Wednesday, July 3, 2013

HUNT NEWS: The Return of Room 326

Mad City by the Madpeas opens today and runs until the end of the month. This hunt brings back the gorgeous Peacock Hotel by Never Totally Dead and the fantastic downpour of Madpea Noir. The cityscape is expanded with a larger city block and a park with open dancefloor. Many places for cool photo ops.

And for your burning questions about Mad City, here's a direct reply from Momma Pea herself and Yuna Khaos:
Dev: I have a question. I did Room 326 on the first round. I see the city has expanded. Are there more changes from the first time? 
Kiana Writer: Devin, story is same
Dev: ok. Prizes also?
Kiana Writer: new prizes and stores and of course surprises too ;)
Yuna Khaos:  Everyone is more then welcome to walk around. There are shops around the sim you guys can go shopping at.
So there you have it!  Crack out your trenchcoats detectives. Put on your spike heels Femme Fatals. 'Cos this hunt is going to have some awesome new prizes. And don't forget to explore the newly expanded Mad City. For more information, go HERE.

BONUS:  Here's a sneak peek at the people behind Madpeas and the upcoming new game UNIA from the popular Drax Files series.

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