Showing posts with label The Seahole. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Seahole. Show all posts

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Immortal 500: The Man Who Ruled the World

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Kaiser Kruel had no use for a vehicle, mechanic, or teammate. He was one of the most ancient of the vampire world. One does not survive long being a fool. He was as crafty as he was powerful. It was him who donated "The most fabulous object of the underworld" as a prize. He had no intention of loosing it. His true goal was to eliminate the most ambitious vampires that threaten his power. He successfully turned the strongest against each other, then sailed to a easy victory to reclaim his treasure, The Heart of Aten. He didn't even break a claw. It was good to be the Ruler.

Oh no, Kaiser Kruel is back! lol I hope you have enjoyed this phototelling series. Pictured above is a fantastically detailed steampunk hat by Eudora 3D, perfect for your villainous actives. Today is the last day you can pick it up on sale at a discount over at We <3 Role Play. The cigarette by NikotiN is from their animal print gacha, it's really nice deal and comes with the all animations, effects, and hud from the normal products. Kaiser Kruel is wearing Tableau Vivant's Nathan tone 9, Little Bone's Moon child gacha, makeup by Pin Me Down, eyes by Avatar Bizarre, and the very cool Deathhead moth brooch by Bliensen + MaiTai.

On Him, Kaiser Kruel:
Hat: Eudora 3D Steampunk Dynamite Hat Black Edition [mesh] (We <3 Role Play) (200L) Sale
Cigarette: NikotiN Cigarette_CROCO, gacha  [mesh] (80L)
Hair: Little Bones Moon Child, gacha  [mesh] (75L)
Accessory: Bliensen + MaiTai Goth Moth - Hair Accessory [mesh] (249L)
Eyes: Avatar Bizarre Haunted Mansion Greens [mesh] (no longer available)
Makeup: Pin Me Down Tili in black, Cheeks, Lips (no longer available)
Skin: Tableau Vivant Nathan - tone 9 (990L)

(click to enlarge)

MeshedUp released this fun Beetle Couch for Level Up a few days ago. It has wheels and hotrod skulls and flames on the side. It comes with poses for guys, girls, and couples. These nice tweed pants with historical style double button fly are from Junbug.  You can pick it up in several different color, and also the matching shirt and best. Today is also the last day you can pick it up on sale at Men's Department. The long stem cigarette is by The SeaHole. The furcoat I love to death and wear often is by Curio Obscura. The bear Claws I reposition for Slink, they are by Glitz. This pose is by Hot Dive and I used it with the chair. And my lovely Trophy I won at a Fox Hunt at the horse and rider sim HHVET. New sim HHVET Victorianaopened recently, if you want to ride horses, go check it out. There often games and activities going on, plus it's a good excuse to break out your fancy Victorian threads. This picture was taken in the unground lair of a villain at SL11B stage Impressive. Be sure to go enjoy all the sights at SL11B. It will be open until July 5th.

On Him, Kaiser Kruel:
Pants: Junbug Heathcliff Rake's Trousers - Black Tweed  [mesh] (The Men's Department)(150L)
Chair: MeshedUp Beetle Couch Animated  [mesh] (Level Up)(200L)
Trophy: HHVET Fox Hunt Trophy (Fox Hunt award)
Coat: Curio Obscura Luxurious Fur Coat Black, gacha [mesh] (100L) 
Cigarette holder: The Seahole Parisian Cigarette & Holder - Clove - Pearl (50L)
Rings: Glitz ClawRings-Tiger Claws for Him (155L)
Hands: Slink Male Hands Splayed, Cigarette [mesh](450L)
Pose: Hot Dive Pose Boss (30L)

SL11B Impressive

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

World Goth Fair: Cursed

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE:  Little Red Hood was a happy girl who she loved to cook. She experimented with new spices and exotic vegetables to her grandmother's delight. Tuesday night was their special time together. Little Red Hood looked forward to their meeting all week. She was especially proud of her newest creation, it was so delicious! She was skipping and humming a happy tune when tragedy struck.

Happy World Goth Day gang! Woohoo! For details on where to go and what to do for World Goth Day, scroll down to the bottom on the post. While you are listening to some inspired gothic tunes, I will tell you a little more about the image above. I wear a fantastic free mesh bat demon avatar from the BareRose raffle. Fulli is wearing the Little Red Riding Hood by RokumeikaN. This outfit comes with a picnic basket, fruits, detachable hood, cape, collar, and apron.  You can add the apples and strawberries to the apron and it triggers a hold pose. It's adorable. All proceeds from the sale of Little Red Riding Hood at World Goth Fair go to the Sophie Lancaster Foundation.

