Showing posts with label Graves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Graves. Show all posts

Monday, November 15, 2021

Necrotize: Synthetic B.U.G.

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STORYLINE: The Weyland-Yutani Corporation was growing tired of the numerous disruptions to the Inter-Planetary Commerce around the Scheol Nebula. Yes, yes, they knew there were going to be occasional pirates, this was getting ridiculous. That's why they unleashed their own secret weapon, a marvelous miniature Synthetic creation, a Biomechanical Unicode Gynoid, or B.U.G. Its mission was to destroy the enemy ship's AI.

One of amazing creations at Necrotize this round is the Oomukade Centipede tail by Aii&Ego. It comes in Bento or Animesh, and a hud with many texture and color possibilities. Touch the tail to change its animations. Good for aliens, bugs, and youkai!  Also shown on the upper chest, is the CL Joint implant by SOLE that can add an extra cyber touch to your outfits.

On the Synthetic B.U.G.:
Tail: Aii&Ego Oomukade Centipede Animesh Body [mesh](Necrotize)(1500L)
Collar implant: SOLE SA - CL-Joint tech, White[mesh](Necrotize)(299L)
Corset: Fika Chassis Augmentation [mesh](700L)
Arms: Contraption SP1NDL Prosthetic arm [mesh](500L)
Wings: HARO Wasp Wings Long [Animesh](500L)
Antenna: HARO Wasp Antennae [mesh](gift)
Head, eyes: Aii Arachnia Head [mesh](99L)
Bodysuit: Graves G242 Mainframe - White - male [BOM](460L)
Effect: DevinVaughn System Error Code Containment Shield
Hair: No_Match NO_TENDERNESS [mesh](group gift)
Collar: A&Y Lorna Leather Collar, Red 06 [mesh](past gacha)
Armband: SOLE GRPE - CArm White [mesh](past gacha)
Cheek Implant: SOLE SA - CK implant (White) [mesh](past gacha)
Hair: Tableau Vivant Editorial Laying, Underwater  [mesh](past gacha)
Horns: Lovely Alien Seer Horns [mesh]
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara [BOM] [mesh](2750L)

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Mainframe: RAB8 and the Crystal Palace

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STORYLINE: The crowd was cheering at the Crystal Palace. RAB8 was preparing to take the stage when gravity on the space station suddenly failed. Darkness. Emergency bots flicked on and buzzed around him. He heard gunshots. An explosion. People shouting... Alarms blaring. What the hell? Was the Space Station was under attack?

This image is inspired by a combination of things: the endings of the video game CyperPunk 2077 and their Kitsch style, my past post for RAB8, and from the Mainframe event items like the Omise CyberRabiEars and Black Cat anti-gravity poses. Speaking of Mainframe, have you checked out all the awesome loot at the event this round? Its ending soon. Don't miss it!

On him, RAB8:
Ears: Omise CyberRabiEar [mesh](Mainframe)(350L)
Corset: Fika Chassis Augmentation Maitreya [mesh](Mainframe)(700L)
Boots: Eudora3D Road Boots (Maitreya)[mesh](Midnight Order)(499L)
Hair: KMH Hair CP006 (Male) Unrigged[mesh](Mainframe)(325L)
Armbands: krankhaus Cross Straps Maitreya [mesh](Midnight Order)(250L)
Jacket: krankhaus Mahou Shonen V-Tech Jacket [mesh](500L)
Collar: A&Y Helix Cyber collar Maitreya multicolor [mesh](MF gift)
Shorts: Cubura Arcangel Shorts Maitreya [mesh](399L)
Guitar: Mug Punk Rocker #17 Electric Guitar Black, gacha [mesh]
Eyes: By Snow Citadel Eyes - Carbon Cyan [mesh] (200L)
Makeup: Lovely Disarray Dead of Night [Complete](150L)
Bodysuit: Graves G242 Mainframe - White - male (460L)
Tattoo: Apocalyptic Tattoo Circuited body M&B tattoo (500L)
Skin, Boi layer: Pink Fuel [PF] Doll V2 Vamp [BOM](2500L)
Mesh head: Raven Bell  BJD Bento Head James // OMEGA-UV [mesh] (2000L)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara [BOM] [mesh](2750L)
Pose, helmet: Black Cat Poses BCp Cyber Helmet Pose 3 [mesh](Mainframe)(150L)

