Room)(400L)
Fan: Arts&Gear *AG* Iron fan R[A] (Engine Room)(220L)
Tattoo: Fallen Gods METROPOLIS Rust Prototype, complete[mesh](Engine Room)(480L)
Skin: Fallen Gods Materica female +FGInc.+ RUST Elegance [mesh](1200L)

Lamp: Architect Hot Air Balloon Chandelier [mesh](Engine Room)(275L)
Decor: Pitaya The Last Vampire - Long Banner, Curtains, Candelabra, Coffin, Chains 01 [mesh]
Setting: Remarkable Oblivion Danse Macabre - Ruins Stage RARE [mesh]
Thanks for your help, Aarya!

Monday, December 13, 2021

Salvage Station: Nuclear Winter

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STORYLINE: Moments before the nuclear warhead detonated over Cairo, a lone being with supernatural speed flew deep inside the womb of his ancient origins. It was a fitting place to die, he thought, the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza. But the blinding nuclear flash did not penetrate the 2.3 million bricks surrounding him. There was impossible heat, the ground trembled, and then slowly the stone turned colder and colder. He didn’t know how long he sat in the dark hoping to hear any signs of life, the flutter of bat wings, the scamper of a beetle.... Nothing. Silence. It wasn’t until finally the thirst grew so intense it drove him out of hiding. There was no way to prepare for the horror he witnessed. He fell to his knees. He had once been so regal, so proud, so convinced of his divine right to rule, but now the tears flowed and there was no one to dry his eyes. No birds in the sky. No creatures on the land. The Nile was frozen and buried under snow and ash. What had once been a bustling city of 9.5 million was vaporized like it never existed. The only proof humans had ever lived there at all was a shadow of a man burned into the pyramid’s stone. He was frozen from the shock, and then an old saying unexpectedly came to mind, "Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids." Yes, like these 4,500 year old stones, he too endures. He took a deep breath, brushed the hair off his face, and plunged deep into the radioactive snow. He had a new purpose now, -- find survivors of the apocalypse. Not to kill. No, those times were over, but to nurture. It was a bitter irony for an old monster like him who cared so little about "the food." There was no time to waste. He detected a faint scent of living blood on the cruel winds. A woman of breeding age was nearing death. Could he get there in time…?

SLS Syndicate brings to you a brand new event, Salvage Station! Round one takes place in a post-acoplyslic wintery world cobbled together from technology from multiple eras, whatever gets the job done. The sim is decorated on theme and even includes a cool hunt to find objects and use them in recipes to create new objects. Nice touch!  This post was inspired by my Blogger Bat buddy Aarya, as we came up ideas for her post. A story grew and then lead to this one. (For the next part in this story, head over to Aarya Phamtohive's post. Salvage Station: Languish)

From Krieger is the Industrial Respirator. Touch it to bring up a menu to change its look. From Requistion is the Zombiehunter's Claymore which comes with animations you can access by touching it. Wicca's Scavanger Coat comes with fits for men and woman and a hud to change the textures. From Persephone + apocalyptic is what every survivor needs, a good pair of goggles.

I also want to take a moment to thank a hero to me, Anne Rice. She passed away yesterday at age 80 from complications of a stroke. Her imagination, and point of view on many topics deeply resonated with me. Her influence will live on inside me, and her creative spark still burns bright on the printed page. RIP

On him, Kaiser Kruel:
Respirator: Krieger Industrial Respirator 1.0 [mesh](Salvage Station)(400L)
Weapon: Requisition The Zombiehunter's Claymore [mesh](Salvage Station)(500L)
Coat: Wicca's Originals Scavanger Coat Jake [mesh](Salvage Station)(499L)
Goggles: persephone + apocalyptic goggles [mesh(Salvage Station)(249L)
Belt: The Forge Aftermath Belts [mesh](Salvage Station)(350L)
Capelet: Rekt Wanderer Scarf Gold  [mesh](100L)
Pants: Lapointe & Bastchild L&B Swear Havoc Leather Pants [mesh](379L)
Hair: No Match NO FICTION [mesh](200L)
Makeup: TT Industries ::TT::. Unisex Right-Eye Horus Eye Tattoo (49L)
Claws: Tardfish Distressed Claws, male yellow [mesh](149L)
Earrings: Quixe Crusade Earrings Male [mesh](299L)
Gloves: Contraption Dapper Dandy's Gloves soot [mesh](350L)
Cape: Cureless Senshi of the End  Senshi Cloth, gacha [mesh](100L) 
Hair: Air Kazura A01_Tail white [mesh](200L)
Tattoo: Nuuna makeups v12  7 male (300L)
Makeup: Pin Me Down Tili in black, Cheeks
Head: LeLUTKA lel EvoX KANE 3.1 [mesh](3990L)

Giza Plateau: Kalopsia Pyramid Flat [mesh]
Footprints: Shax Homes & iNteriors -SHN- Snow Prints Straight [mesh](75L)
Land: Studio Skye Skye Land Forms Snow 64m Flat [mesh](199L)

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Necrotize: The Dance of Death

