UPDATE: Avea Heartsick makes beautiful skin textures for men, women, and femboys. When word got out her computer had died and she would have to close shop, people rallied around her and the fund drive was born. 42 stores have donated products. There are even fantasy shapes, poses, and tattoos for the guys. (In the picture above I am wearing Avea's Neo Candy tattoo, 75L. Looks pretty cool for male geisha!) Go to Avea Heartsick Fundraiser. The Avea Heartsick mainstore is also having a sale on skins. Read more here: for-aeva-heartsick-fundraiser-event.html. Event ends May 14th.
Le Petitie Mort is raising funds to save her precious cat Alli. She has marked down her skin Wixson to 100L, and there is also with a cute catface tattoo for 10L that can be worn by the guys too. There are 2 other items for sale and tip jar. Go to: Le Petitie Mort You can read about Alli's progress here https://lapetitemortesl.wordpress.com.
Oh yes.... Oh yes..., the mother of all Goth Day Events is almost here and it takes place right inside Secondlife! Mark your calendars, save up your Ls, practice your dance moves, and get your goth threads ready because the fun begins May 15th. This is an event not to be missed with many of the best Gothic Stores in SL participating in the Fair. Money raised will go to the Sophie Lancaster Foundation. Watch for more news at http://worldgothfair.wordpress.com.