Pet: Solares Zap-01 Blue Dron, gacha [mesh](Mainframe)(99L)
Skybox: PALETO Backdrop Blueshift purple version [mesh](199L)

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Mainframe: A Bug in the System

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STORYLINE:  BUZZ ....  BUZZ ....  I'm detecting a strange anomaly in the Matrix.  Error 404.  Program shutting down.  Begin system maintenance.  ....  Diagnostics report: a Bug in the system. WASP ID1014.

I love me some Cyber. If you are like me, you are going to get your Cyber Fix at the current round of Mainframe. Its stuffed full of badass stuff. This image was inspired by the creepy WASP wings and Antennae by Haro. The wings come in either Bento or Animesh. They are animated and have a nasty Wasp buzz noise that makes me jump every time I hear it. The matching Anennae are a gift, and both WASP items come with a hud to change textures. Also at Mainframe is the KMH CP004 hair that works nicely for men and women. The Cyber sword is from the gacha by Jeys. The amazing background is motherboard wall by Strange Merchant. I'm wearing the Graves bodysuit, its made for girls, but really if you cover the upper torso, it will work just fine. I love Graves outfits, they are so handy for layering. The top I'm wearing is a sweet gift I picked up at SL17B by ZED. The mask is by A&Y.  And yes, I know. I know... It's driving me crazy too, the nose is showing! But hey, Mr WASP is not doing safe pandemic mask wearing ok, he's a bug.

On Him, the WASP:
Hair: KMH Hair CP004 [mesh](Mainframe)(325L)
Wings: HARO Wasp Wings Long [Animesh](Mainframe)(600L)
Antenna: HARO Wasp Antennae [mesh](Mainframe)(gift)
Bodysuit: Graves G647 Control, applier [BOM](Mainframe)(390L)
Weapon: JEYS Cyberpunkweapon-E02, gacha [mesh](Mainframe)
Arms, spine: ZED Cyber Spine Red, Cyber Arm Red - Gianni [mesh](467L)
Mask: A&Y Bunker CyberShop Neos Cyber Mask - multicolor [mesh](390L)
Headset: SOLE GRPE - Headset White, gacha [mesh](75L)
Eyes: By Snow Citadel Eyes [mesh](200L)
Materials: THIS IS WRONG Wired Materials Shine (male pack)(399L)
Makeup: Tableau Vivant Vincent Make up Silver spry [BOM]
Skin: Tableau Vivant Adam skin - no eyebrows - Tone 15 [BOM]
Mesh head: Raven Bell James, Bento [mesh] (2000L)
Body: Signature Gianni - Mesh Body [mesh](3500L)
Pose: Poseidon Poses Ice 2, gacha

Wall: Strange Merchant Electronic Wall - Red/Black [mesh](Mainframe)(350L)

Monday, June 10, 2019

2066: the UPGRADES Hacker

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STORYLINE: He leapt under the bowls of the glimmering white city in the sky. The place was the private playground of the Mars Tycoons, those who grew fabulously rich off their genetically engineered slave labor force toiling in the dangerous mines below. He was not strong enough to undo this social injustice. However, he could relieve those-who-had-too-much of their great "burden," and share the ill-gotten loot with those who needed it the most. Each time he stole a priceless Upgrade, he grew better capable of stealing more. It would be only be a matter of time before his fat-cat prey would notice the thievery, and then the real games would begin.

Introducing a brand new subscription box for lovers of all things Cyber, is UPGRADE. The box contains 6 exclusive original items in a Sci-Fi theme. The preorder reduced price at 1000L. After the box's release, that you can purchase it for 1500L from the marketplace here until August 31st, 2019, after which it will be retired: Upgrades subscription box.

