Flowing from deep within a dark forest is a malevolent force of grief and hatred...

To begin your adventure into a spooky story from our friends from Japan, go to the link. Straight ahead on the path is a marketplace with fun items to purchase. To the left are instructions how to play, To go to start, sit on the small shrine just right of the billboards. Once you are in the main start section, click for the English Hud (or Japanese Hud). Be sure to ACCEPT the popup menu for Experiences. This is needed to proceed, and it will keep track of your progress in the game/story. (NOTE: If at any point, the story doesn’t automatically start, walk a bit and it will trigger.)

All set? Good! Now walk forward through the rows of red Torrii gates. The hud will popup. You can choose Start, or Continue. (If you have already started the game, choose continue or else it will erase all your progress.) The story prologue beings from Koma's point of view. Step forward once more, the prologue from the Professor's point of view will play. Continue on the path, and the Survivor's point of view will play. Once you reach the end of the path, right-click+sit on the doors to move to the next stage. Now the main story begins.
To unlock new chapters of the story as you go along, you must complete certain tasks. You start in the library. You need to find a total of 10 books/magazines. As you find them, they will be added to your HUD at the top of your screen. Once you have found them all, touch the doors of the library to move to the next stage.
Oh no! The diary has a security spell on it! To escape from Grandma's Twisted Dimension Maze, you must find the map of the First Family's house. You will know you found it when you see a table in the center of the room with the map on top, highlighted by a bright green transparent box around it. Touch it to reveal all of Grandma's secrets, and enter the next stage.