Showing posts with label HPMD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HPMD. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Little Fountain Visitor

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: A mist rolled slowly into the sleeping village. Tomorrow would be a buzz of activity during the summer festival, but for tonight the air was calm with only an occasional cricket chirp, or croak of a lonely frog. Stalking silently in the tall grass was the Little Lion, protector of the village. It was hard work keeping the rats away so the big event would run smoothly, but quiet moments like this made it worth it for the tiny fierce hunter. She sprung up with ease on top of her favorite place, the rock water fountain in the garden. From her perch, the Little Lion surveyed her territory. Then smiled in her own catlike way for a job well done, and took a drink.

It's summertime in Japonica! Throw on your Yukata, and head on over to enjoy beautiful creations in kimono & yukata for men and women, accessories, buildings, decore, food, tattoos, and gacha from Japan.  For more information, go to:

Fountain: MonkeyGirl [MG]Dokodemo Waniwa Type A1 [mesh](Japonica)(350L)
Building:  Maru Kado Kominka-01 (43Li) [mesh](Japonica)(450L)
Cart: Marushin D8 tawara #2, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(70L)
Plants, Statue: Del-ka Aedilis Asian Garden O-Ren [mesh](Genre - East Asia)(150L)
Fog: {anc} mist cloud [Heavenlyblue] 1prim sculpt (349L)
Grass: Happy Mood HPMD* WildGrasses -green- a [mesh](180L)
Cat: Fashionably Dead (fd) Cat - 12 Curious, gacha [mesh] (50L)
Lantern: The Looking Glass TLG - Lotus Valley Dream Lantern [mesh](past Fantasy Faire gift)
Path: Dysfunctionality [DDD] Stone Ruins Path - Long [mesh](135L)
Bamboo: Headhunter's Island Yellow bamboo row [mesh](99L)
Landform: Jumbo Core Plat  River [mesh](95L)
Walls: Fuubutsu Dou Stone Wall with materials [mesh](500L)

(click to enlarge)
Watermill: Soul Mates Miller's House with mill  [mesh](Japonica)(800L)
Pinwheel stand: bitter vanilla -15-  b.v Yatai (red) RARE, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(60L)
Cart lantern: Marushin #7 Chochin Dashi E, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(70L)
Cart Dragon: Marushin #10RARE Ryujin Dashi A, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(70L)
Tea House: 22769 Secret Teahouse [mesh](Japonica)(525L)
Floor lantern: 22769 Paper Console Lamp  [mesh](Japonica)(155L)
Floor lantern: 22769 Small Paper Lamp [mesh](Japonica)(115L)
Folding screen: 22769 Screen [mesh](Japonica)(125L)
Bed: 22769 Futon Bed [mesh](Japonica)(adult 725L, pg425L)
Hanging lanterns stripe: bitter vanilla -11-  b.v Chochin stripes, gacha  [mesh](Japonica)(60L)
Hanging lanterns red: bitter vanilla -12-  b.v Chochin red, gacha  [mesh](Japonica)(60L)
Hanging lanterns: bitter vanilla -13-  b.v Denshoku, gacha  [mesh](Japonica)(60L)
Bonsai: Madpeas Bonsai Tsume, 1li, gacha [mesh] (50L)
Bonsai: Madpeas Bonsai Mitsugo, 1li, gacha [mesh] (50L)
Willow tree: The Little Branch LB_WeepingWillow.V2 [mesh](386L)
Large tree: The Looking Glass TLG - Wolfmother Tree (250L)

Thanks for your help, Akira!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Beauty and the Beast

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: The Beast was cursed for turning a blind eye to those in need. Though the doomed prince's lesson had long since been learned, he suffered on in his monstrous form. He dared not show his hideous face. It was during these lonely years the Beast developed a love for roses. He spent his days toiling in the garden, nurturing and breeding them into masterpieces of horticulture. Why? Because if he himself was not lovely to behold, surely he could still bring beauty into the world with sheer will.

Tale as old as time, Beauty and the Beast. It's one of the best, and most loved of the fairy tales. This current round of Enchantment is the finale. If you haven't made your stamp rally run to scoop up the wonderful event-only creations for Beauty and Beast, you better get hopping! The last day is tomorrow. For more information, go to:

It was fun to do my own take on the Beast. I went more toward a big lion look with the Alice Project Leah hair, BareRose Konkon legs, By Snow's Werecat eyes, and the [ni.ju] Dusk neko makeups. From Enchantment, I'm showing the cool wire and rose Beast Horns by May's Soul. It comes in either white or black, and has a texture change for the two rose groups on the horns. Love it. For a clever and original take on the Beast, C L A Vv delivers the Jagal Masque. It comes in metal and bloody. And it's a Prize! That's right, just buy anything along the Enchantment trail, wear your stamp card and get it stamped at each location, then you can head to the Prize area to pick up a goodie. (Be sure to only wear one stamp card at a time when you collect prizes.)  Maybe can't see it too well in this image without enlarging it, but I am wearing what I called "Bishie Sparkle" from the no. 7 Beast Rose Enchantment prize. It has a collar made of hearts and also fun the sparkle attachment.