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STORYLINE: Astronaut Purple was dozing off at his post on the Coms. It was sterile and empty in space. He missed strange things like bugs. He smiled thinking of his lazy summer childhood days back on Earth. When he stepped outside, insects would fly away. Living things were everywhere. His mind drifted to sinister buzz of the bug-zapper on his father’s back porch. And then, it turned into the hum of the spaceship. His eyes snapped open. He was not alone. That’s when he noticed a strange dark figure in the security cameras. Was he hallucinating? He rubbed his eyes and looked again. It was gone. Probably nothing. He sighed. Nothing exciting ever happened here. Suddenly the door hissed open. Standing there was a beautiful, deadly, and strangely seductive alien. He jumped from his chair, knocking it over, his heart racing. She moved towards him in an erotic motion, inviting him to a dance. He felt like moth to her flame. Its a dream, right? She touched his leg, and electric shock jolted up and down his body. He could see his own bones glow inside his legs. The zap boomed in his head, it was deafening. He felt like he was falling. Like a unexpected power outage, everything flickered to darkness. ... Surely this was a dream.

This image originally was inspired by Fantastical Notion's First Emissary avatar. It was unusual and interesting, and it grew into a ghost Astronaut. Then it took a twist into a deadly galactic dance between a Xenomorph and Astronaut. I couldn't find a location that worked for this image, so I switched to creating a background. More items shown on the "Ghostnaut" are the Val'More Machina legs. They are not rigged so I posed them for this image. For the face is the Conviction Mutant eyes, and TF mort veins. Contraption put two excellent items on discount at the event, animesh Powerjammer spine, and Grymmer vest. On a side note, The X-ray effect I created by breaking apart the Cureless Skeleton and adding props to spine, ribcage, and legs, and using the Body Outline by Euthanasia. On the Zenomorph is the awesome shiny and scary NCHRGX outfit by Human Glitch. The freaky demonic wings are by DarkendStare's R'Lyeh. The dark skin by Petrichor has cool details like red spots, I especially loves the spots around the ears, I have never seen that before. The super shiny & bumpy detail on the skin is the material shine by This Is Wrong. Her cyber eyes and glossy lips are by Suicidal Unborn.

Necrotize will be ending soon. All lovers of cyber, horror, and scifi be sure to not miss it. The setting for the event is SUPER cool, created in collboration by Contraption and CerberusXing. So many great items are there to inspire your cyber nights. Your handy guide here:

On him, the Ghostnaut:
Helmet, horns: Fantastical Notion Hands of the First Emissary [mesh](Necrotize)(900L)
Boots: Val'More Prototype - Machina Legs [mesh](Necrotize)(320L)
Eyes: Conviction Mutant Eyes Purple [mesh](Necrotize)(560L)
Makeup: TF Mort Veins [BOM](Necrotize)(275L)
Skeleton: Cureless Skeletal System Noir [mesh](249L)
Arms: Contraption SP1NDL Prosthetic arm [mesh](500L)
Chest: Contraption The Grymmer Vest [mesh](Necrotize)(350L)
Animesh: Contraption Power Jammer Spine [mesh](Necrotize)(375L)
Pants: Gabriel ::GB::Cyber Elysion Pants Belleza Silver, gacha [mesh](75L)
Skin: Tableau Vivant Noctis skin - Tone 01 [BOM]
Mesh head: Raven Bell  BJD Bento Head James // OMEGA-UV [mesh] (2000L)
Body: Euthanasia Signature Outline [mesh](250L)
Pose: Del May DM - Yin Yang (150L)

On her, Xenomorph Female:
Skin: Petrichor :[P]:- Shadowlaz Femme Skin Sanguinna [mesh](Necrotize)(1149L)
Outfit: Human Glitch NCHRGX Bordo [mesh](Necrotize)(299L)
Boots: Human Glitch NCHRGX Boots [mesh](Necrotize)(399L)
Wings: darkendStare R'lyeh Wings [Black Blood] Right [mesh](Necrotize)(349L)
Helmet: ANA Trap Nova Helm Black [mesh](100L)
Claws: CerberusXing [CX] Salient Talons - Onyx BENTO (277L)
Tail: CerberusXing [CX] XenoPlug - Black [mesh](500L)
Materials: THIS IS WRONG Corrputed shine 3D (Necrotize)(399L)
Lips: Suicidal Unborn -SU!- Cyber Necromancer Lip Gloss -Genus- (Necrotize)(350L)
Eyes: Suicidal Unborn -SU!- Cyber Eyes -NECRO 3000X (Necrotize)(299L)
Head: GENUS Project Genus Head Strong Face GIFT001 v1.7 Mocap [mesh](group gift)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara [BOM] [mesh](2750L)

Nebula: uxmal750ad Nebula Stock Image 2

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Necrotize: An Impostor Among Us