From the box is the super cool Jammer Spine by Contraption. Its Animesh! You will need to make sure your viewer is current to see it correctly. It attaches to the back and has a hud to change several different zones various colors. Also you can pose the tail or control what type of animation it plays.  Also shown from UPGRADES is are the cuffs by Astara. They come in several colors and have a hud to change it's displayed text. The Outfit is from the Elysion gacha by Gabriel. The headset and armbands are from the GRPE gacha by SOLE. The android eye are By Snow and have a nice hud to change its colors in several zones. Face mask by Krova. Bodysuit applier is by Graves. Bento Talons by Contraption. And I love this hair by No Match too. This has been a great summer for Cyber lovers. I'm looking forward to the next UPGRADES themed box in August!

On him, the Upgrades Hacker:
Animesh: Contraption  Power Jammer Spine spine [mesh](Upgrades subscription box)(1500L)
Cuffs: Astara EmoTech Cuff Wrist, Nanite [mesh](Upgrades subscription box)(1500L)
Mask: KROVA Teeth Mask [mesh](225L)
Armband: SOLE GRPE - CArm White, gacha [mesh](75L)
Headset: SOLE GRPE - Headset White, gacha [mesh](75L)
Bangle: Gabriel ::GB::Cyber Bangle Belleza Silver, gacha [mesh]
Boots: Gabriel ::GB::Cyber Boots Belleza Silver, gacha [mesh]
Pants: Gabriel ::GB::Cyber Elysion Pants Belleza Silver, gacha [mesh]
Vest: Gabriel ::GB::Cyber Elysion Vest Belleza Silver, gacha [mesh]
Hair: no_match NO.HERO. male [mesh](200L)
Claws: ContraptioN Vulture Talons [mesh](325L)
Eyes: By Snow Citadel Eyes [mesh](200L)
Ears: Mandala STEKING_EARS_Season5 [mesh](697L)
Bodysuit: Graves Mainframe - White Suit (male) + inclusive Omega, TMP (460L)
Mesh head: Raven Bell James, Bento [mesh] (2000L)
Body: Belleza Jake Mesh Body *Beta* V1.0 [mesh](2999L)
Pose: Clemmm Broken in anger 2


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Club Scorpion: Come for the poison, Stay for the sting

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STORYLINE: The newest member of the police force was young enough to still believe it was possible to take out of the trash of Insilco. He quietly pondered the meaning of the blinking neon sign above his latest undercover assignment: “Club Scorpion, come for the poison, stay for the sting.” He squirmed. The tight shorts he wore had ventured into unwelcome places. “Detective Hotpants,” his fellow investigators joked. “Its perfect. No way will Kujo pass up on that.” …Kujo, he sighed to himself. There was no way the Cyber Mafia leader was not involved in the current explosion of missing persons. Every single one of the missing had been to this club, and every single one of them had been invited to Kujo’s not-so-secret pleasure room. He had a bad feeling about this, but crime doesn’t solve itself. So he adjusted his outfit one more time, took a deep breath, and walked inside.

ROMP is back this May, and among the many goodies are some cyber gems. The bed by Violetility comes in several colors choices to match your scifi lair. The fun Scorpion chair is by Since 1975. I thought a few of the items from this round lend themselves well for some genderbending. The collar and blindfold are by Bliensen + MaiTai, the IHeartF&Co hotpants, and Dirty Princess boots all work great for femboy style. This fun cyber skybox by CREATiCA is currently for sale for a promo cost of 99L.

On him, Detective "Hotpants":
Shorts: IHeartF&Co [I<3F] Jessica - Panty -[high gloss] - Maitreya [mesh](ROMP)(299L)
Blindfold: Bliensen + MaiTai La Perla - Blindfold half - black [mesh](ROMP)(230L)
Collar: Bliensen + MaiTai La Perla Collar - silver [mesh](ROMP)(270L)
Boots: Dirty Princess Bad At Love Princess Boots LONGER [mesh](ROMP)(299L)
Gloves: H@S Clothing H@S Milano Bento Operagloves - Maitreya [mesh](100L)
Hair: Dura Dura-Boy*65 Black [mesh](140L)
Ears: Mandala STEKING_EARS_Season5 [mesh](697L)
Mesh head: Raven Bell James, Bento [mesh] (2000L)
Bodysuit: Graves Mainframe White Suit male, TMP, Omega (460L)
Chest: [V-Tech] Boi Chest Mod v2.2 - Maitreya (499L)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara [mesh](2750L)
Hand pose hud: Oracul Bento AO - Enhanced Hands (free)