From the current round of the Fantasy Gacha is the Reverie outfit. I love the details on the shirt! So cool, and belt, sash, holster, and gloves are also really wonderfully made. Guys, you need to not miss this round of the Fantasy Gacha. There are several seriously badass outfits for the men. ...Ok, enough talk, run hurry! *roars*

On him, Beast:
Horns: May's Soul beast horns black [mesh](Enchantment)(140L)
Mask: C L A Vv. Jagal Masque - Bloody [mesh](Enchantment)(prize, free)
Sparkles: no. 7 Beast Rose :Enchantment: (part 2) [mesh](Enchantment)(prize, free)
Shirt: Reverie Barroom Hero Armor Shirt, black RARE  [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(75L)
Belt: Reverie Barroom Hero Belt and Sash Black [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(75L)
Holster: Reverie Barroom Hero Holster Black [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(75L)
Gloves: Reverie Barroom Hero Gloves Black [mesh](Fantasy Gacha)(75L)
Kilt long: !gO Fantasy Forest Fighter - kilt, gacha [mesh](past, Fantasy Gacha)
Kilt short: ILLMATIC XY Leather Plated Kilt - Noir [mesh]
Hair: Alice Project Leah - blonde [mesh](195L)
Legs: BareRose Fox Boy Konkon Brown Legs [mesh](190L)
Cloak: Pucca Firecaster PFC~Elven Cloak [mesh](250L)
Eyes: By Snow Werecat Eyes (100L)
Makeup: [ni.Ju] Dusk . blush, liner - neko, DK eye - neko (100L)
Skin: Tableau Vivant The Art Series- Sand, gacha (past, Arcade)
Pose: F*cking Ninjas FN Brutal pose (50L)

Hedge: Botanical Seasonal Boxwood  Arch - Square Top [mesh](499L)
Trees: HPMD Garden Tree08 with Lights (820L)
Gate: Never Totally Dead Mur Parc Lutiniere (no longer available)


Friday, October 31, 2014

RMK Halloween: The Magical Academy 4

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STORYLINE: Alarmed, the pet bats of the Witch of Fields, and her ghost familiar warned her a hex was coming! She quickly threw up a shield just in time to bounce the curse off her and return it to it's sender. She found Razorback sometime later in the potions rooms as an ugly toad. Serves him right for being so nasty. He would be trapped in that form until after Halloween and Merlin returned to the Academy to fix him.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN GANG!  Have a great time! Also don't forget today is the last day on RMK Halloween and the TAG Gacha. Here's one last look at awesome goodies you can win or purchase at these events. The Witch of the Fields is wearing the Dream Gacha prize dress Sally by RokumeikaN. Her hat by Remarkable Oblivion is one of the rares from the TAG Gacha. Her arm warmers by Senzafine are available in the RMK Halloween market on main street, as well as the Neverwish Wicked boots which come in many colors. While you stroll down main street, check out the fun gacha by Cila that has this cute Bats rare prize. Over at Cubic Cherry Creations are these adorable ghosts. The ghost's hat is the Candy Corn Dream Gacha prize and at the main street booth you can place the gacha there for more styles. Her green nail polish is the Dream Gacha prize from Goth1c0. And her lovely staff by HPMD animates a conjuring pose while you talk in local chat.

Today I have the next hint for the RMK Halloween End Game!
hint #2 :  Chan is looking for something.

On her, The Witch of the Fields:
Hat: Remarkable Oblivion SpellBinder - Oracle RARE [mesh](TAG Gacha)(100L)
Dress: RokumeikaN +RMK*Halloween2014DreamGacha*+Sally_dress [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Armwarmers: Senzafine "Willow" Armwarmers [mesh](RMK Halloween)(195L)
Staff: HPMD  Wooden Staff - Halloween (typing anim)[mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Nails: Goth1c0 Green (dream gacha prize) (RMK Halloween)(free)
Boots: Neverwish Wicked Boot - Dagger -Black/Plum (edit tint) [mesh](RMK Halloween)(150L)

Hat: BluPrintz Witch Hat - Candy Corn [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Ghost: Cubic Cherry Kre-ations Lil ghost~ Myr [mesh](RMK Halloween)(65L)
Bats: Cila Cute bat 01 02 04-RARE, gacha [mesh](RMK Halloween)(50L)


Monday, December 16, 2013

RMK Frost Fair: Arctic Angels

(click to enlarge)

STORYLINE: Seeing so much lovely ice on the Thames is enough to make a Polar Bear Angel cry.