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STORYLINE: The PA system of The Skeld suddenly crackled to life, "Emergency! Emergency! Meeting Called!" Crewmate Pink rushed down the spaceship hallway. Not again... not another death. First was Purple, then Yellow, and now... ? She was so lost in her thoughts that she ran right into crewmen Blue. A monstrous tongue whipped out of a gaping hole in his belly right at her. She screamed. BANG! BANG! BANGBANG! Bullets ricocheted off metal. She ducked and covered her head. After the smoke cleared, she heard heels clicking towards her. "Is he dead?," she shyly asked. The heels stopped. It was Cyan, "You mean IT. Blue died a long time ago. And you're welcome." She put her gun back into it's holster. Green kicked off Blue's helmet to reveal the skeletal remains hidden inside. White gasped, "That's not possible! Blue was with me in engineering the whole time! He couldn't have been dead!" Red sighed, "Of course its possible. How long have we been without oxygen? With these stupid helmets on, none of us can even see each other! We have no idea how long he was like.... that," she shuddered. "Umm... guys," Black began slowly. "If Blue was in engineering, who sabotaged the oxygen so we needed to wear helmets?"  They all looked at each other suspiciously, and slowly backed away. Among them was another alien, if not more....

Necrotize is open to fill your Halloween with creepy Scifi horror.  If you haven't guessed already, this image was inspired by the game "Among Us," the animated Maw from Ambix, and the many super cool alien and astronaut boots available at Necrotize. (Be sure to check out the Cinphil and Cureless boots with male fits!) The event looks like the alien mothership from the nightmares of H.R. Giger. You have got to go check it out. And also there are lots of gifts for you too, just touch those icky green eggs... if you dare!  Booowahahahahah.

Shopping guide here:

Astronaut Crewmates, left to right:
Cyan: cinphul raptor boots Legacy Male [mesh](Necrotize)(500L)
Green: Cureless Xenomech Boots green Legacy Male [mesh](Necrotize)(299L)
Red: Eudora3D Vertigo Boots browns & reds [mesh](Necrotize)(399L)
Black: Human Glitch NCHRGX boots black [mesh](Necrotize)(299L)
Pink: SEKA's Cyberlita Stomper Pink [mesh](Necrotize)(249L)
White: Cubic Cherry Dalamud boots white [mesh](Necrotize)(249L)

On him, Astronaut Blue:
Mouth: AMBIX Monster Maw Mouth + Tongue Rigged][mesh](Necrotize)(599L)
Skeleton: ZED Skeleton Avatar [mesh](Shop and Hop - Aurelian)(gift)
Helmet: The Black Forest TBF Space Helmet [mesh](10L)
Outfit: Radix Enigma 77 Cyber Suit Jake Blue, gacha [mesh](75L)
Collar: Antinatural Deathracer Biker Mask blue, gacha [mesh](75L)
Gloves: Contraption Dapper Dandy's Gloves [mesh](350L)
Pose: Del May Dead To the World (50L)

Blood: Pixelancer Spillage [mesh](99L)

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Mainfame: Cyber Idol Bodyguard

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STORYLINE: The siren of Insilico, Ferah, had a little stalker problem. But that was before she hired a nearly indestructible SAW 655 cyborg. No one dared get close to her now when he was on the job. 

Aarya and I teamed up for this last Mainframe shot. It's always so much fun collaborating with her. We bounced ideas, coordinated on camera angles, poses and windlights. She took the pictures and I edited in photoshop a blend of 5 windlights while she was sleeping. Then I shot Insilico to drop in a background and sent her the pieces to use however she wishes. Hey, its so true "Two Heads are better than one." I hope we can team up again in the future.

Let me just tell you this.. the cinphul Mongrel Saw is badass. It has many moving parts. No one will come near you, but be careful you don't slice off a leg or anything. lol  I am also wearing the helmet by Ghost Bullet + Sugerhigh. its mod so you edit the shape and drop in tints. The Butanik83 Wings have on are actually a tail. I know, I'm crazy. But its so cool I wanted to show it. The pants are by Inkrane and come with alpha hud to change texture and alpha out the lower area with socks, for a better fit with boots. Aarya will tell you more about what she is wearing on her blog, you can see it here: Dark Phantom 

On him, bodyguard SAW 655:
Helmet: Ghost Bullet + Sugarhigh SK helmet fatpack [mesh](Mainframe)(100L)
Wings: Butanik83 Tail of ONAGA [mesh](Mainframe)(200L)
Weapons: cinphul Mongrel Saw[mesh](Mainframe)(349L)
Pants: Inkrave Edge Runner Trousers [mesh](Mainframe)(525L)
Collar: SOLE 10 TIME RIFTER Collor Red, gacha [mesh](75L)
Collar: SOLE SA - Collar Mk.1 Black [mesh](799L)
Armband: SOLE GRPE - CArm White, gacha [mesh](75L)
Skin, head applier: Fallen Gods Legacy of Maul, male skin Coal TMP [BOM](990L)
Head: TheMeshProject (BETA) Head(m) - Anime (Deluxe) [mesh](5000L)
Body, skin: TheShops [BODY] Athletic Meshbody (Legacy)(m) (1.0) [mesh](5000L)
Pose: yzk mens pose 4 hero2

On her, cyber idol Ferah:
Guest Appearance: Aarya Phantomhive of the Dark Phantom blog
Dress: ERSCH Daela Dress black [mesh](Mainframe)(310L)
Wings: AMBIX Plasmorphic Holowing [mesh](Mainframe)(599L)
For a complete stylecard and more of this storyline, visit the Dark Phantom blog here.

