Friday, January 31, 2014
Alice in RMK 2014 is coming soon!
Alice in RMK 2014 is coming soon!
RMK Gothic is proud to announce it's biggest festival yet, "Alice in RMK 2014." The sim will be dyed in the color of Alice in Wonderland from March 1st to the 31st. The popular Bunny Hunt will return, as well as the Dance Show, and introducing this year a Market in the theme of Alice in Wonderland!
Please look forward to the Alice event at RMK Gothic!
Check the official blog for more details:
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Hackers of Mars: Sanctuary in the Sky
(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: As Static Charge's ship landed on a private sky home landing pad, two people were waiting for his arrival. They quickly hid him below, out of view. Many questions were asked about life in the mines and in the sky. Static soon discovered the "Sanctuary in the Sky" was no sanctuary at all. It was populated with genetically engineered hybrids, just like on the surface, but these slaves were designed to cater to every comfort and desire of the Mars Lords. Their lives only appeared glamorous. There were true horrors in the sky his two new friends would not even dare to whisper in the shadows.Its been fun to do something a space opera flavor. lol. Fulli is wears a great gown by Junbug at Collarbor88 and the sale is ending soon! Go get this while it's still at a low low price! It comes in several different colors, and you can pick up a fur wrap and matching clutch too. Her headdress and hair are by Tukinowaguma. The cool Viron collar by Rosal has animating light textures which you can tint any color you like. She's wear two makeups by Nuuna to create a scifi geisha look. On her raised hand is one piece of the DiGi Grid Defender Equinox set. (I'm loving the the Grid Defender idea!) This incredibly gorgeous scifi elegant home is by Fanatik. It's all one piece mesh, no rez box. ...And don't forget, Cursed Events' Futurewave is coming soon!
On Her, Sky Maiden:
Dress: Junbug Instant Crush in Pearl [mesh] (Collarbor88) (188L)
Collar: Rosal VIRON-M Neck Corset - White [mesh] (399L)
Tattoo: Nuuna Zion 2 White tat. (100L)
Makeup: Nuuna makeups v11 (300L)
Lips: The Little Black Dress LBD-Glossy-Sheer-Lipstick-12-Pack (149L)
Hair: Tukinowaguma Enid White (200L)
Headress: Tukinowaguma Louison+Silver Jewelry (300L)
Hand FX: DiGi Arms Equinox (19L)
Hands: Slink Hands Relax [mesh] (450L)
House: Fanatik Sky Tower [mesh] (3800L)
(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Among the denizens of the sky was a manservant named Yuu. He was hopelessly in love with the Sky Maiden he was meant to protect until she was of age to marry the Lord of the South. She was exactly engineered to the taste of his master. The thought of that vicious beast ever touching her drove him insane. He concocted a desperate plan to escape to the Earth. Time was running out. It was Yuu who hacked the main sever and inserted a vulnerably that allowed Static Charge to enter the Skyzone.
Yuu is wearing the new hair Kirito by Ayashi. It has a kawaii boyishness to it that's great on mesh anime head as well the default avi. The hair is unrigged hair so you can scale it on the xyz. The face and ear piercings are all mesh by House of Darcy. Each piece is separate so you can move it around for a good fit. Piercings come in several colors, I'm wearing Frost. The piercings work great with the mesh ears by Mandala. The Kabuki Shishi outfit by Barerose is fun. It's part military, part kimono. You can wear in two ways, but if you go without the jacket there is not an alpha for shirtless, so you may need to borrow an alpha from different off-the-shoulder kimono. The headdress is Air Shen by AIR and can you believe this is a gacha? The detail is so beautiful. Give it a spin for 50L and see what color you get. Yes I am wearing a mesh eyelash again. If you wondering about trying it, but dont want to spend alot, try the Del's Mesh eyelashes for 20L. It will require editing, but if you're handy at editing it's not trouble. What I did here was use the lower eyelash only for a more manly Clockwork Orange type style. Wearing only the lower lash is also great because there is no problem with blinking. lol. This skin is great past group gift from Tableau Vivant. To mix it up and give it a whole new look, I combined the Tableau Vivant Vincent white eye makeup with the Nuuna male makeup. The side stripe echoes the off the shoulder kimono. To give Yuu a more sensual look, I added a excellent freebie teeth tattoo by Avea Heartsick. I don't think it's still available, but you might some other great goodies in the Avea Archives. The Ice Collar you can pick up for free at the Open Collar hubs. I matched Yuu's frosty coloring for his nails too. It took several trail and errors before I found a Hello Dave nail applier for Slink that match his coloring and also work for a more manly style nail. The eyes by S0NG I picked up at RMK Frost Fair. They look awesome with a blueish reflection. The eyes by S0NG you find at the main store. They come in only one size, mesh and system.