Bed, pose: Violetility Synth Bed - Cyan [mesh](ROMP)(adult 599L)
Chairs: Since 1975 Scorpion Throne Black [mesh](ROMP)(adult 1250L)
Dancepole: Tarnished Industrial Dance Pole - RLV - Gunmetal [mesh]
Skybox: CREATiCA SkyBox "Tenno Team" Sci-Fi Ultra Mode 7Li [mesh](99L)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

2065: Battle Bots 3

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STORYLINE: Was it a crime he loved his creation? Did it even matter? His EVA saved him, raising him up from a dull job repairing cargo ships to The Boy Genius of the Battle Bots. Sure she didn't have thoughts or feelings. He couldn't allow an AI to develop a conscious and suddenly loose the will to fight. She did what she was programmed to do. He lovingly slaved over her, pouring his soul into her design. She was so beautiful. He didn't know what he might do if she was ever defeated. Seeing her body broken and "lifeless," he might go insane and kill her murderer.

Did you go get the Deco shoes on sale for 50L yet? The sale ended on the 11th, however I was just there and prices are still marked at 50L! Run go get the goodies now before it ends! Pictures above are the cool Coalcracker boots by Deco. Mr GearGeek is sporting the new CogWorth Horns from Remarkable Oblivion available at The Secret Affair. The horns come with steam or no steam, materials or not. Each horn is separate so you can move them around, and like all RO things, it comes with x,y,z scaling menu. The Mechanics Bow Tie collar is also by Remarkable Oblivion. Tableau Vivant has a new hair n their Dreadlocks series, Darcy, at  Hair Fair 2014. It includes their Dreadlock texture colors. The goggles another steampunk theme creation by Eudora 3D available at We <3 RolePlay. It comes in several different colors, and it has a hud to change the lens color. Also at We <3 RolePlay is the wonderful utility belt by Death Row. I have been wanting a good tility belt in mesh for awhile now, and Death Row had now released nicely made one for girls and guys and it's steal at only 50L! The Shotaro jacket is a past release by FATEwear includes materials, as well as the Dueling Gloves by thier cosplay brand FATEplay. The Dueling Gloves come with a texture change hud and options for open and closed hands and cuff or no cuff. Deadwool currently has the Joad pants on sale at the discount at The Men's Department, however I wanted a plain black style instead. The pants come in 3 length options and worked perfectly with the boots. It's so hard to find good pants that work with boots! Once more I am using the handy Yumyuns cyber Wrench. You never know when you will need them. Hey, let your tools do the talking!

On Him, Boy Genius of the Battle Bots:
Horns: Remarkable Oblivion CogsWorth Horns [mesh](The Secret Affair)(249L)
Collar: Remarkable Oblivion Mechanics Bow Tie - Vito [mesh] (149L)
Hair: Tableau Vivant Dreads line - Darcy [mesh](Hair Fair 2014, Platinum)(300L)
Goggles: Eudora 3D Eyes of the TechnoMancer Mask Black [mesh](We <3 Role Play)(200L) Sale
Top: FATEwear Jacket Shotaro - Rust [mesh](300L)
Gloves: FATEplay Duelling Gloves - Scripted [mesh](350L)
Belt: Death Row male utility belt dark leather [mesh](We <3 Role Play)(50L) Sale
Pants: Deadwool Joad pants - black - for boots vrs [mesh](320L)
Boots: DECO Coalcracker Boots - coal [mesh](50L) Sale
Tool: yumyums Cyber Wrench Purple Belt, Handheld [mesh]
Tattoo: Nuuna makeups v12  7 male (300L)
Skin: Tableau Vivant Lucis Skin - Tone 06 B (990L)
Pose: Apple Spice Intimidating Pose 004 (past, Men Only Gacha)