Pod: Cerridwens Cauldron [CC] XB Pod Black/High Res Textures [mesh](Mainframe)(250L)


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Engine Room: Commodore of the Skies

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STORYLINE: The frontier towns floating in the lawless skies of Venus were full of scavengers, ruffians, and pirates. But that all changed when the Commodore arrived. He was determined to make it safe for the pioneers.

These are the last days of round two of the Engine Room. Be sure to head over and scoop up some badass Steampunk goodies. Shown above is the Commanders coat by Salem. It comes in several base colors. The Gasmask is by The Forge. It comes in black and brown, unrigged and mod so you can adjust it for a good fit. The gun is by Reliquary and comes with a hud to draw, fire, and holster. It has optional textures you load into it. You can also buy a shell caddy for your gun. In the background is the Irongate Wharf by Ex Machina. Its meant for the water, but hey, it can fly too if you give some propellers. lol  Other items I used, The Blackjack rare Airship, and past LindenLab premium gift the Marauder. Gloves, pants, and boots are by Contraption. And adding a little movement is the Cureless Senshi cloth from gacha.

On Him, Commodore:
Top: Salem Commanders Coat Jake, Black [mesh](Engine Room)(199L)
Gasmask: The Forge Atticus Mask, Black [mesh](Engine Room)(350L)
Weapon: Reliquary !R! Enemy Scattergun [mesh](Engine Room)(750L)
Gloves: Contraption Dapper Dandy's Gloves [mesh](350L)
Pants, Boots: Contraption Airship Deck Crew [mesh](400L)
Cape: Cureless Senshi of the End  Senshi Cloth Mars, gacha [mesh](100L)
Collar: Artificial Hallucination +AH+ Belt Collar male [mesh](246L)
Hat: Deathrow DRD- cap unisex [mesh]
Mesh head: Raven Bell James, Bento [mesh] (2000L)
Pose: yzk mens pose 4 hero1

Dock: Ex Machina Irongate Wharf v 1.0 [mesh](Engine Room)(987L)
Rocket: D-LAB sky pirates Zucchini rocket [mesh](200L)
Airship: BJK Fantasy machines SHIP Rare, gacha [mesh]
Galleon Airship: Linden Labs Premium Gift - Linden Marauder v1 [mesh]

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Fantasy Faire 2020: The Severed Garden

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: "They are waiting to take us into the severed garden. Do you know how pale and wanton thrillful comes death on a strange hour? Unannounced, unplanned for like a scaring over-friendly guest you’ve brought to bed. Death makes angels of us all and gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as raven’s claws. No more money, no more fancy dress, this other kingdom seems by far the best. Until it’s other jaw reveals incest and loose obedience to a vegetable law. I will not go."  - The Severed Garden, Jim Morrison

The Fantasy Faire was a huge success this year, lots of fun was had by all and $73,572 USD was raised for Relay for Life. Congrats to 700+ Faire staff and designers who helped make this happen, and to all the Faireland visitors who enjoyed and donated. Well done!

Several elements from both the Engine Room and Fantasy Faire inspired this post. From the Engine Room is the Lux Hair from Raven Bell. It comes in multiple fits for men and women. The from and the back are separate, so you can combine hairs or color then separately. Included is a unrigged bow with its own texture hud. Matching up nicely with the hair is the Auxentios Pass version of the Atreus coat by Contraption, which was a Relay for Life item at the Fantasy Faire. The textures for it a wonderful, you can pick out what colors you want for different fabrics from the texture hud. From the Fantasy Faire is this wonderful garden by The Looking Glass. Below I have moving clip of one section of the garden and a view of the braid in the Lux Hair.

On Him, the son of the Marquis d'Auvergne:
Hair: Raven Bell Luxe Luxe Hair [mesh](Engine Room)(350L)
Jacket: Contraption Atreus Frock *AUX* [mesh](400L)(Fantasy Faire: Auxentios Pass)
Gloves: Contraption Dapper Dandy's Gloves [mesh](350L)(Fantasy Faire: Auxentios Pass)
Pants, Boots: Contraption Airship Deck Crew [mesh](400L)(Fantasy Faire: Auxentios Pass)
Cane: Deadwool Goat cane [mesh](group gift)
Skin: Tableau Vivant Nathan - tone 1 - blond [BOM]
Mesh head: Raven Bell James, Bento [mesh] (2000L)
Body: Belleza Jake 2.0 Bento Mesh Body  [mesh](2999L)
Pose: Hot Dive pose repose02

Glass Coffin: {anc} forget. glass coffin [Salome]19Li RARE gacha[mesh]
Skeleton: Cureless Skeletal System / NOIR [mesh](249L)
Paths: The Looking Glass Lunafae Garden Path Edges [mesh](350L)(Lunafae: Fantasy Faire)
Fountain: The Looking Glass Lunafae Fountain [mesh](250L)(Lunafae: Fantasy Faire)
Hedges: The Looking Glass Lunafae Hedge Pack [mesh](350L)(Lunafae: Fantasy Faire)
Plants: The Looking Glass Daisies and Ladybirds [mesh] (99L)(Lunafae: Fantasy Faire)
Bridge: The Looking Glass TLG FF2017 - DP Bridge Flat [mesh] (99L)
Waterlillies: Cerridwen's Cauldron [CC] Twinkling Duckweed Large Patch [mesh] (450L)
Rocks: Harshlands Realistic Rocks [mesh](150L)