On Him, Yuu:
Hair: Ayashi Kirito hair - white [mesh] (250L)
Piercings: Haus of Darcy KYO Mesh Ear Piercing, Facial Piercing - Frost [mesh] (150L)
Ears: Mandala Unisex Simple Ears [mesh] (297L)
Headdress: AIR Air_Shen Zhou Hair Accessory Snow, Gacha (50L)
Jacket, Kimono, pants, boots: BareRose Simple Kabuki Shishi [mesh] (190L)
Eyelashes: Del's Mesh Lashes (edited) [mesh] (20L)
Collar: Open Collar Ice Collar (1L)
Teeth: Aeva // Heartsick Gift teeth layer (free)
Makeup: Tableau Vivant Vincent Make up 13 White (80L)
Tattoo: Nuuna makeups v12 male (300L)
Nails: Hello Dave Slink Avatar Enhancement Nail Appliers - December Frost (99L)
Hands: Slink Male Hands Relax (450L)
Eyes: S0NG Frost~ Frozen Eye (50L)
Skin: Tableau Vivant Marilyn Skin - Group Gift a (past)
Avea Heartsick,
Devin Vaughn,
Haus of Darcy,
Hello Dave,
Open Collar,
Pink Fuel,
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Year of the Horse: 2014
(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Proudly, she stepped forward. Her arm reached out to lead the mystic creature. His year had come. It was time to lead him down the great hall so he could spread his wings and fly. Was he an angel of joy and opportunity, or was he the harbinger of misery and stagnation? The Horse's true nature shall be revealed.Happy Year of the Horse! This is a special post for Fulli, who loves horses and her sign is also the Horse. I'm very happy she's back on the blog after she had a serious injury a month ago. She is not completely recovered but wants to do her best. She is modeling the cool complete gothic avatar Lilith from Bite & Claw that includes skin, eyes, fangs, dress, and boots. It's available now at the Fantasy Collective. She is wearing a fantastic hunt creation by LaNoir Soleil Design for the Lady Dark Hunt. Her beautiful elegant collar is from the Frost Fair gacha by Theater Chain, and still available to play! If you are lucky you can win an adorable Baby Christmas dress and half bonnet in baby blue.
I am wearing the quarter horse avi and mod kit by Breeder's Choice. My horns are by Belial Japan Development. The rest of the look is by Abaddon Arts: demon wings, piercings, mane and tail, and custom skin and eyes. Mr Abaddon Axelrad of Abaddon Arts answered my questions, helped me solve a problem with my avi (I needed the update! oops), and even let me buy one of his custom skins not currently out for sale. Thanks!
