"Cajsa’s Choice was a tough one this week. More than one new blog has excellent photos. More than one has a unique perspective and more than one has bloggers who write. Those are the things I look for in choosing blogs to highlight. However, I have to pick just one, so I will go with Bishie Style SL by Devin Vaughn. Bishie Style SL combines intriguing and original photos that feature a storyline. It’s a clever concept and I like it."
I feel so honored! Cajsa is person who looks at a lot blogs. I'm talking A LOT of blogs. It's absolutely wonderful to know an expert on SL blogs finds my strange ways interesting. lol. Thanks to Cajsa, readers, and designers who all give me encouragement. ^^
You can read the full article here: Updates to Blogging Second Life for the Week Ending March 31st
p.s. My next big project will be World Goth Fair. I have ideas for the next "phototelling" series, but I won't really know what I have to work with until we are closer to May. I came up with a story idea around the event last year and I think it's really good. *crosses fingers*