On Her, Little Red Hood:
Dress, Cape, Hood, Collar, Basket: RokumeikaN Little Red Riding Hood Limited Exclusive [mesh] (World Goth Fair) (350L)
Hair: TuTy's Tamara retro hairstyle - Platinum (160 L)
Shoes: Curious Kitties *CK* Lolita princess boots [mesh] (295L)
Pose: F*ckingNinjas Bringing the Light Pose + gathering lights (50L)

On Him, Deathhead Hunter:
Avatar: Barerose Bat Demon (raffle) [mesh] (free)

Location: Insilico Hydroponic Gardens

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Most people believe the Deathheads Hunters are noble warriors tirelessly protecting humans from Darks. But what they don't realize is Deathheads themselves are Dark. They turned their passion for the hunt into hunting any of their own kind that don't follow their political agenda. So whether you like it or not, guilty or newly turned, if you are Dark they will pluck you away from your friends and family, never to be seen again. ... Little Red Hood desperately pleaded her innocence to Kaiser Kruel, the leader of the Deathheads. She tried to keep the Deathhead moths from landing on her, but it was too late. Kaiser huffed, "There is no such thing as a spontaneous case of Dark. Dark you are, and dark you will stay. Welcome to Cursed."

Ha ha fun! Little Red is now Little Black! The basket now has bones, a skull, brains, and other toxic looking things. I love it! So twisted. As for my outfit, I am wearing the Bliensen + MaiTai Deathhead moths. My evil vamp eyes are from Avatar Bizarre. The exaggerated hallow cheeks and pursed lips are by Pin Me Down. The hair I got during the Truth sale. Truth has moved to new location and the store looks very nice. New link below. This great mesh fur coat is so much fun. It's at Curio Obscura gacha sale, and the cigarette holder is also on sale at The Seashole, but hurry, the store is closing. You can't see them too well in this picture, but I wearing cat claw rings by Glitz. They look cool with the cigarette holder animation. Evil Bossman is styling in new skin Nathan tone 9 by Tabeau Vivant. *blows clove cigarette smoke at you* lol

On Her, Little Black Hood:
Dress, Cape, Hood, Collar, Basket: RokumeikaN Little Black Riding Hood Limited (World Goth Fair) (350L)
Hair: TuTy's Tamara retro hairstyle - Black (160 L)
Pose: F*ckingNinjas Nature pose (50L)

On Him, Deathhead Kaiser Kruel:
Collar: Bliensen + MaiTai Goth Moth - for men [mesh] (World Goth Fair)(299L)
Accessory: Bliensen + MaiTai Goth Moth - Hair Accessory [mesh] (World Goth Fair)(249L)
Eyes: Avatar Bizarre Haunted Mansion Greens fatpack [mesh] (World Goth Fair)(250L)
Makeup: Pin Me Down Tili in black, Cheeks, Lips Exclusive (World Goth Fair)(64L)
Coat: Curio Obscura Luxurious Fur Coat Black [mesh] (50L) Sale until May 26th
Cigarette holder: The Seahole Parisian Cigarette & Holder - Clove - Pearl (50l) Sale until May 31at
Jacket, Vest: BareRose Black Tuxedo T3 (tinted) [mesh] (190L)
Nails: Glitz ClawRings-Tiger Claws for Him (155L)
Hair: Truth Vera Streaked - Snow (250L)
Skin: Tableau Vivant Nathan - tone 9 (990L)

Location: World Goth Fair, Port Seraphine
Thanks for your help Fulli!

Get your Goth on and head down to Club Gothika at Cursed for 14 hours of fantastic gothic music, contests, and prizes, prizes, prizes! The DJs entertaining you are real life gothic DJs from England and NYC. Weeee! All proceeds go to benefit the Sophie Lancaster Foundation (Stamp Out Prejudice Hatred and Intolerance) 

10am - noon SL:  DJ Rydia Suicide - BEST in CYBER
noon - 2pm SL: DJ Cruel Britannia - BEST in BLACK
2 - 4pm SL: DJ Acerose Razor - BEST in VAMPIRE
4 - 6pm SL: Dj Sredni Eel - BEST in PUNK/WAVE
6 - 8pm SL: DJ Pie Zipper - BEST in RED
8 - 10pm SL: DJ Lokii Violet - BEST in DEAD
10 - Midnight SL: DJ BronxElf - BEST in GOTH

Stuck at work? No goth clubs where you live? Can't make it to the inworld party? Don't worry! Just tap  into the live streaming music from Club Gothika for your Winamp or iTunes:

For more information on the World Goth Fair go to:  World Goth Day: SecondLife