Fulli wishes you all a "Happy Year of the Horse \o/," and "don't gallop in the wrong way :P <3" lol
On Her, Lilith:
Dress, boots, eyes, skin, fangs: Bite and Claw Lilith Avatar [mesh] (Fantasy Collective)(399L)
Collar: Theater Chain +T*C+Antique Choker - black gacha [mesh] (50L)
Hair, Horns: LaNoir Soleil Designs LDH Imogen, Luximaal horns [mesh] (Lady Dark Hunt)(1L)
Collar: Theater Chain +T*C+Antique Choker - black gacha [mesh] (50L)
Hair, Horns: LaNoir Soleil Designs LDH Imogen, Luximaal horns [mesh] (Lady Dark Hunt)(1L)
On Him, Horse of 2014:
Horns: Belial Japan Development [BjD] Horn-Vainglory (edit) [mesh] (680L)
Horns: Belial Japan Development [BjD] Horn-Vainglory (edit) [mesh] (680L)
Avatar: Breeder's Choice BC Quarter Horse Avatar Black [mesh] (3000L)
Avatar: Breeder's Choice BC Quarter Horse Mod kit [mesh] (200L)
Avatar: Breeder's Choice BC Quarter Horse Mod kit [mesh] (200L)
Wings: Abaddon Arts Demonic Wings - white (349L)
Mane, Tail: Abaddon Arts Galaxy Brite Mane, Tail - White (599L)
Piercings: Abaddon Arts Bridge Piercings (30L)
Nose Piercings: Abaddon Arts Nostril Piercings (20L)
Skin, Eyes: Abaddon Arts PinkNose Texture Pack, Fire eye (not available)
Nose Piercings: Abaddon Arts Nostril Piercings (20L)
Skin, Eyes: Abaddon Arts PinkNose Texture Pack, Fire eye (not available)
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
FabFree Photo Challenge – Then vs. Now
Here's my submission to the FabFree Then vs. Now photo challenge. On the left is my favorite "baby picture" from my first month in SL. This is what I consider my main avatar in SL and it has grown and improved over time along with me.
When I first landed inworld in 2011, I was completely smitten with Secondlife. The ocean amazed me, and so did gestures and AO. Everything was new. This picture was taken at a sim was called Hope. I had wonderful time exploring the romantic settings. Couples danced on glowing pools, you could hide in a field of grain and rain, or just enjoy the view from the airship in the sky. It was a magical place for this noob.
If you want to see what other people have submitted for the Then vs Now Photo Challenge, head over to the FabFree Photo Challenge Flickr Pool.
And now about the Freebies! The closeup doesn't show it too well, but I'm wearing a group gift I picked up today from No Salvation Designs. The store has cool gothic themed clothing for men and women. The group gifts are 1L and 25L. There is a midnight mania board here too for men and women. The scarf is an oldie but a goodie freebie from Mr Poet. It includes resize and color change scripts. My favorite eyeliner is also an oldie but a goodie freebie from CL-NINE. I like that it's smudgy under the eye and not over the eye. Eyeliner on top of the eye lid is usually "feminine" to me, but a messy smudge under the eye is "masculine." CLnine is the only eyeliner I have found that does that in a way I like.
On Him, 2014:
Hair: Wasabi Pills Sebastian Mesh Hair - Iceberg [mesh](250L)
Scarf: Mr Poet Wide Scarf (free)
Jacket, Shirt, Tie: No Salvation Designs Men's Forsaken Skulls (25L, group gift)
Eyeliner: CL-NINE CL9v2l_HeadEyeline01C(bk)(free)
Eyes: S0NG Winter Violet Eye (50L)
Skin: Tableau Vivant Nathan - tone 1 - blond (990L)
Okay, now I have to get back to a RL project that's been keeping me busy this month. I will try to get some more posts in on the blog. Hackers of Mars part 2 is coming soon....

When I first landed inworld in 2011, I was completely smitten with Secondlife. The ocean amazed me, and so did gestures and AO. Everything was new. This picture was taken at a sim was called Hope. I had wonderful time exploring the romantic settings. Couples danced on glowing pools, you could hide in a field of grain and rain, or just enjoy the view from the airship in the sky. It was a magical place for this noob.
And here I am today, 30 months later, checking out the Fantasy Collective.What I noticed about myself, and also my friends, is that it seems our avatars "grow up" the longer we are in-world. In our first pictures we look like kids with a teenager's fashion sense, and now we are like adults with a more elegant fashion style. But it's not just us, SL and content creators are also improving slowly over time and that directly effects how our avatars look.
If you want to see what other people have submitted for the Then vs Now Photo Challenge, head over to the FabFree Photo Challenge Flickr Pool.
And now about the Freebies! The closeup doesn't show it too well, but I'm wearing a group gift I picked up today from No Salvation Designs. The store has cool gothic themed clothing for men and women. The group gifts are 1L and 25L. There is a midnight mania board here too for men and women. The scarf is an oldie but a goodie freebie from Mr Poet. It includes resize and color change scripts. My favorite eyeliner is also an oldie but a goodie freebie from CL-NINE. I like that it's smudgy under the eye and not over the eye. Eyeliner on top of the eye lid is usually "feminine" to me, but a messy smudge under the eye is "masculine." CLnine is the only eyeliner I have found that does that in a way I like.
