On Him, Lieutenant Gooch:
Facemask: PSYCHO:Byts PAZUZU RESPIRATOR [mesh](Necrotize)(350L)
Shoulder pads: DREAMCATCHER Necromancer's shoulder pads [mesh](Necrotize)(299L)
Eyes: Petrichor :[P]:- Syrre Eye v.1.2 [mesh](Necrotize)(399L)
Pants: RIOT Birds of Prey pants black [mesh](past gacha)
Gloves: Contraption Dapper Dandy's Gloves [mesh](350L)
Hair: No_Match NO.LIME male [mesh](200L)
Boots: Lapointe Bastchild L&B Malefit Swear Patrol Combat Boot [mesh](849L)
Skin: Kooqla Knight of Rose - silver (990L)
Eyelid: Izzie's Eyelid Changer Monolid [BOM](149L)
Tattoo: Izzie's Neck Blender 01 [BOM](149L)
Head: LeLUTKA lel EvoX KANE 3.1 [mesh](3990L)
Pose: [3M]**_chair5_1 (40L)
Helmet: Level 9 Xino Helmet [mesh](Necrotize)(500L)
Eggs: torment bilu egg [mesh](Necrotize)(100L)
Chair: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Un hommage a HR Giger [mesh](395L)