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Back at the beginning of August, I was invited by Style Kingdom's editor Dougie Boxen to take part in their Vol. 9 Challenge: Heroes and Villains. Entrants were to choose a comic book hero and create two looks: A hero outfit and an off duty look. Can you guess what I picked? lol I thought a long time about who would I portray. Which one spoke to me? Which inspired the most possibilities? Because this is a fashion magazine and a style challenge, I had the idea to develop two completely re-imagined looks using readily available items in SL. My goals in the style were: Elegant, Noble, Futuristic, ... and oh yeah, monotone colors white, grey, and black. After I sent my style shot in, and waited nervously for the results, it turned out I was one of two people who won the challenge! Woot! I feel like I just joined the Major Leagues. After that was the real photoshoot for each outfit, and this was much more time intensive that my normal blog shots because of the demands of the magazine format. It was a really cool challenge and I enjoyed it. Thanks to Dougie for inviting me. The final issue had a switch in concept from Heroes to Everyday SL. I admit, I'm curious about the other hero shots, I want see! But it was fun to go through the issue with a friend, and see if we could recognize any the heroes hiding below their secret identities. lol. I also enjoyed seeing all these badass looking ladies and sexy secretaries. Overall, great issue with beautiful pictures. Check it out: Style Kingdom vol.9 If you're looking for me, my name got a mention on the cover and you can find my picture on page 8/9. The pictures I'm showing in this post aren't in the issue, but I thought it would be cool to share my Hero image above, and two of my unretouched captures that I submitted for the challenge.
A few details about the the outfit above. Almost all the designers I chose from were at the FutureWave event for the simple reason that these stores are making original mesh design. I'm delighted that they got a spot in a more mainstream fashion magazine. Scifi original content makers need some loves too. The Helmet is by Blue Falcon Industries. You can switch the face shield between many different textures, I liked the white bright cyber one for my shot here. The system layers bodysuit is also by Blue Falcon Industries and comes with both white and black versions. The arm warmers by Razor come with a default hands fit and a Slink. (love that!) The texture hud will let you switch around the colors and textures. Because I really don't like sharp end between a system layer bodysuit and the neck, I added the Cyber Neck Corset by FK!Designs. Over the top is the Konvert Turtle Neck by VRSION. The boots are by A&Y Cyber Bunker. They used to be only for the girls, but no more! Yes you can get these in rigged fitted mesh for the guys! The hud that comes with it will let you play and switch around the colors too. Very nice. On the hands, I used the latex glove applier by Adam n Eve,
Hero Outfit:
Helmet: Blue Falcon Industries Viper Helmet - Male Fit V1.2 [mesh](500L)
Tanktop: VRSION KONVERT Turtle Neck [mesh](250L)
Arm Warmers: Razor Foe Gloves Fatal - Mens - Slink with hud [mesh](249L)
Hands: Slink Male Hands [mesh] (450L each)
Glove Applier: Adam n Eve latex glove (150L)
Neck Corset: FK! Designs Cyber Neck Corset - Male - White & Silver [mesh](250L)
Bodysuit: Blue Falcon Industries Armored Undersuit (300L)
Boots: A&Y Cyber Bunker Deuz Boots Metallic Male black [fitted mesh](690L)
Eyes: By Snow Citadel Eyes [mesh] (200L)
Skin: Tableau Vivant Nathan - tone 14 (990L)
Hoverboard: BareRose Metal Board (current raffle, free) [mesh]
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The full outfit for the image above you can see in the Style Kingdom vol.9 issue. The Unsung top, vest, sleeves all work together seamlessly and have a very cool unique look. The pants by VRSION came included with the Konvert Male Boots. The folds between Unsung and VRSION work really nicely together. The Adventure Boots by Rab Labs are fitted mesh, so its simple matter to edit the shape and get the boots to fit over the pants. Love that! The animating Citadel Eyes are By Snow. They echo wonderfully with the helmet. All the colors are changeable too. The Nathan 14 skin texture is one of my favorites by Tableau Vivant. It has a wonderful silvery shimmer to it. truly unique. The fun hoverboard is a raffle prize from BareRose. You wear it and it will trigger a hovering animation. It's still available in the raffle if you want to camp out and win it.Off Duty Outfit:
(to see entire outfit and magazine photo, go to Style Kingdom vol.9)
Helmet: Blue Falcon Industries Viper Helmet - Male Fit V1.2 [mesh](500L)
Vest: Unsung Angelus Jacket - Black/Black/Black [mesh](400L)
Jacket: Unsung Angelus Vest - Plain - Grey [mesh](275L)
Sleeve, Glove: Unsung Angelus Sleeves Black, Gloves Grey [mesh](190L)
Pants: VRSION KONVERT - Male boots (includes PANTS) [mesh](260L)
Boots: Rab Labs Adventure Boots White [fitted mesh](395L)
Eyes: By Snow Citadel Eyes [mesh] (200L)
Skin: Tableau Vivant Nathan - tone 14 (990L)
Hoverboard: BareRose Metal Board (current raffle, free) [mesh]

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