On Him, 2014:
Hair: Wasabi Pills Sebastian Mesh Hair - Iceberg [mesh](250L)
Scarf: Mr Poet Wide Scarf (free)
Jacket, Shirt, Tie: No Salvation Designs Men's Forsaken Skulls (25L, group gift)
Eyeliner: CL-NINE CL9v2l_HeadEyeline01C(bk)(free)
Eyes: S0NG Winter Violet Eye (50L)
Skin: Tableau Vivant Nathan - tone 1 - blond (990L)
Okay, now I have to get back to a RL project that's been keeping me busy this month. I will try to get some more posts in on the blog. Hackers of Mars part 2 is coming soon....

Thursday, January 9, 2014
Hackers of Mars
(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: The Mars colony was a dreadful place. Corporations ruled over all aspects of the colony. Their sole purpose was to create more profit. They even genetically breed their own slave labor force.
At The Men's Department is a fantastic deal from Tableau Vivant. Remember the cool wild colored Damon skins I have shown in the past? Well now you a can get a normal skin color version of the Damon skin for only 300L. And introducing for the first time, Tableau Vivant is adding hair layers for facial scruff, chest hair, and happy trail. I'm wearing the happy trail (see image below). Love it. Having an option like this is great, it adds just a little more pop to a skin. Echoing the trail line, is a cool war paint tattoo from Lovely Disarray. The Tableau Vivant Damon hair is also at Men's Department. I paired it up with my favorite scalp texture by Action. The deep green eyes are a Christmas gift from Poetic Colors.
From my bag of tricks, is the NMJ BodyOil tattoo you see me using here to create a sweaty look. The goggles, boots, and rings are part of Death Row's Post Apocalyptic Nerd series and have fun power cord and floppy disk elements. You can pick them up at FaMESHed. The Male Leather sleeves, also by Death Row, fit great but if you wear Slink you will have some poke on the hand. The Control Alt Delete rings are also made for the default hand, I tried to make work on the Slink hand as best as I could. All Death Row are wonderfully made, textured, and shockingly affordable for original content! Go load up on the coolness! <3 DRD

You guys know I am crazy for boots right? The new Death Row Post Apocalyptic Nerd stomp boots are easily one of my favorites. They're just so fun to look at with details like power cords and ancient floppy disks. For going out into harsh Mars atmosphere, I used the Death Row Tubes mask. It's one of the best mesh gasmasks you can get and I love how this looks on the back of the neck too. (see picture below) Don't be scared off by Death Row's "female" label on this armor either. It's not rigged mesh. You can edit on xyz to scale it up for a good fit. The set comes with shoulder, upper arm, lower arm and hand. The hand piece that comes with it will not fit well with Slink hands. Following Skell's tip, I picked up these great slim fit leather pants for men by Immerschoen Male, and he also send me to check out pose guru momomuller / [3M]. This one of 3M's poses above.

If you have never been to the sims of Insilico, you are in for a treat. This is one of my favorite places in SL ever since I first saw it. The Mars section has expanded recently to 2 sim with a colony city, and seems to be growing. Can't wait to see what develops.
For Scifi and CyberPunk fans, get ready for FutureWave. It's brought to you by the Cursed team (World Goth Fair, Clockwork Spiral, Gothmas by Gaslight) and it starts in February. Should be awesome!
