Showing posts with label LAQ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LAQ. Show all posts

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Japonica: Year of the Rat

(click to enlarge)
STORYTELLING: A white rat named Itchy and his many siblings, were cold and hungry. There was nothing to eat. Winter could be brutal on tiny creatures. Lucky for them, they were clever rodent-kind! Suddenly, Itchy stood up tall, whiskers twitching. Music! He faced the direction of the wonderful melody. Oh, there was delicious food that way too! He flicked his skinny rat tail as if to say, "This way!," and raced over snow-covered branches and squeezed through tight spaces until the beautiful human home of warmth, music, and food opened before him and his brethren. They were so happy. The humans must have been happy to see them too, since the female screeched, and did a dance with her arms in the air, hopping left and right. Itchy snickered. Humans were strange. He darted across the matt, scurried up a small table, and lifted a ripe orange in his paws. He felt grateful to the humans, so before he left with his ill-gotten goods, he waved a paw back to the humans. It was his way of saying, Thanks.

Happy New Year! I couldn't resist squeezing in one more fun Japonica image. The official start of Year of the Rat is January 25, 2020. There's still time to get your Year of the Rat party on! For this image I included lots of gacha goodies, from decor to clothing from Japonica.

On him, Male Geisha Konpeki:
Outfit: Sakka's Studio Ss - MENS'20 Haori kimono - blue, Pearl strings [mesh](Japonica)(420L)
Hat: Air 9) RAKKA _Black G+White_CM, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(50L)
Gloves: NOCHE Bill Essential Gloves [mesh](349L)
Hair: Wasabi Draco Mesh Hair - A [mesh](250L)
Eye makeup: Izzie's Eyelid Changer Monolid LAQ [BOM] (149L)
Skin: Pink Fuel [PF] Doll V2 Porcelain, dkbrow [BOM](2500L)
Eyes: Dead Apples Marble - Electric [mesh](89L)
Mesh head: Raven Bell  BJD Bento Head James // OMEGA-UV [mesh] (2000L)
Pose, instrument: Marushi 7)Marushin_Oiran_zabuton, 2li [mesh](300L)

On her, Zougeiro:
Hair: Silvery K TUBAKI-hime Hair#12 Tubaki PlatinumBlond, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(50L)
Coat: tomoto haoriF 2019 ume gold, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(75L)
Kimono, Obi, bow: tomoto haoriF 2019 RARE turquoise, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(75L)
Socks: c*C*c TabiSocks gacha #04 Yellow, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(50L)
Gloves: Hilly Haalan [hh] Winter Gloves MAITREYA [mesh](gift)
Eyes: Poetic Colors pearl - clear pond - large bright [mesh] (150L)
Skin: Belleza Smokey Skin, FLF [BOM]
Head: LAQ Bento - Scarlet 3.04 [mesh](1500L)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara [mesh](2750L)
Pose: UZME OrientalEX2R (Japonica)(150L)

Offering: Schadenfreude Kagami Mochi Offering [mesh](Japonica)(150L)
Offering: Schadenfreude Kagami Nezumi Rats [mesh](Japonica)(150L)
Pillow: Kyoko Couture 1.KC No.77 JaponicaCushion, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(50L)
Pillow: Kyoko Couture 4.KC No.77 JaponicaCushion, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(50L)
Pillow: Kyoko Couture 10.KC No.77 JaponicaCushion, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(50L)
Chest stairs: Maru Kado Hako Kaidan (mirror/6Li) ([mesh]Japonica)(220L)
Chest: Maru Kado Cha Tansu (2Li/sliding door script) [mesh](Japonica)(220L)
Floor: Maru Kado Koagari_tatami (3Li) [mesh](Japonica)(220L)
Mochi Flower display: MonkeyGirl [MG] mochihana BAMBOO S-G [mesh](Japonica)(200L)
Backdrop: MonkeyGirl [MG]Backdrop JP1, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(50L)


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Japonica: Dance of the Red Crowned Crane

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: As snowflakes drifted downward to the icy shores of Hokkaido, Tsuru hiked into the deep snow, going further and further until she spotted what she sought, -- the elegant Red Crowned Cranes. She smiled at their hopping and fluttering wings. Their mating ritual inspired her to don the crane's colors and join them. Maybe if these mystical creatures  liked her dance enough, they would grant her wish for the coming new year.

Japonica Winter has begun. You can find many wonderful and elegant Japanese winter themed items: kimono for men and women, accessories, hair, gacha, poses, and decor. There's lots to choose from to help you ring in the New Year in style!