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Aenigma (Tainted Love) : Poltergeist

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: "Betrayer," a malevolent voice whispered in the dark. No, not again.... A whirlwind suddenly exploded. Books flew across the room. Rosa Rossa quickly grabbed his dagger and tried to stab the disembodied arms before they could scratch "Mine" across his body once more. He screamed and thrashed wildly. He was no longer the sleek hunter, a fiend feasting on the blood of innocents. No, it was he who was the prey. "Forever young," they said, "forever beautiful." But none of those lying Nosferatu bastards offering him the Gift bothered to mention there were other dark forces lurking in the shadows.... They gave not one word of warning that a soul who died violently could return to exact revenge.... Now there was no escape. No way to kill the monster he created. Two immortals, locked in a war of love turned to hate for all entirety.

There's a brand new event, Aenigma, full of many wonderful designers delivering creative items around a theme. The first round is "Tainted Love."  Don't miss it, it will be closing on the 15th. Hurry hurry! And keep an eye out for the next round, Madness! For more information, go to:

I'm very happy I was invited a few days ago to blog this event, so many designers I love are here.  This image was inspired by a few of the items at the event. The Ghost Hands are super cool! They are animesh by Maru Kado, and hover around you in a very creepy way before grabbing at you. I love it! Coming with it is a White Crow tattoo of scratch marks, in applier and BOM for face and body. I love this super cool Rose and Thorn hand bling by Silvery K. I had to have it! So I switched to the Maitrya body with V-tech chest to wear it. The Dagger is by Deadly Nightshade and includes several hud triggered attack animations. The heart lock collar by unstable includes a hud to change its textures. And lastly you can find this dandy hat in Insonmia Angel houndtooth gacha at Aenigma.    The RavenBell Jay hair I picked up recently at the Humpday Sale. Its awesome! Be sure to keep your eye on those sales to see if he offers any new hairs in Dystopian colors. And lastly, I want to show you a sneak peek of the new FATE Oculi eyes! They are very cool with animated irises that dilate and contract automatically. I helped beta test them. So many things on my wishlist from Fate Eyes and now these made it into the product. You guys are going to love them so much. There will be addons too, for super huge eyes, cat eyes, and a dev kit for the creation of new eye texture and appliers. It's coming soon to the marketplace near you!

On him, the Haunted Vampire Rosa Rossa:
Animesh arms: Maru Kado / The White Crow Always Mine [mesh](Aenigma)(500L)
Dagger: DeadlyNightshade .~DN~. Violent Rose [mesh](Aenigma)(500L)
Collar: unstable Everlasting Devotion [mesh](Aenigma)(200L)
Hand jewelry: Silvery K Rose curse-Bento mesh Black hands thorns [mesh](Aenigma)(300L)
Hat: Insomnia Angel stovepipe hat noir, gacha [mesh](Aenigma)(75L)
Eyes: FATE Oculi v0.9.7 [mesh](coming soon)
Hair: RavenBell Jay Hair, Dystopian [mesh](350L)
Coat: Cureless RedLabel Donatien Manteau [mesh](399L)
Corset: GRIMA Manson Corset Maitreya [mesh](300L)
Boots: GRIMA Maitreya Latex Thigh-High Military Boots Black [mesh](195L)
Pants: Happy Pants Metal Black [mesh](355L)
Collar: Lovely Disarray Personal Jesus : Collar of Thorns [mesh]
Skin: Dimbula Rose :::DR::: Knyam skin Vampire [BOM]
Mesh head: Raven Bell James, Bento [mesh] (2000L)
Chest: [V-Tech] Boi Chest Mod v2.2 - Maitreya  [BOM](499L)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara  [BOM] [mesh](2750L)
Expressions: Happy Dispatch [HD] bento Facial expression HUD (600L)
Pose: yzk mens  pose8

Skybox: VARONIS Sombre Skybox [mesh](429L)
Chair: Violetility Sanguine Throne Lestat [mesh](599L)
Petals: Luna Rosarie L+R petal storm, gacha [mesh]
Flying paper: Moon Amore Opera Romance, Burning music sheets, gacha [mesh](45L)
Curtains: Kalopsia Flying Curtain [mesh](50L)
Outside view: Venexia

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Tomb of the Kōmori Daiyoukai

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: He inhaled deeply the smoke of the serpent pipe. As he exhaled, the snake at the tip hissed out smoke trails. He watched it lazily meander towards a nearby rockface. The pipe was a prized relic of the Kōmori clan. It was not of this world, it belonged to the spiritworld. It's smoke was being sucked toward a heavy spiritual presence nearby. There must be hidden cave. "Father," he smiled. "At last I found you." Once inside the cave, he discovered the massive fallen skeleton of his father, its batwings still stretched out, as if he might fly away at any moment. Beside it impaled in a pile of skulls, was the gleaming legendary katana of his father. Smoke swirled around it. The pulsing power emanating from the sword gave him goosebumps. He climbed up the pile of bones and lovingly withdrew his birthright. "Nightfang" he whispered to it as it were his lover, "So nice to meet you at last."