On Him, Static Charge:
(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Hybrids were not considered people. They were property patented by their corporate makers. A Human/Martian hybrid named Static Charge dabbled in hack craft when he was not busy tolling in the mines. From my bag of tricks, is the NMJ BodyOil tattoo you see me using here to create a sweaty look. The goggles, boots, and rings are part of Death Row's Post Apocalyptic Nerd series and have fun power cord and floppy disk elements. You can pick them up at FaMESHed. The Male Leather sleeves, also by Death Row, fit great but if you wear Slink you will have some poke on the hand. The Control Alt Delete rings are also made for the default hand, I tried to make work on the Slink hand as best as I could. All Death Row are wonderfully made, textured, and shockingly affordable for original content! Go load up on the coolness! <3 DRD

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: He discovered a hole in the corporate main server's security and made a break for it.You guys know I am crazy for boots right? The new Death Row Post Apocalyptic Nerd stomp boots are easily one of my favorites. They're just so fun to look at with details like power cords and ancient floppy disks. For going out into harsh Mars atmosphere, I used the Death Row Tubes mask. It's one of the best mesh gasmasks you can get and I love how this looks on the back of the neck too. (see picture below) Don't be scared off by Death Row's "female" label on this armor either. It's not rigged mesh. You can edit on xyz to scale it up for a good fit. The set comes with shoulder, upper arm, lower arm and hand. The hand piece that comes with it will not fit well with Slink hands. Following Skell's tip, I picked up these great slim fit leather pants for men by Immerschoen Male, and he also send me to check out pose guru momomuller / [3M]. This one of 3M's poses above.

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: He successfully snuck onto an automated transport ship that would take him to the alleged, "Sanctuary in the Sky."If you have never been to the sims of Insilico, you are in for a treat. This is one of my favorite places in SL ever since I first saw it. The Mars section has expanded recently to 2 sim with a colony city, and seems to be growing. Can't wait to see what develops.
For Scifi and CyberPunk fans, get ready for FutureWave. It's brought to you by the Cursed team (World Goth Fair, Clockwork Spiral, Gothmas by Gaslight) and it starts in February. Should be awesome!
On Him, Static Charge:
Goggles: Death Row Designs Post Apocalyptic Nerd - goggles [mesh] (FaMESHed) (150L)
Rings: Death Row Designs Post Apocalyptic Nerd - rings black [mesh] (FaMESHed) (50L)
Neckwrap: Death Row Designs Post Apocalyptic Nerd - neckwrap green [mesh] (FaMESHed) (75L)
Skin: Tableau Vivant Damon II Hair - Summer Pack (Men's Department) (200L)Rings: Death Row Designs Post Apocalyptic Nerd - rings black [mesh] (FaMESHed) (50L)
Neckwrap: Death Row Designs Post Apocalyptic Nerd - neckwrap green [mesh] (FaMESHed) (75L)
Hair: Tableau Vivant Damon II Skin [mesh] (Men's Department) (300L)
Boots: Death Row Designs DRD p.a.n. stompers - nonrigged Sand [mesh] (189L)
Belt: Death Row Designs DRD Bullet Belt Male [mesh] (50L)
Mask: Death Row Designs Tubes Mask - copper [mesh] (150L)
Armor: Death Row Designs DRD Female Armor grunge (edit to fit male) [mesh] (150L)
Sleeves: Death Row Designs DRD- malesleeve - leather ripped brown [mesh]
Pants: Immerschoen Man Mesh Leather Pants 'Slim' [mesh] (159L)
Tattoo: Lovely Disarray Attitude (150L)
Eyeliner: Malice .:[M]:. Dohl - Simple Eyeliner 100% (no longer available)
Hair: Action Hair Base 04 Veganic - Platinum (107L)
Hands: Slink Male Hands Relax [mesh](450L)
Nail Polish: By Snow Fashionable Black applier for Slink hands (1L)
Tattoo: NMJ Group NMJ BodyOil Male Tattoo Ver1 (150L)
Eyes: Poetic Colors Christmas Tale [mesh] (subscribers gift)
Pose third image: momomuller [3M]*_gogogo1_1 (40L)
Boots: Death Row Designs DRD p.a.n. stompers - nonrigged Sand [mesh] (189L)
Belt: Death Row Designs DRD Bullet Belt Male [mesh] (50L)
Mask: Death Row Designs Tubes Mask - copper [mesh] (150L)
Armor: Death Row Designs DRD Female Armor grunge (edit to fit male) [mesh] (150L)
Sleeves: Death Row Designs DRD- malesleeve - leather ripped brown [mesh]
Pants: Immerschoen Man Mesh Leather Pants 'Slim' [mesh] (159L)
Tattoo: Lovely Disarray Attitude (150L)
Eyeliner: Malice .:[M]:. Dohl - Simple Eyeliner 100% (no longer available)
Hair: Action Hair Base 04 Veganic - Platinum (107L)
Hands: Slink Male Hands Relax [mesh](450L)
Nail Polish: By Snow Fashionable Black applier for Slink hands (1L)
Tattoo: NMJ Group NMJ BodyOil Male Tattoo Ver1 (150L)
Eyes: Poetic Colors Christmas Tale [mesh] (subscribers gift)
Pose third image: momomuller [3M]*_gogogo1_1 (40L)
Monday, January 6, 2014
Flickr User: Warning Yahoo was hacked
SL users of Flickr beware, Yahoo was hacked. Welcome to 2014 which is off to a good start dealing up some PAIN!