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STORYLINE: As the date of the battle drew closer, the frenzy of betting against ex-A.N.G.E.L reached a fever pitch. The bookies hadn't seen this much action in years. Tickets to the match were sold out. People wanted to see real gore for a change. Just how vicious could a desperate vampire be? Wouldn't a bolt, bright as day, end the match before it even started? Or would the vampire surprise them with strange powers, such as regeneration? ... The night before the big match, Kujo's right hand man, Nocturne, called Team EVA's manager and requested a private meeting at the Church of the Damned. EVA's creator insisted he come along. He had a bad feeling about this; nothing in this city happened without Kujo's approval. He watched, his displeasure blatant, as Nocturne offered a bag full of something to his manager Octavia. It must have been very valuable too, since it had a demon protector. 

Kariritaisho returns to the blog as Team EVA's manager and er partner Remmock join the photoshoot playing the part of Kujo's agent Nocturne. They were both a joy to work with. Thanks so much to Kariritaisho and Remmy! She is wearing jacket and pants by ISON. The Asymmetrical jacket comes with a hud to change the undershirt color. The Lux hair by Spellbound is a brand new release. Her killer Mech Scorpion Tail was an old lucky board prize from Bunnystar, can you believe that? It's awesome! Her discs and glasses are by Graves. For the handshake pose, she used a hud you can find on the marketplace for only 40L. He is wearing the jacket and shirt Louie by Cool Nerd and it comes with a texture hud to change the shirt. His Blame hair by Magicka is one of those brilliant styles that works great for guys and girls. The satchel is another badass raffle prize from BareRose. Raffle prizes are transfer so if you go there to win one, make friends with other Raffle hunters and trade. His visor is a free gift by Bluecross and it comes in several colors. His nail polish is a gift from A:S:S. And his skin is by Aeros. You can't see the Baenar skin too well in this picture, but trust me when I say it gorgeous. I like it al ot. Hop over to the Aeros store and you can pick up Slink hands, feet and nail appliers for Baenar. These pictures were taken at The Doomed Ship which is one of the coolest RP sims on SL. I was very happy it's still around even if it's now PG rated. When you get to the core, it's a brand new ending too.

On Her, Octavia:
Jacket: ISON Leather Asymmetrical Jacket - black [mesh](245L)
Pants: ISON Nova Zipper Pants - black [mesh] (245L)
Hair: Spellbound Lux [mesh](250L)
Glasses, Disc: Graves TRON Mainframe Bodysuit red and black (440L)
Tail: Bunnystar Mech Scorpion Tail (past, lucky board)
Pose: Simon4 Ewry Handshake Tool Shake Hands, Locator - Find your friends (40L)

On Him, Nocturne:
Jacket, shirt: Cool Nerd Louie [mesh](300L)
Hair: Magicka Blame [mesh](250L)
Pants: FATEwear Eddie - Void [mesh](300L)
SatchelBareRose Sealed School Satchel [mesh](free, raffle)
Glasses: Bluecross Paragon Visor - red (free)
Hands: Slink Male Hands Relax [mesh](450L)
Nails: A:S:S Slink Fingernails Naturals 1 (free)
Skin: Aeros Baenar - Graphite FX (2000L)

The Doomed Ship
Thanks for your help, Remmock and Kariritaisho!

Monday, February 24, 2014

FutureWave: Eden Rescue

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STORYLINE: By the time he had given up all hope of finding the Lost Eden, his skin had bleached pure white from lack of blood. He was ready to die. His dust would become a part of this barren world. But then a strange android wearing cat ears suddenly showed up. She belonged to the Lord of the North. She could not speak, but he could tell she was special, like an intelligence was behind her actions. She showed him an image of where the Lost Eden was being held captive. Ah-ha! The reason he could not find her, was because she not on Mars at all, but in orbit above it! The Lord of South had no idea what kind of violence a starving vampire was capable of, he wasted no time launching an attack. During the battle, the terrified Eden made a desperate attempt to escape. She was shot in the leg, slipped, and fell off the platform into the vacuum of space. He shrieked and dove after her.