The idea of this post was inspired by one of my favorite animes.  The pipe, tattoo, hairsticks, and pants you can find at Japonica. The Bento wings are part of the brand new Linden Labs Bento starter avatars, and the bento tail is by Murder of Ravens. The giant skeleton is part of the Cureless gacha at Epiphany.

For more information on Japonica, go to:

On him, Son of the Komori Daiyoukai:
Pipe: BOILDEGG :02:Wa Hukimodoshi Snake Silver, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(50L)
Pants: Gild abi-hakama_purpleGradation [mesh](Japonica)(180L)
Hairpins: CerberusXing [CX] Hinotori Kanzashi (Purple) [mesh](Japonica)(150L)
Tattoo applier: U Design Atasushi (Japonica)(300L)
Bento tail: Murder of Ravens [M.O.R] bento demon tail v1.1 [mesh](150L)
Bento Wings: Linden Labs Sauin - Wings (starter avatar, free)
Collar: [CX]&[ContraptioN] Untamed Collar - Black [mesh](250L)
Face Piercings: CerberusXing Chained Bridge - Silver [mesh](300L)
Hair: Dura Dura-Boy*51 [mesh](130L)
Ears: Illusions Fairy Ears [mesh] (300L)
Hand, hand pose: Slink Male Hands Dynamic - BENTO [mesh] (875L)
Skin applier: Soul Emmanuel - Cypher [V1] Special Edition TMP (975L)
Tongue: 6DOO bento basic tongue thin front [mesh](150L)
Head: 6DOO Human mesh head EKASI-01 Ver.1.02 [mesh](2,600L)
Body: NX-Nardcotix David Mesh Body [mesh](1750L)
Bento hud face: Happy Dispatch [HD] bento Facial expression HUD (600L)
Pose: Hot Dive pose beast (30L)

Skeleton: Cureless Yokai Chronicles Gashadokuro BONE, gacha [mesh](Epiphany)(75L)
Skull mound: MGSit Store Horror [mesh](420L)
Katana: Mandala Sakura Dynasty [mesh](387L)
Fog: {anc} mist cloud [Heavenlyblue] 1prim sculpt (349L)

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Love is a Battlefield

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: “She held her sword, and she smiled like a knife. The men in the room suddenly realized that they did not want to know her better. She was beautiful, but she was beautiful in the way a forest fire was beautiful: something to be admired from a distance, not up close.” - On War (4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse), Good Omens by Terry Pratchett

On her, WAR:
Corset: Anachron Burlesque Corset - Lilly [mesh]
Boots: EMPIRE Freesia Black Latex [mesh](799L)
Choke: Cureless&Disorderly Akiba Cafe Neko Cosplay Choker RARE, gacha [mesh](75L)
Ears: Cureless&Disorderly Akiba Cafe Neko Ears Dark RARE, gacha [mesh](75L)
Tail: Cureless&Disorderly Akiba Cafe Neko Tail / Black, gacha [mesh](75L)
Bow: Cureless&Disorderly Akiba Cafe Oversize Maid Bow, gacha [mesh](75L)
Sword: Random.Matter Hands of Fate - Sword Silver, gacha [mesh](75L)
Belt: FATEplay Willow Belt - Dark [mesh](400L)
Gloves: BOOM Dame Elbow Gloves black satin [mesh](200L)
Mask: Souzou Eien Lace Masque Silver [mesh]
Hair: Tableau Vivant Hortensia hair - reds [mesh](250L)
BraceletSax Shepherd Designs Gunslinger Bullet Band Armband Black [mesh](399L)
Head, skin applier, eyes, teeth: Genesis Lab Genesis_Head_Julia_2.0_Sexy, gacha [mesh](99L)
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body V1.4 [mesh] (1250L)
Pose: Musa Harp Pink, gacha [mesh](50L)

Heart stand: Air Lost Heart stand(gold)_CM[mesh](150L)
Hookah: Souzou Eien Mosaic Hookah [mesh](We <3 Roleplay)(100L)
Chaise lounge: Noctis Belle Rouge Chaise [mesh](225L)
Chandeleir: Noctis Belle Rouge chandeleir/light with bra [mesh](155L)
Floor lamp: Noctis Belle Rouge standard lamp [mesh](95L)
Planter: Noctis Belle Rouge planter 2 [mesh](99L)
Planter: Noctis Belle Rouge planter 1 [mesh](99L)
Chair: Noctis Belle Rouge chair V2 arms [mesh](155L)
Cage: Souzou Eien Lucky Cricket Cage [mesh](300L)
Rug: Libertine Viscount rug, 2 textures swap, Viscount set [mesh]
Cello: Death Row DRD Victorian Musicroom - cello [mesh](75L)
Harp: Death Row DRD Victorian Musicroom - harp playable [mesh](245L)
Body bags: ContraptioN Wrapped Corpses [mesh](free)
Burlesque stage: Death Row drd Villa Rouge VR stage [mesh](350L)
Burlesque bar: Death Row DRD Villa Rouge Building [mesh](450L)
Skybox: Warm Animations Warm - Fancy Skybox, (tinted) [mesh](LTD)(500L)

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Somewhere Over the Rainbow...