The news article below says it was only a few countries in Europe and Mac people are safe. But I can tell you as a Mac using American, I was hit. ...I finally recovered just moments ago. It took me all night to purge the malware and restore my system. I recommend all you Flickr users run a sweep on your system and look for JAVA exploits. (btw, JAVA effects Mac and PC alike.)
News Article HERE
Yahoo Ads Hack Spreads Malware
Millions of users exposed to drive-by malware attacks that targeted Java bugs to install six types of malicious code. by Mathew J. Schwartz visitors received an unexpected surprise beginning on New Year's Eve: advertisements that targeted their systems with malware. The malicious advertising campaign was first spotted on Friday by Dutch information security consulting firm Fox-IT, which immediately warned Yahoo. Fox-IT said in a blog post that the attack advertisements -- which were being served by -- used iFrames to hide malicious scripts. If a user clicked on the advertisement, they were redirected to a site that hosted the "Magnitude" exploit kit, which then attempted to exploit any Java vulnerabilities present on their system to install malware. "The attackers are clearly financially motivated and seem to offer services to other actors," said Fox-IT, noting that the exploit kit behind the attacks dropped six different types of malware, including the Zeus banking Trojan, Dorkbot, and a click-fraud Trojan. The greatest number of users targeted by the malicious advertisements were in Romania (24%), the United Kingdom (23%), and France (20%), according to Fox-IT. By late Friday, Fox-IT reported that "traffic to the exploit kit has significantly decreased," meaning that whatever steps Yahoo was taking to block the attack appeared to be working. How long did the attacks last? Fox-IT said the attacks appeared to have begun on Monday, Dec. 30. Yahoo initially disagreed, saying in a statement on Friday, Jan. 3, that the attacks had started that day. But by Monday, the company had revised its assessment. "Upon further investigation, we discovered that the advertisements were served between December 31 [to] January 3 -- not just on January 3," a company spokeswoman said via email. Yahoo said it acted quickly after learning of the attacks, and said they appeared to target only European users. "These advertisements were taken down on Friday, January 3," the spokeswoman said. "Users in North America, Asia Pacific, and Latin America were not served these advertisements, and were not affected. Additionally, users using Macs and mobile devices were also not affected." "We will continue to monitor and block any advertisements being used for this activity," she added. "We will be posting more information for our users shortly." How many visitors may have been exploited by the attacks? By Fox-IT's reckoning, based on the sample traffic it recorded -- about 300,000 visitors to the malicious site per hour -- and malware being dropped onto an average of 9% of those systems, it's likely that about 27,000 systems were infected every hour. Assuming that the attack campaign lasted for three days, that means 2 million Yahoo users may have been infected by malware via the attack campaign. Who launched the attacks? That's not clear, although the exploit kit used by attackers "bears similarities to the one used in the brief infection of in October 2013," said Fox-IT. In that attack, two of the servers running the site were hacked and used to serve JavaScript malware. This isn't the first information security or infrastructure snafu to affect Yahoo users in recent months. In September, the company introduced a "Not My Email" button after users of recycled account names reported that they'd received sensitive personal information intended for former accountholders. Last month, meanwhile, some users of Yahoo Mail -- which CEO Marissa Mayer has made a priority of overhauling, and which was redesigned in June 2013 -- were unable to access their webmail for up to three days. Yahoo's senior VP of communications products, Jeff Bonforte, apologized for the email outage, which he said resulted from "a hardware problem in one of our mail data centers," and which had been "harder to fix than we originally expected."
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