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Introducing an awesome new event, The Creators Collection Box! It has great deals from many talented designers from Japan. Do not miss it! It runs until February 14th. For more information and shopping catalog, go to the CCB website here: http://www.sl-ccb.comLet me tell you a little more about items featured in the image above. First, I am wearing an interesting creation from Gabriel. It's a halfway on jacket. One arm is tucked inside the coat pocket, the other is free to move around. You can wear the light or dark undershirt. The outfit also includes a glove with metal studs for the free hand. There are 3 styles to choose from, green, brown, or blue. The jeans are also a clever creation. It comes in 2 parts. The main part of the jeans is a double waist (that means the hip-hop style of boxers showing and belted jeans lower on the hip). Second part is the lower leg, it's actually a second rigged mesh you attach. Why? Because you can choose what leg you want to fit your shoes. OMG I love this! I choose boot C because I wear boots a lot. But you can choose a normal bottom B, or a flared bottom A. There are 3 jean colors to choose from. The hair is by Salon de GLOW and on sale on for only 60L. There are two hair styles you can pick from at this great price. The boots are by Deco, and once more I wearing the The Mesh Project head, body, and Tableau Vivant tone one Felix appliers. In the background all decor items come from the No Concept gacha. It's on sale at only 40L a pull. These items are all nicely made. The clock keeps real time and you can adjust the time zone too. It comes in either white or black. The door with lamp is the rare. I love the little detail of the plug and electrical socket too. Next is the Ladder, and two stools with many good poses for girls and guys. (You can see two of the poses on the stools on my Big Ben Bats post.) Last is the Dice lamp. I scaled it smaller for table top size. The gacha is on sale and prices will go back up once the event ends. Run go get the deals, gang!
On Him:
Shirt, jacket, glove: Gabriel Leather MA1 / Black, Leather Glove [mesh](Creators Collection Box)(300L)
Jeans: LikeA DOUBLE WAIST DENIM DW303, DW303 Bottom C [mesh](Creators Collection Box)(280L)
Hair: Salon de GLOW <hairpieces> M-09 - Blacks Ash (Creators Collection Box)(60L)
Boots: DECO Coalcracker Boots - coal [mesh](200L)
Head skin applier: Tableau Vivant TMP Head Felix applier - Tone 1(600L)
Body skin applier: Tableau Vivant TMP body applier - Tone 1(400L)
Hair base applier: Unorthodox Carter Hair Base Pack (550L)
Head: TheMeshProject (BETA) Head(m) - Anime (Deluxe) [mesh](5000L)
Body: TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Body [mesh](5000L)
Eyes: S0NG Winter - Sky Eye [mesh] (50L)
Pose: Diesel Works Drogo1 (90L)
Lamp 1: No Concept wall lamp black, gacha [mesh](Creators Collection Box)(40L)
Table: No Concept high table, gacha [mesh](Creators Collection Box)(40L)
Door, lamp: No Concept door+lamp RARE, gacha [mesh](Creators Collection Box)(40L)
Ladder: No Concept iron ladder, gacha [mesh](Creators Collection Box)(40L)
Lamp2: No Concept dice lamp, gacha [mesh](Creators Collection Box)(40L)
Stool 1: No Concept wood high stool, gacha [mesh](Creators Collection Box)(40L)
Stool 2: No Concept iron low stool, gacha [mesh](Creators Collection Box)(40L)