Showing posts with label kosmii&mizu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kosmii&mizu. Show all posts

Friday, December 24, 2021

Salvage Station: The Restaurant at the End of the World

(click to enlarge)

The Restaurant at the End of the World by DevinVaughn

’Twas the day before Christmas on top of Old New York,
A wind turbine was stirring, making power with torque;
The meal was prepared by busy Bots with care,
In hopes that rare customers would soon be there;
Owner Claus was nestled all snug in his furs,
While holiday cheer warmed the restaurateur;
And Ruby the Red Leg Slayer with her Zombie Claymore,
protected the cobbled together outpost against war.
There were no gifts, or days of scavenging in crippling fear;
Only love, joy, and hope for a better Christmas next year.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and New Years everyone!

On Him, Claus:
Mask: Butanik83 Scavenger Mask [mesh](Salvage Station)(250L)
Jacket: Badwolf Toxic Jacket [mesh](Salvage Station)(499L)
Tablet: kosmii & mizu Industrial DataPad [mesh](Salvage Station)(699L)
Headband: Rise [ rD ] Exodus Fauxhawk [mesh](Salvage Station)(399L)
Glasses: KROVA X-Specs - BLK [mesh](Salvage Station)(175L)
Earring: Normandy 0.50Cal.EarRings [Animesh](Salvage Station)(200L)
Boots: Lapointe & Bastchild L&B Swear Patrol Combat Boot [mesh](899L)
Hair: Raven Bell Mack Hair[mesh](350L)
Fur: Gabriel GB:: FUR Stole (Gray) Rare, gacha [mesh]
Pants, belt: LOB Stylepunk pants [mesh](199L)
Head: LeLUTKA lel EvoX KANE 3.1 [mesh](3990L)
Body: TheShops [BODY] Athletic Meshbody (Legacy)(m) (1.0) [mesh](5000L)
Pose: Del May Need socks

On her, Ruby the Red Pegleg Slayer:
To see Aarya Phantomhive's complete stylecard and continuing story, go to: Dark Phantom Blog
Top: AsteroidBox Survivor Shirt [mesh](Salvage Station)(269L)
Leg: Cubic Cherry Rust pegleg [mesh](Salvage Station)(275L)
Helmet: Evil Baby Artillery Shell Helmet [mesh](Salvage Station)(399L)
Necklace: Static The Orthodontist [mesh](Salvage Station)(225L)
Pants: Hotdog Torn leg trousers [mesh](Salvage Station)(250L)

Setting, the Restaurant at the End of the World:
Metal Fence: SEKAI Metal Fence [mesh](Salvage Station)(299L)
Chair: Violetility Boom Chair [mesh](Salvage Station)(150L)
Dining Set: Eclectica Curiosities Wasteland Dining Set [mesh](Salvage Station)(395L)
Guests: RachelBReaker PretendFriends [mesh](Salvage Station)(250L)
Robot: StudioDire /sD/ Rust Bucket - NPC [mesh](Salvage Station)(105L)
Turbine, stairs: Crocodoggle [CD] Newhaven Maintenance Stairs, Utility Tower [mesh](Salvage Station)(499L)
Bus Shelter: ChiC Buildings [Cb] A Place Called Home [mesh](Salvage Station)(750L)
Lamp: Static Glass Scrap Lantern {Burning} [mesh](Salvage Station)( 245L)
Butler Accessories: Silvery K Cloth of the butler, Tea set Tray[mesh]
Land: Studio Skye Skye Land Forms Snow 64m Flat [mesh](199L)
Snow: Dysfunctionality [DDD] Snow Piles & Snow Dust [mesh]
Platform: Entity AntiZombie Liberty Refuge [mesh]

Thanks for your help, Aarya!