On her, Tsuru:
Kimono: Silvery K Lily Queen, Bra, Shoes, fatpack[mesh](Japonica)(500L)
Wings, Special Effects: ridi-ludi-fool ses, fatpack [mesh](Japonica)(1200L)
Hairpin: ROZOREGALIA KAREI*HAIRPIN Zuicyou, left [mesh](Japonica)(290L)
Hair: KMH Hair F127 Rigged [mesh](Japonica)(325L)
Headdress: violetta fur headdress, strawberry, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(50L)
Shawl: violetta fur shawl shell, gacha [mesh](Japonica)(50L)
Tattoo: Clemmm Unkin Body Smear [BOM](333L)
Tattoo: Clemmm Wretched Arm, Black [BOM]
Lipstick: Pink Fuel [PF] OMEGA LIPSTICK Applier - Dazzle Me, Haunted (99L)
Eyes: FATEwear FATEeyes 3.0 [mesh](395L)
Skin: Clavis Skin Strawberry Tone 009 Browless, omega (BOM)
Head: LAQ Bento - Noelle 3.06 [mesh](1500L)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara [mesh](2750L)
pose: NanikA Poses Dance (1L)

Village of Ahiru

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Gothical: A Taste of October

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: When the leaves change color, the sun dips lower, and the harvest is all gathered, it means only one thing to Little Bunny, -- Princess Layla's annual "A Taste of October" party! Her fluffy cotton tail perked up as she hopped all the way to dark gothic castle that loomed over the otherwise sunny town. Yes, Princess Layla was mysterious. No one had ever seen her leave the castle, not even to stroll the castle gardens, but Bunny paid no attention to that. She loved dressing up for the formal party and eating all the delicious food! The Princess was a very gracious host. Bunny was almost drooling by the time she knocked on the giant arched doors of Castle Hart. ...Who knows, maybe this year, the Princess would notice her!

The second round of Gothical has begun. I dearly love Elegant Gothic Lolita, and Elegant Gothic Aristocrat styles. As an Alum from RMK Gothic events, I'm delighted to see this genre, which is dear to my heart, return to SL. Come and shop at Gothical for beautiful creations to put a little dark elegance in your Halloween.

On Her, Princess Layla:
Dress, chocker: Lomomo Oriane Dress (Fatpack)[mesh](Gothical)(1000L)
Heels: Lomomo Marie Heels - Maitreya (Fatpack)[mesh](Gothical)(800L)
Tights: Lomomo Oriane Tights / Maitreya Applier (Gothical)(Gift)
Purse: Clavis Clock Bag 001 Vanilla [mesh](Gothical)(250L)
Crown: Schadenfreude Gothic Rose Crown [mesh](Gothical)(150L)
Hair: Yumyum *barberyumyum*71O - anime (rigged)[mesh](300L)
Gloves: Sweet Tea Couture Short Fingerless Lace Gloves Onyx, Maitreya Bento [mesh](199L)
Boomers: Katat0nik Bloomers1, Maitreya, Gothical Gacha (gacha) [mesh](75L)
Ears: MANDALA Simple Ears HUTUU [mesh](177L)
Skin, face: Mudskin Candice # 2_(104), gacha (99L)
Skin, body: Mudskin Omega Body Applier_104-BOY (150L)
Eyes: Poetic Colors orchid nightfall large bright [mesh](150L)
Head: LAQ Scarlet 3.05 Bento, Omega [mesh](1500L)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara [mesh](2750L)
Pose: UZME Gothic13m, pose pack(Gothical)(150L)

On her, Bunny:
Guest appearance: Top Lorefield, of Ariel*s Nail
Bunny Ears: ROZOREGALIA Jyoulaty Headdress [mesh](Gothical)(230L)
Dress, chocker: Lomomo Oriane Dress (Fatpack)[mesh](Gothical)(1000L)
Hair: mimpi* hair-35 [mesh]
Tears: Cubic Cherry Sakura Tears [mesh]
Hairpin: Ayashi Heart hair pin [mesh]
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara [mesh](2750L)
Pose: <K&S> Seductive lady1

Cake, shakes, dinnerwear: Andika Kazuri Sweet And Dispenser Set [mesh](Gothical)(198L)
Tarts: Mokka Apple Rose Wreath Tart Set [mesh](Gothical)(70L)
Table: Nutmeg Romanov's Golden Dresser [mesh](250L)
Armchair: Nutmeg Romanov's Golden Armchair White [mesh](299L)
Candles: Nutmeg Romanov candles [mesh](250L)
Table: Apple Fall West Village Anashara Dining Table - Stripped Oak [mesh](325L)
Skybox: VARONIS Ascelin Skybox gothic skybox [mesh](350L)