Update: FutureWave has been a great success. It is now closed, and plans are being made already for it to inspire our visions of the future next year!

I am wearing new additions to FutureWave by Unsung. The crown, jaw, and chest plate all come in either white, black and white, or black. There several material zones you can tint different colors. Each mesh piece you edit for a good fit. One of the newest items said male/female but I want to explain it's for a specific character. However, if you have a male on female shape avatar, it should work. My eyes are a wonderful new creation By Snow. It's a contact lens that fits over your eye. There are layers of animations you can tint different colors. Very cool and only 25L. While you are there, don't miss the free gold Circuit nails. Going with my bleached theme, is the wonderful new skin by Tableau Vivant available at the Fantasy Collective. All four skins for sale there are fantastic colors, like the greatest hits from T.V.'s fantasy line, but updated for the new Kevin line. This cool eyebrow by Nuuna is so goth, so Siouxsie Sioux. I've been dying to use it for while now and finally got my chance. It's tricky to make the top brow nice and smooth, you may need to tweak your head shape and brow shape to wear it. The blood and bruises are by Lovely Disarray. They show up so nice on a pale white skin. Love it. Items I am wearing once more for the FutureWave finale are: the Epia group gift arm band, gorgeous hair by Argrace, free halo by Amelie Barbour, the white version of the Blue Falcon undersuit, grey version of the Miamai Tinker Taylor boot, the Vrsion glove, and the neck corset for men by Etchaflesh, and bleached a snowy white Death Row Devine wings.

Fulli is wearing 3 awesome things for girls from FutureWave.  Pink Fuel has an Alabaster skin with strong dark brow, several makeups, and appliers. MV's Frozen Shadenfreude Skirt has a wonderfully detailed texture, and it works great with the new Graves outfit Velocity. Both outfits come in multiple colors. Her hair is the spunky style Cookie by Wasabi Pills, and this pose is by F*cking Ninjas. For blog purposes, I flipped Fulli around in this pose facing forward. I hope you all enjoyed the phototelling series for FutureWave. We worked very hard to do so much in so very little time.

On Him, the Cursed A.N.G.E.L.:
Jaw: Unsung Mechabone Jaw - White [mesh] (FutureWave)(400L)
Armor: Unsung MechaBone Chest - Mens White [mesh] (FutureWave)(300L)
Headband: Unsung Mechabone Crown - White [mesh] (FutureWave)(400L)
Headdress: Amelie Barbour Concentric Halo [mesh] (FutureWave) (free)
Top, Pant, Gloves: Blue Falcon Industries Armored Undersuit - LIGHT (FutureWave)(300L)
Boots: Miamai Tinker Taylor boots - Glare Ceremony [mesh] (FutureWave)(300L)
Eyes: By Snow Radar Contacts with hud [mesh](FutureWave)(25L)
Gloves: Vrsion KONVERT 2.1 Male Glove [mesh] (FutureWave) (200L)
Wings: Death Row Designs Devine wings/glow - light [mesh] (100L)
Neck corset: Etchaflesh Male Zip Me Up Neck Corset [mesh] (150L)
Hair: Argrace ARATA - White [mesh] (250L)
Tattoo Brow: Nuuna Emi makeup - blue (100L)
Tattoo Bruise: Lovely Disarray Vital Hostility with Heavy Bruise (150L)
Skin: Tableau Vivant Kevin Skin - Dark Creatures - 3 (Fantasy Collective)(399L)
Armband: Epia Symbol Armband [mesh] (group gift)(free)

On Her, Lost Eden:
Skin: Pink Fuel Sora <Alabaster> - Lt. Smoke (FutureWave) (1000L)
Skirt: {MV} Shadenfreude Skirt - Frozen [mesh] (FutureWave)  (250L)
Top, amor: Graves Velocity  clear (FutureWave) (590L)
Hair: Wasabi Pills  Cookie Mesh Hair - Night shadow [mesh] (250L)
Pose: F*cking Ninjas Man Overboard (2 Person) Pose (edit)(50L)