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Dorothy was forever changed by her childhood visit to Oz. It was considered a miracle she escaped the tornado with only a bump to the head and a scar to the face. She had long ago accepted her memories of Oz were dreams triggered by head trauma. Never-the-less, she was determined to bring a little magic of Oz to Kansas. She studied agriculture to learn how to revitalize parched land. To brighten the otherwise dusty landscape, she planted colorful flowers that reminded her of Munchkinland. "Paradise is not a dream," Auntie Em often said, "It's the product of hard work and determination." All seemed to be going well for Dorothy, until the eve of her 18th birthday. Shattering her sense of reality, a yellow brick road slowly formed before her house leading up into the sky. 

Enchantment returns with the Wizard of Oz. Don't miss this beautifully decorated sim, fun creations, live performances, parties, art, and the many anniversary gifts!

On her, Dorothy:
Hair: Tukinowaguma *TKW* Dorothy [mesh](Enchantment)(250L)
Dress: Coco PuffSleeveDress(Blue)_for_COCOFashionDoll [mesh](Enchantment)(250L)
Shoes: Lotus Dorothy Pumps, SLink [mesh](Enchantment)(599L)
Pet: Black Bantam Dorbert The Doggy [mesh](Enchantment)(199L)
Hat Bow: Cureless&Disorderly Akiba Cafe Oversize Maid Bow, gacha [mesh](Bon Voyage)(50L)
Scar: Cureless Himura Fresh Scar (180L)
Parasol: The Sugar Garden .tsg Ruffled Parasol yellow, gacha [mesh](50L)
Basket: Zenith Spring Picnic Rattan Basket B Camel, gacha [mesh](85L)
Hat: Meli Imako Lolita Boater Hat Red ribbons [mesh](50L)
Stockings: MoonStore White Lace Leggings, omega (50L)
Collar: Dead Dollz The Miller's Daughter Choker - Blue [mesh](past Enchantment)
Eyes: Poetic Colors classic gen4 - m/r - blue surf [mesh](150L)
Lashes: FTL Eyelashes - C01 Natural (280L)
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands - Casual [mesh](450L)
Feet: Slink Female Feet (AvEnhance) - Mid [mesh](675L)
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body [mesh](1250L)
Pose: Theater Chain umbrella pose set (150L)

Caravan: By Nacht Professor Marvel’s Caravan [mesh](Enchantment)(250L)
Hanging lamp: Artisan Fantasy Tornado Chandelier [mesh](Enchantment)(450L)
Party set: Aphrodite Wizard of Oz Party Set [mesh](Enchantment)(699L)
Table: 22769 [bauwerk] Yellow Brick Road Iron Garden Table [mesh](Enchantment)(145L)
Chair: 22769 [bauwerk] Yellow Brick Road Iron Garden Chair [mesh](Enchantment)(175L) 
Bench: 22769 [bauwerk] Yellow Brick Road Iron Garden Bench [mesh](Enchantment)(175L) 
Tree: Little Branch LB_HoneyMesquite{4seasons}[mesh](Enchantment)(386L)
Path: FDD stories Roads of Oz [mesh](Enchantment)(350L)
Cart: Roawenwood {RW} Rally Racer Bumper Truck- GREEN [mesh]
Crates: Noctis garden crates #1 nettles and violets RARE, gacha [mesh](Lost and Found(35L)
Crates: Noctis garden crates #2 empty, gacha [mesh](Lost and Found)(35L)
Crates: Noctis garden crates #3 empty, gacha [mesh](Lost and Found)(35L)
Crates: Noctis Garden crate, pots and spade, gacha [mesh](Lost and Found)(35L)
Bucket: Noctis Mirkwood Farms viola bucket white, gacha [mesh](Lost and Found)(35L)
Jug: Noctis Mirkwood Farmsviolets jug/aqua, gacha [mesh](Lost and Found)(35L)
Cart: Noctis Keepers of the Cart RARE, gacha [mesh](Lost and Found)(35L)
Jug: Noctis Mirkwood Farms milk jug/closed/yellow, gacha [mesh](Lost and Found)(35L)
Jug: Noctis Mirkwood Farms milkchurn/closed/blue2, gacha [mesh](Lost and Found)(35L)
Jug: Noctis Mirkwood Farms Milk Churn#2sunflrw, gacha [mesh](Lost and Found)(35L)
Jug: Noctis Mirkwood Farms Milk Churn#2,mallow, gacha [mesh](Lost and Found)(35L)
Jug: Noctis Murkwood farms milk churn with sage, gacha [mesh](Lost and Found)(35L)
Jug: Noctis Mirkwood Farms thistle jug/cobalt, gacha [mesh](Lost and Found)(35L)
Potted plants: Noctis Herb potplants, group of 4, gacha [mesh](Lost and Found)(35L)
Bucket: Noctis Mirkwood Farms sage jug/green, gacha [mesh](Lost and Found)(35L)
Crates: Noctis Mirkwood Farms viloa bucket yellow, gacha [mesh](Lost and Found)(35L)
Topiary: Zenith Grass Rabbit with Flowers(group gift)(free)
House: Death Row Garden House pack [mesh](pg 1400L, adult 1650L)
Windmill: Iso Flux Flux Farm Windmill[mesh](19L)
Hay stack, barn: Alehandrita Design Our Little Stable