Another brilliant creation by Beetlebones is the adorable Arctic Friends gacha at RMK Frost Fair. There are two gacha series: land and sea. Land comes with avatar versions or pet versions on Snowshoe Hare, Arctic Fox, and Polar Bear. The Albatross and the rare Snowy Owls are pets. On the sea series, Beluga, Narwhale, Seal, Walrus, and rare Orca and Puffin are pets. On the image above, I am wearing the Polar Bear avatar. He's awesome and comes with AO. My Tundra Posse, lol, are all wearable pets. They animate, walk, run, and fly with you. Included with the pets is a nicely done instruction booklet that even has sound effects. The polar bear wings, halo, and headdress are the prize from Peace on Earth hunt by Inga Winds Clothing. When you fly, the wings flap!

On him, Polar Bear Angel:
Avatar: Beetlebones Arctic Friends Polar Bear Avatar - snow [mesh] (RMK Frost Fair)(50L)
Wings, halo, headress: Inga Wind Clothing Angel of Peace Male [mesh] (POE Hunt #18)(free)
Pet 1: Beetlebones Arctic Friends Albatross - snow [mesh] (RMK Frost Fair)(50L)
Pet 2: Beetlebones Arctic Friends Snowshoe Hare - brown [mesh] (RMK Frost Fair)(50L)
Pet 3: Beetlebones Arctic Friends Seal - smoke [mesh] (RMK Frost Fair)(50L)
Pet 4: Beetlebones Arctic Friends Narwhal - candy [mesh] (RMK Frost Fair)(50L)

RMK Frost Fair

(click to enlarge)

STORYLINE: Watch out, Mr Fox is quite a thief. Who's hat did he snatch this time? ... Don't worry, he's not some pick pocket working the fair, he's just playful and mischievous.

I have actually seen an arctic fox in real life. They are totally restless, alert, and up to no good not unlike a mischievous ferret. The fox avatar above is from the Arctic Friends land series. The cute hat is one of the gifts at the Contraption booth.

On him, Mr Fox:
Avatar: Beetlebones Arctic Fox Avatar - soot [mesh] (RMK Frost Fair)(50L)
Hat: Contraption Play's Shako [mesh] (RMK Frost Fair)(free)

RMK Frost Fair

Monday, November 18, 2013

RMK Gothic: Renewal Gifts 3

(click to enlarge)

Which is sweeter? Cadbury chocolate, or the Cadbury girl? Maybe the Cadbury mascot bunny! This adorable Cadbury Maid outfit by RokumeikaN is free for visitors to the newly remodeled RMK Gothic. Just wear your RMK Gothic SIM group tag, and touch the sign at the Cadbury store. It's free to join.

On Her:
Dress, bonnet, apron, collar: RokumeikaN +RMK*Cadbury's Cocoa*Mini Dress+ (RMK Renewal)(free)
Blush: [ni.Ju] Hime-yu (60L)
Bunny: HPMD SleepyRabbit with Cuddle AO (250L)
Boots: Beetlebones ::BB:: Fowler Laced- Up Boots (Collabor88)(88L)
Hair: Dura x ARAI 02 Curl - strawberry (160L)
Gloves: Adam n Eve AE for SLINK Appliers Hands - Opera Gloves White (150L)

Below is a map of the Dark Town area.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Bunny Girls by Ambrosia

(click images to enlarge)
Bunny Hunt has ended. The bunnies have hopped back into their burrows to hide until next year. But cheer up, not all bunnies are gone! The Bunny Girls are available in Blue, Pink, Special, and Black. You can find these cute outfits at the Ambrosia store at RMK Gothic for 180L.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Spring Elegance at RMK: New Tote Dress

Spring has arrived at RMK! New Tote dress comes in sweet elegant styles of blue and pink.

Dress, hat, chocker: +RokumeikaN+ Tote - pink [mesh]

Dress, hat, chocker: +RokumeikaN+ Tote - blue [mesh]
Additional designers shown: BCC, Curious Kitties, D!va, FTL, JM:Mai, Poetic Colors
Prop:  HPMD Fallen Log - flowers  [mesh]
Location: HPMD

Originally posted to RMK Sim English