House: Fanatik Sky Tower [mesh] (3800L)
Thanks for your help Fulli!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

EVENT NEWS: Hair Fair 2013, Sim 4 Harbor

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Hair Fair is back with 4 sims of designers to help raise money for Wigs for Kids. The sims are decorated in a playful Legos theme. And the wonderful Prim Bus that slays lag like a champ? It's a giant Lego this year! How cool is that? (Scroll down for all the gift hair on Sim 4: Harbor.) Pictured above, I've got my skintight cyber suit on for a good reason, the Fair is packed! Crack out your own old school Lag Combat Suit(TM), wear no scripts, or attachements and you'll do well at this crowded event. My body glove is by Graves, and cool new Fawk hair by Gauze at the Fair. Don't have any handy system clothing left? Don't worry, you can pick up the free lowlag outfit at the landing. Here's another tip for you: join the Hair Demo group to try on hair demos at the comfort of your home. This is good idea too since many hairstyle come with Color Change Huds. The Fair does not allow scripts, so you will have to exit to try all the colors. Sim 4: Harbor was the first sim I was able to get into. Keep trying to get in gang, and have fun! The Events runs until the 28th.

On Him:
Hair: Gauze Fawk - Popularity (Hair Fair 2013, 15% donation) (300L)
Outfit: Graves G242 Mainframe - White - male (460L)
Tattoo: Wasabi Pills Hairbase - LONG - Faded (included with hairs)
Eye makeup: SongBird Shock Rocker Triple Pack (100L)
Eyes: Rue Russian Blue Set [mesh] (75L)
Skin: Tableau Vivant Nathan - tone 14 (990L)
Pose: Amato MMM-HH2012 prize*.amato.*

(click to enlarge)
And now I'll get a little wild and model hairs for both girls and guys. lol.

Hair Fair 2013 - Sim 4 - freebies
1: Analog Dog mono (all colors) [mesh]
2: Tableau Vivant Constantine - [HF] Unisex Gift (all colors, color huds) [mesh]
3: (red)Mint Goodies Bag (wear for all color demo delivery) [mesh]
4: Clawtooth Hair Fair 2013 Dollarbie (Gift Bag) (3 colors) [mesh]
5: INK Hair SKC GIFT For hair fair 2013 ::Blonde/Blue [mesh]
6: Gauze Hair Fair 2013 Gift Bag (8 color hud)
7: Baiastice Color Demos (all colors) [mesh]
8: Tameless Dori - Naturals (All colors, touch to color change)
(NOTE:  Alice Project has a "coming soon" display for a gift hair)

BONUS Clothing:
9: DCNY/Exile Low Lag outfit & Hair Base for men and women
   Auxiliary This sum free gift <3 Thank you! Ivy & Tyr [mesh]
   Heartless HF2013 Goodie! [mesh]

On Him:
Shirt: MAMD Mesh_Mens Jacket With Rolled up Sleeves [mesh] (250L)
Necklace: Rozoregalia Nornir Necklace (500L)
Skin: Tableau Vivant Andrej skin - Blonde - Tone 4 (990L)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Do androids dream of electric sheep?

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If you see nothing else in Secondlife, see Insilico, a breath taking cyber city. Inside you will feel like you are walking on the set of Blade Runner! But to explore the cyberopolis, Earth ruins, or Mars mines, you need to be properly attired.

Outfit: DV8 Legacy Blacklight (lucky chair)
Headphones: Primal Groove Cyber jet headphones (lucky board)
Prim Eyes: Primal Groove Cyber eyes (free)
Neck Corset: BND Collar Set (5L)
Hair: A&Y Dante hair - white (250L)
Skin: [ plastiline ] skin Ash - Clean Face (600L)
Location: Insilico Earth Ruins

Tattoo: Amacci Hairbase Tattoo - grey (free)
Piercings: LoveCats LoveCats Piercing Set Mens (group gift)
Hair: A&Y Tilo Gothic hair - white (250L)
Shades: Graves Mainframe Bodysuit - White (mined for glasses) (400L)
Boots: Rublik Digi Strap Reloaded boots (450L)

Insilico Main