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Rocky Horror 2065

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: It was an insatiable thirst that brought the first wave of Space Vampires to the Earth. Despite the many tasty morals he could choose from, the outlaw from Planet Transexual quickly grew bored of humans. Dr. Frank-N-Furter needed something far more tantalizing to sate his hunger. So he collected bits and pieces of the best parts of human DNA to recombine into what he considered, the ultimate man. And he named his golden creation Rocky Horror.

Dr. Frank-N-Furter:
Tattoo: Cureless Moonlight Revenge tattoo, tmp (Uber)(399L)
Gloves: FATEplay Duelling Gloves - Scripted (edit tint)[mesh](350L)
Necklace: deviousMind LaSombra - VampireNecklace ONYX/SILVER [mesh](225L)
Necklace: Junbug Highland Pearls White Bow, gacha [mesh]50L)
Boots: Boys To The Bone BTTB Eir heels black male [mesh](250L)
Cape: CURELESS&DISORDERLY Senshi of the End  Senshi Cloth PLUTO, gacha [mesh](100L)
Leash: CURELESS&DISORDERLY Deimos Leash Holder [mesh]
Harness, skirt: titzuki Atlas aet black TMP [mesh](400L)
Jacket: Gabriel TMP_::GB::Half top Jacket_black [mesh](220L)
Stethoscope, Hospital Bed: Violetility Naughty Medical Bed includes poses (adult 699L)
Hair: Truth Hair Ryleigh [mesh](12 Days of Savings)(100L)
Eyes: Dead Apples Marble - Heroine [mesh](89L)
Eyeliner: CL-NINE CL9v2l_HeadEyeline01C(bk) (gift no longer available)
Skin: Tableau Vivant Rays Mort Vivant Shadow(990L)
Latex applier: ADN GIRLYGOTH (99L)
Tattoo face: -=FORSAKEN=- Outcast Markings Sharp cross down Prim tattoo (150L)
Lip stripe: -=FORSAKEN=- Ink spit lip stripe Black (150L)
Tongue: CheerNo Tongue_Silver_piercing [mesh](225L)
Fangs: Venexia Venetian Vampire Fangs Small (no longer available)
Body: TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Body [mesh](5000L)
Pose: R.icielli ELEGANCE POSES / pose 02

Rocky Horror:
Headphones: [LAB737] Nostalgia Headset [mesh](249L)
Hair: Ayashi Nikko hair-Blond [mesh](250L)
Goggles: Souzou Eien *S.E.*~ Blast Goggles [mesh] (150L)
Collar: Gabriel ::GB::Armour Gorget Collar (AESTHETIC) Gold, gacha [mesh](75L)
Belt: Gabriel ::GB::Armour Gorget Belts (AESTHETIC) Gold, gacha [mesh](75L)
Boots: Gabriel ::GB::Armour Gorget Boots (AESTHETIC) Gold, gacha [mesh](75L)
Gloves: Gabriel  ::GB::Armour Gorget Gloves (AESTHETIC) Gold, gacha [mesh](75L)
Neck Bolts: Death Row DRD bolts + SOUND [mesh](no longer available)
Face Applier: The Skinnery Renji Head Applier Catwa male (388L)
Makeup applier: Suicidal Unborn -SU!- Anneke Eyeshadow (199L)
Nipple Piercing: Artificial Hallucination +AH+ Mesh Piercing Nipple Cross silver (79L)
Head: CATWA HEAD Jackson V4.6 [mesh]
Body Suit Applier: Zhora Design *ZD* Leggins Outfit Gold, omega (160L)
Body skin: Niramyth Diamond Vampire addon (1200L)
Body, hands, feet, skin, bodysuit: Niramyth AESTHETIC - [Mesh Body] Enzo [mesh] (2799L)
Pose: Poseidon Star Pose - Twins 1 RARE, gacha (50L)

Hospital Bed, Stethoscope: Violetility Naughty Medical Bed includes poses (adult 699L)
Walls: Death Row DRD madlab lab floor walls, gacha [mesh](50L)
Panel: Death Row DRD lab Voltage panel, gacha [mesh](50L)
Meter: Death Row DRD lab B# 1828 meter, gacha [mesh](50L)
Vacuum: Death Row DRD lab T#458 vaccuum, gacha [mesh](50L)
Vacuum: Death Row DRD lab T#12 vaccuum tube green, gacha [mesh](50L)
Vacuum:  Death Row DRD lab T#12 vaccuum tube blue, gacha [mesh](50L)
Powertube: Death Row DRD lab T#12 powertube red big, gacha [mesh](50L)
Powertube: Death Row DRD lab T#12 powertube blue big, gacha [mesh](50L)
Powertube: Death Row DRD lab T#12 powertube blue small, gacha [mesh](50L)